CN4003: Staffing Plan


What are three elements that you need to know in order to make a successful staffing plan? Explain the importance of each of the three elements.

CN4003: Staffing Plan
Creating an effective staffing plan is crucial for any organization to function properly and achieve its goals. A well-developed staffing plan considers the current and future human resource needs of the business and outlines how those needs will be met. There are three core elements that must be addressed in order to create a successful staffing plan: job analysis, forecasting staffing needs, and recruitment strategies.
Job Analysis
The first step in developing a staffing plan is conducting a thorough job analysis for each role in the organization. A job analysis identifies the key responsibilities, required qualifications, and skills needed to perform a job successfully (Cascio & Aguinis, 2018). It provides an overview of the tasks, duties, and expectations for each position. Conducting accurate job analyses is important for several reasons.
First, job analyses help ensure that job descriptions accurately reflect the current requirements of each role. Outdated or inaccurate job descriptions can lead to hiring mismatches where candidates are either over or underqualified for openings. Regularly reviewing and updating job analyses and descriptions prevents this issue and improves recruitment and selection outcomes (Cascio & Aguinis, 2018).
Second, job analyses provide the foundation for developing valid performance metrics and competency models. Understanding the tasks and expectations of each job allows for the creation of meaningful key performance indicators that can be used to evaluate employee performance (Cascio & Aguinis, 2018). Competency models identify the core competencies (e.g. communication skills, problem-solving ability) required to perform well. These tools aid in training, development, and succession planning efforts.
Third, job analyses support compliance with employment legislation. Laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act require employers to consider reasonable accommodations for applicants and employees with disabilities (Cascio & Aguinis, 2018). Thorough job analyses document the essential functions of each role to determine whether accommodations would pose an undue hardship. Overall, regularly conducting job analyses is a crucial first step in developing an effective staffing plan.
Forecasting Staffing Needs
The second element that must be addressed is forecasting future staffing needs. Workforce planning involves using organizational strategies and metrics to project human resource requirements over time (Bew & Pokorny, 2017). Forecasting staffing needs involves considering factors like anticipated business growth or decline, expected retirements or turnover, and new roles that may need to be created.
Accurate forecasting allows organizations to stay ahead of staffing requirements instead of constantly playing catch up (Bew & Pokorny, 2017). It enables proactive recruitment efforts versus last minute hires. Advanced planning is also important given the time it takes to recruit qualified candidates. For example, specialized roles may require extensive national or international searches.
Forecasting further supports succession planning by identifying roles where replacements will be needed in the near future due to impending retirements (Bew & Pokorny, 2017). This provides lead time to develop internal talent through training, coaching, and job rotations. Overall, incorporating workforce planning and forecasting models into the staffing plan helps ensure organizations have the right number and types of employees available when and where they are needed.
Recruitment Strategies
The final element is outlining clear recruitment strategies. Once staffing needs are projected, the plan must specify how those needs will be met through a combination of internal and external recruitment efforts (Mathis & Jackson, 2016). Internal strategies may involve promotions, transfers between departments, job postings, career development programs, and succession planning initiatives.
External recruitment strategies encompass the specific sourcing tactics that will be used such as which job boards, associations, or social networks the organization will leverage to attract candidates (Mathis & Jackson, 2016). They also cover decisions around paid versus unpaid sources of applicants. Additional considerations include whether to use retained search firms, on-campus recruiting, employee referrals, or open houses.
Recruitment strategies must be tailored to source candidates with the skills and qualifications to match projected needs. They should leverage the most cost-effective options available given budget constraints. Measuring the effectiveness and cost-per-hire of different tactics allows organizations to optimize recruitment budgets over time (Mathis & Jackson, 2016). Outlining clear recruitment strategies as part of the staffing plan ensures a proactive and targeted approach to filling openings.
In summary, developing a successful staffing plan requires addressing job analysis, forecasting future staffing needs, and outlining recruitment strategies. Thorough job analyses lay the foundation for all other HR processes. Workforce planning and forecasting models allow organizations to project and prepare for future human resource requirements. Finally, recruitment strategies specify how staffing needs will be met through a blend of internal and external sourcing initiatives. Together, these three elements form the core of any comprehensive staffing plan.
Bew, J., & Pokorny, B. (2017). Strategic workforce planning: A guide for mid-sized businesses. Strategic HR Review, 16(3), 121-125. dissertation writing assitance.
Cascio, W. F., & Aguinis, H. (2018). Applied psychology in human resource management (8th ed.). Pearson.
Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2016). Human resource management (15th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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