Leadership in group counseling

11805A mental health clinic that is understaffed asks counselors to do group work as dealing
with more clients in a given time. A counselor decides to put a notice on the bulletin board
in the clinic and sends colleagues a memorandum that asks for possible candidates for the
group. There are no provisions for the group and no individual screening for group
members. No information is given to the members about the leader’s background,
possible techniques to be used or expectations for the group, as this is believed as
potentially being not part of the group process.
The group is formed and the group leader then decides that the more information about
the group that he provides, the more the group members will try to please him. He then
decides not to discuss the procedures that he will use because he believes that is not
possible without specified goals. The group leader finds that the goals will be defined by
the group members. The leader does not feel that informed consent is really possible and
that members should follow their own paths and not adopt the group norms.
1. What do you see as ethical issues in this case study?
2. To what degree is the group leader acting in an ethical or unethical manner to
the group members? Please be specific.
3. How would you conduct the group differently?
4. How might the situation in this case be remedied?
5. Do you have any thoughts about how the unethical practice(s) may have been
After the prompted questions Add:
Case Assignment-Due no later than Sunday 11:59 PM PST on Week 4
of the course.
The case assignment must include the following:

5 – 8 pages double spaced
At least 2 references throughout the paper that is peer
APA format with reference list and in line citation
Word or PDF format only
Size 12 Font
Title page (title of the paper, name, date, class name)
Headings (including all the listed questions above in the
The case assignment should be 5 – 8 pages double spaced

Ethical Issues in Group Counseling
In the case study presented, there are a number of ethical issues that can be identified. First, the group leader has not obtained informed consent from the group members. This means that the members do not have a clear understanding of the purpose of the group, the procedures that will be used, or the risks and benefits of participating. Without informed consent, the group members cannot make an informed decision about whether or not to participate in the group.

Second, the group leader has not screened the group members for appropriateness. This means that the leader does not know whether or not the members are a good fit for the group, or whether or not they have any special needs that need to be addressed. This could potentially put the members at risk of harm.

Third, the group leader has not established clear goals for the group. This means that the members do not know what they are working towards, or how they will know when they have achieved success. This could lead to frustration and disappointment for the members.

Fourth, the group leader has not established ground rules for the group. This means that there are no clear expectations for how the members should behave, or how conflict should be resolved. This could lead to chaos and disruption in the group.

Fifth, the group leader has not been transparent about his or her own background and qualifications. This means that the members do not know who they are working with, or whether or not the leader is qualified to provide group counseling. This could lead to a lack of trust and confidence in the leader.

These are just some of the ethical issues that can be identified in the case study presented. It is important for group leaders to be aware of these issues and to take steps to address them in order to provide ethical and effective group counseling.

To what degree is the group leader acting in an ethical or unethical manner to the group members? Please be specific.
The group leader in the case study is acting in an unethical manner to the group members to a significant degree. The leader has not obtained informed consent from the members, has not screened them for appropriateness, has not established clear goals for the group, has not established ground rules for the group, and has not been transparent about his or her own background and qualifications. These actions could potentially put the members at risk of harm, and could lead to frustration, disappointment, chaos, disruption, and a lack of trust and confidence in the leader.

How would you conduct the group differently?
If I were to conduct the group, I would do things very differently. First, I would obtain informed consent from the members. This would involve providing them with a clear and concise explanation of the purpose of the group, the procedures that will be used, the risks and benefits of participating, and their rights as group members. I would also answer any questions that they have about the group.

Second, I would screen the members for appropriateness. This would involve asking them about their reasons for wanting to join the group, their expectations for the group, and their past experiences with group counseling. I would also assess their mental health status and their ability to participate in the group.

Third, I would establish clear goals for the group. This would involve working with the members to develop a shared understanding of what they want to achieve in the group. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Fourth, I would establish ground rules for the group. This would involve discussing with the members how they want to interact with each other and with the leader. The ground rules should be clear, concise, and agreed upon by all members.

Fifth, I would be transparent about my own background and qualifications. I would share with the members my training and experience in group counseling. I would also be open and honest about my own limitations.

By taking these steps, I would be able to provide ethical and effective group counseling.

How might the situation in this case be remedied?
The situation in this case could be remedied by the group leader taking the following steps:

Obtain informed consent from the group members.
Screen the members for appropriateness.
Establish clear goals for the group.
Establish ground rules for the group.
Be transparent about his or her own background and qualifications.
By taking these steps, the group leader could provide ethical and effective group counseling.

Do you have any thoughts about how the unethical practice(s) may have been avoided?
The unethical practices in this case could have been avoided if the group leader had taken the time to learn about ethical group counseling practices. There are a number of resources available to help group leaders learn about ethics, including the Ethical Code of the American Counseling Association. By taking the time to learn about ethics, group leaders can avoid making unethical decisions that could harm their clients.

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