ITECH 3101 | Assessment Task 3

Type: Video presentation/essay
Due Date: Sunday, 19 May

• Your written documentation must be submitted in the link provided in Moodle.
The name of your written documentation should be your name plus your ID.
• Your completed video must be uploaded to YouTube as an unlisted file so that it is only accessible to anyone who is given a link to the file. This link must be included in the document you have created for the assignment. This is so your video is accessible to the marker. If the video is not accessible, then it will not be marked.

Objectives of assessment task 3

The purpose of this assignment is to:
• Critically evaluate the keys to successful business intelligence and analytics for decision support
• Communicate professionally to present a coordinated, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas in dealing with business analytics for decision support in particular
• Reflect on business analytics including major learning you have taken away from this course
• How to report results and write an essay

Details of assessment task 3

Assessment Task 3 consists of two components: Written documentation and Video presentation. In assessment task 3, you need to create a narrated digital presentation (no more than 10 minutes in length) with supporting documentations(word length: 2000).

1. Written documentation (15%, word length: 2000)

You need to create a documentation that summarizes main concept and techniques as well as addressing the following marking criteria. The purpose of this written documentation is to enable you to demonstrate proficiency in communicating professionally to present a coordinated, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas in dealing with business process analytics for IT decision support. Your written documentation must include:
• An introduction that states your completing the course, where it introduces learning journey of your course such as attending lecture, doing assignment and attending weekly study in the current learning environment.
• Summarizing ONE of the emerging technologies that may impact analytics, BI, and business decision support. Considering why this technology is important and how analytics are powering consumer applications and creating a new opportunity for entrepreneurship for analytics.
• Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe and discuss business intelligence and analytics for decision support. This may include o select one of case studies or applications introduced from week 1 to week 11
o describe and critically discuss what problems, challenges of the application you selected are and how we would solve the problems and what solutions are
o explain and discuss what the principles of the approaches used (e.g., neural network, clustering, or big data, etc) are
• Reflection on the major learning you have taken away from this course and the impact it may or may not play on your current (or future) learning practices.

It should be noted that this is not an exclusive list but suggestions of how you might approach the assignment.

2. Video presentation (10%)

You are required to do a presentation (no more than 10 minutes) using visual tools of your choice which clearly addresses the criteria below. This is an assessable component of your assignment. Your video will be a summary version of the assessment task 3. Please ensure that you articulate introduction of yourself; how you complete your weekly lab projects; what the challenges are and how you handle them, and include at least one piece of examples evidence to support your presentation.

3. Marking guide for the written documentation

The written documentation of assessment task 3 will consist of 15% of your final mark for this course. Use the following guide to structure the written documentation of the assignment. The marking criteria used to mark your work is as follows:

Marking criteria Comments(marks)
An introduction that states your completing the course
• College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline learning journey of your course such as attending, lab adequately 2
Summarizing one of the emerging technologies
• Consider what this technology is;
• consider why it is important;
• consider how it powers business applications and creates a new opportunity 4
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe and discuss business intelligence and analytics for decision support
• select one of case studies or applications
• describe and critically discuss what problems, challenges of the application
• explain and discuss what the principles of the approaches used adequately 4
Reflection on the major learning
• Reflection on the major learning you have taken away from this course
• impact it may or may not play on your current (or future) learning practices
Written presentation to an acceptable undergraduate standard including word constraints 3

Total marks /15


• Software will be used to check plagiarism and academic misconduct in the written documents. Some forms of cheating include but are not limited to collusion, plagiarism and using free or paid services to produce academic work, which is known as contract cheating.
• For example, the software will check how much similarity between your written document and other reference is.

• A penalty will be applied to the academic misconduct, depending on the degree of academic misconduct. Serious academic misconduct even leads to failure of the course.

4. Marking Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide for Video presentation

You are required to make a video presentation (no more than 10 minutes) using visual tools of your choice which clearly addresses the criteria below.

Presentation content Comments(marks)
• Introduce yourself
• College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline learning journey of your course such as attending lecture and lab adequately 2
• Consider how you complete your weekly lab projects;
• Consider what the challenges are and how you handle them,
• Articulate one of techniques or methods of BI and analytics for
decision support 2
• Reflection on the major learning you have taken away from this course
Presentation style
• Ability to adhere to time constraints
• Clear, concise, and professional delivery, flow of information and presentation 2
Total marks /10


Feedback will be given via Moodle. Marks are in fdlGrades and Moodle, and individual feedback considering each assessment criterion is provided via Moodle.

Academic misconduct

To submit your assessment task, you must indicate that you have read and understood, and comply with, the Federation University Australia Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism policies and procedures
You must also agree that your work has not been outsourced and is entirely your own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged. Additionally, you must agree that your work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program.

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