Subject Code HOS203A
Assessment Title Report
Graduate Capabilities • Professional Expertise
• Global Citizenship
Learning Outcome/s a. Relate current concepts of gastronomy to its historical evolution.
b. Examine the relationships between people, place and cuisine.
d. Connect technological and social changes to food culture.
Assessment type Individual
Weighting % 35%
Word count 2000 words (+/-10%)
Due day 11.55pm on Sunday of Week 6
Submission type Turnitin ?
Layout of Assessment Report:
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary/ Abstract
Findings (make use of subheadings)
Reference List
Appendices (optional)
Assessment instructions In this assessment, there is a focus on food cultures from around the world (different food culture each term) in a restaurant setting. This term you will be focusing on Japanese food culture.
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For your report, you will need to:
• Research the historical evolution of the cuisine.
• Apply the multidisciplinary model to the type of cuisine and an appropriate restaurant of the same food culture in NSW. If the dishes on the menu are vast, you may wish to focus on a signature or typical dish from the region including popular ingredients from that part of the world.
• Examine how the restaurant delivers and represents the food culture, place of origin through aspects such as the table configurations (for example, communal, formal setting etc.), cutlery, menu format (for example, sharing dishes, tapas style, individual servings). Are there fusion dishes representing elements of globalisation and reflecting contemporary Australian trends?
• Analyse how the restaurant makes use of technology. This could be guest facing but could involve food production methods or service delivery. Does it reflect the social changes in our society? If so, which ones and how? Have they adapted their offering in light of the pandemic?
You must include the following in your submission:
• ICMS Cover Page
• Executive Summary: (less than 200 words) o Brief background on the type of cuisine
o Main findings o Conclusion
• Introduction: (about 15-20% of the word count- approx. 300words) o Orientation / background of the cuisine
o Methodologies used (in person visit, literature search, social media etc.)
• Body:
o Main findings organised into sub- headings of your choice o These should be logically structured to address the assessment requirements
o Include images or diagrams to reinforce your content and streamline it.
• Conclusion & Recommendations: (about 15-20% of the word count- approx. 300 words)
o Summarise the main points
o Recommendations: Could the restaurant implement anything to reflect or reinforce the type of cuisine or food culture?
• Reference List o Ensure your referencing throughout is compliant with the ICMS Style Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide. Studiosity can help with this too.
• Appendices (optional)
Readings for the assessment ü Hall and Mitchell, 2000, ‘We are what we eat: Food, Tourism, and
Globalization,’ Tourism, Culture & Communications, Vol. 2, pp. 29-37.
ü Galanakis, C. (Ed.). (2020). Gastronomy and Food Science. Academic Press.
ü Ray, K. (2016). The Ethnic Restaurateur. Bloomsbury Publishing.
ü Santich, B. (2007). The Study of Gastronomy: A Catalyst for Cultural Understanding. International Journal of the Humanities, 5(6).
ü Yazicioglu, I,Yayla, O. & Isin, A. (2021). Gastronomy and Hospitality Studies in Tourism. Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
*All available in Subjects Resources on Moodle.
Grading Criteria / Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online Please see below
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Assessment 2 – Marking Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online
Criteria HD (85-100) D
(75-84) CR (65-74) PASS (50-64) FAIL
History and Evolution
20% Reference to historical features (six and above) enhances meaning through the evolution of specific cuisine. An outstanding understanding of globalisation in relation to the cuisine. Reference to historical features (five) clearly shows evolution of the cuisine. A very good understanding of globalisation in relation to the cuisine. Historical reference gives some clear examples of evolution of the cuisine. A good
understanding of globalisation of the cuisine. Historical reference gives one or two examples but may be confused in relation to the evolution of the cuisine. Limited reference to globalisation of the cuisine. Historical references are unrelated, confused or absent in relation to the evolution of the cuisine. Minimal or absence of reference to globalisation of the cuisine.
Themes of
Production and Consumption
25% Connection to Multidisciplinary Model is consistent, fully developed and flawless. Social consumption aspects such as food culture and meaning are highly relevant. Expression provides an exemplary explanation of the production aspects of the cuisine. Connection to Multidisciplinary Model is multi-faceted and well developed. Social consumption aspects such as food culture and meaning are relevant. Expression provides a detailed explanation of the production aspects of the cuisine. Connection to Multidisciplinary Model is solid. Social consumption aspects such as food culture and meaning are somewhat relevant. Expression provides an explanation of the production aspects of the cuisine. There is some connection to Multidisciplinary Model. Social consumption aspects such as food culture and meaning are provided but may be unclear. Expression provides an explanation of the production aspects of the cuisine but may lack clarity in places. There is little or no connection to Multidisciplinary Model. Social consumption aspects such as food culture and meaning may be missing or unclear. Expression is unclear or fails to provide explanation of the production aspects of chosen ingredient or dish.
Delivery Analysis
25% Analysis of restaurant delivery is excellent. Content fully explores how the restaurant represents the food culture. Aspects of technology and social changes are eloquent and highly considered. Analysis of restaurant delivery is very good. Content explores how the restaurant represents the food culture. Aspects of technology and social changes are very well considered. Analysis of restaurant delivery is good. Content includes how the restaurant represents the food culture. Some aspects of technology and social changes are considered. Content could be further developed. Limited analysis of restaurant delivery. Some content on how the restaurant represents the food culture. Partial aspects of technology and social changes included. Content lacked clarity in parts. Minimal or absence of analysis of restaurant delivery. Little or no content on how the restaurant represents the food culture. Technology and social changes unclear, incomplete or absent.
Presentation and Structure
15% Report structure and
communication of ideas enhances readability and is free of errors. Full use of report style conventions with logical flow, appropriate sections / subsections. Highly effective Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusion resulting in a professional report. A minimum of six images/diagrams are used to clearly present findings. Report structure and communication of ideas are free of errors. Executive
Summary and Introduction state purpose clearly and outline main points succinctly. Very good use of bullet points, diagrams, and Appendix. Clear summary of final thoughts and recommendations. At least five images/diagrams are used to clearly present findings. Report structure and communication of ideas are mostly free of errors. Contents Page and Executive Summary are mostly clear. Introduction and conclusion are adequate and good editing skills evident. At least four images/diagrams are used to clearly present findings. Report structure and communication of ideas may not be completely accurate but does not detract from communication of ideas. Some editing evident. At least three images/diagrams are used to present your findings. Report structure and writing skills detracts from communication of ideas and readability. Work may look as though it is in draft form. Less than two images/diagrams are used to present findings.
Research and Referencing
15% Evidence of wide academic research (minimum of eight sources) that go beyond unit materials and support gastronomic themes in a thoughtful and interesting way. Conclusions reached are accurately synthesised from research. Referencing complies with Style Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide throughout. Wide research (at least seven sources) is evident reflecting an excellent understanding of gastronomic themes. Referencing complies with Style Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide with only minimal error. Solid research (at least six sources) enhancing
communication of gastronomic themes is evident. Referencing contains minimal errors and is mostly compliant with The Style Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide. Satisfactory research (minimum of five sources); relevance and significance is variable. Some inclusions of gastronomic themes evident. Referencing may contain some errors reflecting a lack of compliance to The Style Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide. Inadequate research (less than five) with little or no connection to gastronomic themes.
Referencing is non-existent or does not comply with Style Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide.

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