Item 1 – Written Assessment
CHCECE055 Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education and care and
CHCECE056 Work effectively in children’s education and care
These units are co-assessed
Performance Criteria Training Details CHCECE055
Training Details CHCECE056
Parts of Assessment Part 1: Quiz
Part 2: Understanding your job role and legal requirements in Children’s Services
Part 3: National Quality Standards
Part 4: Legislation in Children’s Services
Part 5: Meet legal and ethical obligations
Part 6: Giving feedback for workplace improvements
Part 7: Develop personal and professional practice
Part 8: Working in other Children’s Services
Assessment Tool All modes of study
Written Assessment Outcome
All Modes of Study
CHCECE055 Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education and care
CHCCEC056 Work effectively in children’s education and care
Feedback to Student
Learner Name:
Co-assessed units:
CHCECE055 Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education and care
CHCCEC056 Work effectively in children’s education and care
Prerequisite unit if applicable: NIL
To demonstrate a ‘satisfactory’ result, the student must meet requirements by responding to all tasks within the assessment to industry standard and unit requirements. S NYS Date of assessment judgement
Item 1: Written Assessment
Part 1: Online Quiz
Part 2: Understanding your job role and legal requirements in Children’s Services
Part 3: National Quality Standards
Part 4: Legislation in Children’s Services
Part 5: Meet legal and ethical obligations
Part 6: Giving feedback workplace improvements
Part 7: Develop personal and professional practice

Part 8: Working in other Children’s Services
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If your result is NYS, you may need further training. Complete the following requirements and resubmit your assessment.
Feedback to Learner:
Date/instructions required for Re-Assessment:
Part/Question(s) needing attention Requirements

Assessor comments: (including any further comments about resubmission)
Written Assessment
Initial Assessment Decision ? Satisfactory
? Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date:
Re-Assessment Decision
(if applicable) ? Satisfactory
? Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date:
Final Written Assessment Result ? Satisfactory
? Not Yet Satisfactory
I confirm the assessment outcome is as indicated above. Where competency has been awarded, the evidence supplied and reviewed has been assessed as meeting all the requirements of the unit of competency. I have provided timely feedback to the student for each part of the assessment listed above.
Assessor Name: Assessor Signature: Date:

Student declaration to undertake assessment
Am I Ready to Complete This Assessment?
This self-assessment checklist is a helpful way to check you are prepared to undertake this assessment.
Please complete this checklist on Moodle via the Pre-Assessment Quiz.
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I have accessed and read the learning guide for this unit
I have read the ‘Unit Overview’ for this unit of study
I have read the assessment instructions for this specific assessment task

Written Assessment
Part 1: Quiz

1. A Responsible Person role is a person approved by management or the approved provider to be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the service. (CHCECE055 Ke 4.4.1)
2. Minimum requirements for a responsible person in charge includes: (please choose three correct answers) (CHCECE055 Ke 4.4.1)
a. Be 18 years or older
b. The person consents to the placement in writing.
c. Show a history of compliance
d. Hold a Diploma or higher
e. Have an excellent rapport with children
3. What is the educator to child ratio for children birth-24 months in NSW? (choose one correct answer) (CHCECE055 Ke 4.4.2)
a. 1 educator to 4 children
b. 1 educator to 3 children
c. 1 educator to 5 children
4. What is the educator to child ratio for children 24 months and less than 36 months of age in NSW? (choose one correct answer) (CHCECE055 Ke 4.4.2)
a. 1 educator to 4 children
b. 1 educator to 3 children
c. 1 educator to 5 children
5. What is the educator to child ratio for children 36 months of age or over (not including children over preschool age) in NSW? (choose one correct answer) (CHCECE055 Ke 4.4.2)
a. 1 educator to 5 children
b. 1 educator to 10 children
c. 1 educator to 15 children
6. Requirements for First Aid Training include the following: (choose three correct answers) (CHCECE055 Ke 4.4. 4)
a. At least one staff member or one nominated supervisor of the service who holds a current approved first aid qualification.
b. At least one staff member or Nominated Supervisor of the service has undertaken current training in bodily fluid and trauma.
c. At least one staff member or one nominated supervisor of the service who has undertaken current approved anaphylaxis management training.
d. At least one staff member or one nominated supervisor of the service who has undertaken current approved emergency asthma management training.
7. Identify which records are required to be kept for Staff Members. (choose four correct answers) CHCECE055 Ke 4.4.5)
a. The full name, address and date of birth
b. Qualifications or evidence of actively working towards
c. Approved training (including first aid)
d. Length of experience
e. Working with Children’s Checks
8. A centre can be fined for sharing information with unauthorised people. (CHCECE055 KE 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.5)
9. The authorised supervisor is unable to share information with educators to assist in the medical treatment or education and care of a child. (CHCECE055 KE 4.5.3)
10. The Approved Provider can share information in staff records with a parent of a child with whom the information relates. (CHCECE055 KE 4.5.3)
11. Record and documents must be stored in a safe, secure place. (CHCECE055 KE 4.5.4)
12. Records related to an incident, illness, injury or trauma suffered by a child while in an education and care service must be kept until the child is? (CHCECE055 KE 4.5.4)
a. 18 years of age
b. 25 years of age
c. 30 years of age
d. 12 years of age
13. Records related to the death of a child while being educated and cared for by the education and care service or that may have occurred as a result of an incident while being educated and cared for must be kept until the end of? (CHCECE055 KE 4.5.4)
a. 5 years after the death
b. 12 years after the death
c. 7 years after the death
d. 3 years after the death
14. The State or Territory Regulatory Authority is responsible for ensuring compliance of Education and Care Centre’s with the Early Education and Care Services National Regulations. (CHCECE055 KE 2)
15. The Regulatory Authority and licensing body for NSW is? (CHCECE055 KE 2)
a. Department of Education and Training
b. Early Childhood Education Directorate, NSW Department of Education
c. Children’s Education and Care Assurance, Early Childhood Policy and Regulation, Education Directorate, ACT Government
d. Regulation, Assessment and Service Quality,
Early Childhood and Education Improvement, Department of Education
16. The National Framework includes the National Law, National Standards, The Education and Care Services National Regulations and the approved framework (KE 3.2).
17. The purpose of the National Law is to sets the standards of quality across the whole of Australia and is embedded into the National Standards, The Education and Care Services National Regulations. (CHCECE056 KE 3.)
18. What is the purpose of the Education and Care Services National Regulations? (CHCECE056 KE 3.1, 3.2)
a. To outline best practice which education and care services aim to implement
b. To outline the legal requirements for regulated education and care services and must be followed
c. Provide a scale for assessment and rating
19. The Approved Framework is an endorsed document which aims to: (choose 3 correct answers) (CHCECE056 Ke 3.5)
a. Extend and enrich children’s learning
b. Provide guidance to educators about best teaching practices
c. Provides learning outcomes that all children must achieve by a certain age
d. Provides Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes
20. The assessment and quality rating process involves: (CHCECE056 KE 3.4)
a) Parents rating Education and care services based on the National Quality Standards
b) Education and care services being rated by their state and territory regulatory Authority again the Early Education and Care Regulations
c) Education and care services being rated by their state and territory regulatory Authority again the National Quality Standards.
21. Reflection is a way of thinking which questions what we do. It includes our thoughts, actions and beliefs. (CHCECE056 KE 7.1)
22. Educators use reflection to examine all parts of the curriculum including policies, practices, experiences, latest research, and children’s learning? (CHCECE056 KE 7.2)
23. What does meaningful reflection involve? (Choose 3 correct answers) (CHCECE056 KE 7.3)
a) Honesty
b) Understanding that there is always more to learn
c) Having an hour to sit and think
d) Considering the viewpoint of others
24. Identify the issues which may cause conflict in a service between colleagues. (Choose 4 correct answer) (CHCECE056 KE 8.3)
a) Incident which occurred at the Christmas party which has now escalated into the workplace
b) Incident which occurred online which has now escalated into the workplace
c) Effective communication between the team
d) Bullying in the workplace
e) Team member not completing their job role satisfactorily
25. You are having a conflict with a colleague which started with a comment and your colleague de-friending you on social media. This has now created tension in the workplace between you and the other educator. In the first instance what would y


1. True. A Responsible Person is a person who is approved by management or the approved provider to be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the service.
2. a, c, d. The minimum requirements for a Responsible Person in charge includes being 18 years or older, showing a history of compliance, and holding a current Working with Children Check.
3. a. The educator to child ratio for children birth-24 months in NSW is 1 educator to 4 children.
4. b. The educator to child ratio for children 24 months and less than 36 months of age in NSW is 1 educator to 3 children.
5. c. The educator to child ratio for children 36 months of age or over (not including children over preschool age) in NSW is 1 educator to 5 children.
6. a, b, c. The requirements for First Aid Training include at least one staff member or one nominated supervisor of the service who holds a current approved first aid qualification, at least one staff member or Nominated Supervisor of the service has undertaken current training in bodily fluid and trauma, and at least one staff member or one nominated supervisor of the service who has undertaken current approved anaphylaxis management training.
7. a, b, c, d. The records that are required to be kept for Staff Members include the full name, address and date of birth, qualifications or evidence of actively working towards, approved training (including first aid), and length of experience.
8. True. A centre can be fined for sharing information with unauthorised people.
9. False. The authorised supervisor is able to share information with educators to assist in the medical treatment or education and care of a child.
10. True. The Approved Provider can share information in staff records with a parent of a child with whom the information relates.
11. True. Record and documents must be stored in a safe, secure place.
12. d. Records related to an incident, illness, injury or trauma suffered by a child while in an education and care service must be kept until the child is 12 years of age.
13. a. Records related to the death of a child while being educated and cared for by the education and care service or that may have occurred as a result of an incident while being educated and cared for must be kept until the end of 5 years after the death.
14. True. The State or Territory Regulatory Authority is responsible for ensuring compliance of Education and Care Centre’s with the Early Education and Care Services National Regulations.
15. a. The Regulatory Authority and licensing body for NSW is the Department of Education and Training.
16. True. The National Framework includes the National Law, National Standards, The Education and Care Services National Regulations and the approved framework.
17. True. The purpose of the National Law is to sets the standards of quality across the whole of Australia and is embedded into the National Standards, The Education and Care Services National Regulations.
18. b. The purpose of the Education and Care Services National Regulations is to outline the legal requirements for regulated education and care services and must be followed.
19. a, b, d. The Approved Framework is an endorsed document which aims to extend and enrich children’s learning, provide guidance to educators about best teaching practices, and provides Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes.
20. c. The assessment and quality rating process involves Education and care services being rated by their state and territory regulatory Authority again the National Quality Standards.
21. True. Reflection is a way of thinking which questions what we do. It includes our thoughts, actions and beliefs.
22. True. Educators use reflection to examine all parts of the curriculum including policies, practices, experiences, latest research, and children’s learning.
23. a, b, d. Meaningful reflection involves honesty, understanding that there is always more to learn, and considering the viewpoint of others.
24. a, b, d, e. The issues which may cause conflict in a service between colleagues include incidents which occurred at the Christmas party or online which have now escalated into the workplace, ineffective communication between the team, bullying in the workplace, and team members not completing their job role satisfactorily.
25. In the first instance, I would try to talk to my colleague directly to resolve the conflict. If that was not successful, I would then escalate the matter to my manager.

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