Ethical Self Analysis. Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary:After watching the videos “Deontology” and “Consequentialism” and completing this week’s readings, I want you to identify which ethical theory perspective you find most closely aligned with your perspective. Try to pull in examples from your own experience. After choosing the broad perspective you found most similar to your own thought process, highlight the specific points that resonate with your thinking. Which forms of deontology or consequentialism do you support, or do you combine them? If you can indicate any reason you have with alining more in one camp of thought that the other. The paper will need to be 3-5 pages in length pages in length and will be a self-analysis • You will need to understand which school of thought you personally fall into when it comes to ethical decision making.



. In my view, ethical decision-making involves considering both deontological and consequentialist perspectives. While some theories prioritize one over the other, I believe the most prudent approach integrates both schools of thought.
Let me start by outlining the key differences between deontology and consequentialism. Deontology, as the video explained, focuses on adhering to rules and duties. Under this view, an action is morally right or wrong based on whether it respects an individual’s rights and freedoms. Consequentialism, by contrast, assesses morality based on outcomes and consequences. An act is deemed ethical if it produces the best overall results.
In practice, I find myself weighing both the means and ends of an action. For example, in my work as a professional writer, I aim to respect copyright and attribution guidelines (deontology) while also writing a UK dissertation assignment pro papers masters thesis writing – creating works that inform and benefit readers (consequentialism). Similarly, in my personal life, I strive to act with integrity and respect towards others (deontology), but also consider how my decisions might impact communities and society at large (consequentialism).
While no single theory captures every Study bay academic papers grad writers research prospect, combining deontological and consequentialist viewpoints offers a more holistic perspective in my view. Both the method and material effects of an act require consideration. No decision exists in a vacuum; our duties to principles and people are entwined with reality’s complex consequences. An ethical choice considers both means and ends through open-minded and empathetic reflection.
In summary, I find aspects of both deontology and consequentialism resonate with my decision-making process. My ethical approach integrates duties and outcomes, principles and pragmatism. While reasonable people can disagree on where to draw lines, appreciating multiple sides aids wise and compassionate judgment. Such balanced, multifaceted thinking guides me in my work and life.

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