Assessment 2
• Type: Individual assessment, A Report
• Word Limit – 1500 to 2000 words, not including a
cover page, reference and appendix
• Weight: 20%
• Due Date: 11:55 pm Friday, Week 7
Task Details (see the course outline)
• Prepare an organisational cultural analysis report
where you will determine the organisational culture
of an organisation and how it dictates behaviours in
the organisation.
• You must describe the culture of the chosen
organisation by reference to the seven characteristics
of organisational culture based on the Theory of
Organisational culture.
• You must use citation and references to support the
research and findings conducted in preparing this
– Seven differentiating characteristics
1. Innovation and risk-taking
2. Attention to detail
3. Outcome orientation
4. People orientation
5. Team orientation
6. Aggressiveness
7. Stability
Organisation for the assignment
Possible Companies to Assign to Students:
• Mining – BHP, Fortescue Metals
• Banking/ Finance –Westpac, Commonwealth, NAB, ANZ
• Insurance – NRMA Car Insurance, TAL Life Limited
• Construction – Lendlease, Scentre Group, Probuild
• Health Care Manufacturing– CSL, The Ramsay Healthcare
Limited Group
• Energy – AGL, Ergon Energy
• Materials – Bunnings Group, Boral
Student may choose a company from Top 50 Australian companies
through a discussion with your tutor/ lecturer
Please note that you are not allowed to choose Coles, Woolworth,
Qantas, Virgin, Jetstar, Apple, Samsung, Airbnb, KFC, McDonald’s
• Upload a soft copy into Turnitin drop
box on the course hub
• Word file of PDF file
Research requirements
Students need to support their analysis with references.
Reference Requirements:
• Suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable
sources – check with your tutor if unsure of the validity
of sources.
• Students seeking Credit or above grades should support
their analysis with increased number of reference
sources comparable to the grade they are seeking.
Report Structure
1. Title page,
2. Executive summary,
3. Table of contents
4. Introduction
5. Body (Analysis/Discussion) with
Suitable headings and subheadings to answer four tasks.
6. Conclusions
7. Reference list (Harvard – APA referencing style).
Typed using 12 pt
Suggested number of words allocation
1. Executive summary (50 words)
2. Introduction (150 words)
3. Research Culture of seven characteristics in the
organisation(600 words)
4. Analysis how it dictates behaviours in the
organisation. (9000 words)
5. Conclusions (60 words)
Typed using 12 pt
Executive Summary
• The Executive Summary (approx. 50 words)
– Quick overview of the key outcomes of the
Approx. 150 words
a. Purpose(s) of the report
b. Importance of the purpose(s), background
c. Main plan of analytical process
d. Key outcome(s) of the report.
a. Summary of the analyses of factors
b. Weigh up key arguments and counter-arguments
c. Reconcile them with rebuttal
Presentation of the report
Do Not Use
– Fancy images,
– Coloured letters
– Water marks
– Different font size/ font style
– Your name and number on the every page
– ‘Body’ as a heading
– Any images without reference
Marking Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide
This mark will be scaled to a mark out of 20. See the
course outline for the Marking Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online
Turnitin – Similarity Report
What % is acceptable?
Turnitin – Similarity Report
Similarity percentage is not same as a
percentage of the assessment has been
High risk of fail Level
• Major Academic Misconduct
• If say more than 30% of the assessment has
been plagiarised – this would justify a zero
mark for the report
Contract Cheating
• Contract cheating is where a student commissions –
either paid or unpaid – that is offering its services to
produce academic work on the student’s behalf.
• These days, there are many online contract cheating
sites that try to attract students to behave
• It is academic misconduct. Such an incident
will be treated very seriously at CIM.

Organisational Cultural Analysis of [Chosen Company]

Executive Summary
This report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the organisational culture of [Chosen Company] and its impact on employee behaviors. By referencing the seven characteristics of organisational culture based on the Theory of Organisational Culture, the report delves into the company’s cultural aspects, such as innovation and risk-taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, and stability. Through a thorough examination of these characteristics, this report highlights how the company’s culture influences the attitudes and actions of its employees, thus shaping the overall organisational environment.

The purpose of this report is to understand and evaluate the organisational culture of [Chosen Company] and explore its effects on employee behavior. Organisational culture plays a pivotal role in shaping a company’s identity, values, and overall performance. By investigating the seven characteristics of organisational culture, this report seeks to shed light on how the company’s cultural traits drive individual and collective behaviors. A deeper understanding of these aspects will offer valuable insights into the company’s management, decision-making processes, and employee satisfaction, ultimately aiding in the development of strategies for enhancing organisational performance and productivity.

Research on Organisational Culture Characteristics in [Chosen Company]

[Chosen Company] exhibits a distinctive organisational culture, which can be analyzed based on the seven differentiating characteristics:

Innovation and Risk-taking:
Innovation is deeply ingrained within [Chosen Company]’s culture, promoting creativity and out-of-the-box thinking among its employees. The company actively encourages risk-taking and fosters an environment where new ideas are embraced and failures are viewed as learning opportunities. This approach cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability, enabling [Chosen Company] to stay ahead of its competitors.

Attention to Detail:
Precision and attention to detail are paramount in [Chosen Company]’s operations. The company prioritizes accuracy and thoroughness, ensuring the delivery of high-quality products or services to its customers. This characteristic instills a sense of diligence and responsibility among employees, contributing to the company’s reputation for excellence.

Outcome Orientation:
[Chosen Company] is highly outcome-oriented, focusing on achieving tangible results and meeting performance targets. This cultural aspect drives employees to be goal-driven and accountable for their actions, leading to increased productivity and efficiency across various departments.

People Orientation:
The company places significant emphasis on its workforce, recognizing that employees are the backbone of its success. [Chosen Company] fosters a supportive and inclusive environment, valuing employee well-being and professional growth. This people-oriented culture results in a motivated and engaged workforce, contributing to higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover rates.

Team Orientation:
Collaboration and teamwork are central to [Chosen Company]’s culture. The company encourages employees to work together, share knowledge, and leverage each other’s strengths to achieve common objectives. This collaborative spirit enhances communication and synergy among teams, ultimately boosting overall organizational performance.

In a competitive industry, [Chosen Company] embraces a certain degree of aggressiveness in pursuing market opportunities and expanding its market share. This cultural characteristic drives the company to be proactive, assertive, and ambitious, enabling it to maintain its position as a key player in the market.

Despite its proactive and innovative approach, [Chosen Company] also values stability and consistency. The company maintains a strong foundation by adhering to core principles and strategies, which provides employees with a sense of security and predictability.

Analysis of How Organisational Culture Dictates Behaviors

The organisational culture of [Chosen Company] significantly influences employee behaviors in various ways:

Employee Engagement and Commitment:
The people-oriented culture fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty among employees. When individuals feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged, committed, and dedicated to their work and the company’s mission.

Decision-Making Processes:
The culture of innovation and risk-taking empowers employees to make informed decisions and take calculated risks. This autonomy in decision-making enhances agility and efficiency within the organization.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
The team-oriented culture encourages cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing. Employees are motivated to work together, share ideas, and support one another, leading to a collective problem-solving approach and increased creativity.

Performance and Productivity:
The outcome-oriented and attention-to-detail culture drives employees to focus on achieving results and maintaining high-quality standards. This performance-driven mindset leads to enhanced productivity and overall company performance.

Adaptability and Change Management:
The combination of innovation and stability in [Chosen Company]’s culture fosters an environment where employees embrace change and adapt to new circumstances with ease. This adaptability is essential in a rapidly evolving business landscape.


In conclusion, [Chosen Company]’s organisational culture is a driving force behind its success. The characteristics of innovation and risk-taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, and stability collectively shape employee behaviors, management strategies, and overall performance. By fostering a culture that prioritizes employee well-being, collaboration, and continuous improvement, [Chosen Company] has established itself as a leading organization in its industry.

To ensure the sustained growth and success of the company, it is essential for [Chosen Company] to continue nurturing its cultural aspects, while also identifying areas for improvement. By recognizing the influence of organisational culture on employee behavior, [Chosen Company] can make informed decisions to align its culture with its long-term goals, foster innovation, and maintain a competitive edge in the market.


Schein, E. H. (2016). Organizational Culture and Leadership (5th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2018). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Denison, D. R. (2016). Denison Organizational Culture Survey. In S. G. Rogelberg (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed., pp. 339-342). SAGE Publications.

Martins, E. C., & Terblanche, F. (2016). Building Organizational Culture that Stimulates Creativity and Innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management, 3(1), 27-32. doi:10.1108/14601069610114337.

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