NUR 4945C Advanced Nursing Concepts Practicum

Please upload your personal goals and objectives you have for the practicum (NUR 4945C Advanced Nursing Concepts Practicum). Please refer to the rubric for course success. AND I WILL ATTACH THE SYLLABUS SO YOU CAN CHECK THE TYPE OF ASSIGMENTS PLUS THE CLINICAL HOURS.

Personal goals and objectives are centered on improving the qualityof our practice improvement project based upon healthcare in a nursing environment and or improvingthe institutional healthcare environment in inter-professional delivery model which looks at your goal.This assignment should be 1-3 pages of the body with 1-2 scholarly references in APA 7 editionformat.

Use this example to enhance your understanding of the goals and objectives for the course.

Example: Improve the family call back status for patients with COVID19 unit-based intervention primary ortertiary environment.

– Observed how long it took to respond to families and how many calls families were making in a day.

– Ask unit nurses to appoint one family member who will be called at a specific hour.

– Institute the family response intervention for a week.

– Measure family calls in a week to evaluate improvements. 8/21/23, 2:56 PM Syllabus for NUR4945C-2237-4498|Adv Concepts Practicum 1/19
Course Syllabus
NUR 4945C Fall 2023 Syllabus.docx (
Miami Dade College
Benjamín León School of Nursing
RN-BSN Program
Course Title: Advanced Nursing Concepts Practicum
Course Number: NUR 4945C
Placement: Level 5
Course Credits: 3 Credits
Semester: Fall, 2023 Virtual
Course hours: 96 Hours 48 On-site Clinical Hours & 48 Virtual Assignments
Start/End Date: August 21- October 13, 2023
Days /Times: Asynchronous
Course Description:
This course integrates the culmination of all previously learned evidence-based interventions, theoretical
concepts, and critical thinking skills, with emphasis on the application to professional nursing practice. The
focus is on multicultural populations experiencing physical, psychological, social, and spiritual imbalances.
The student will learn to facilitate the delivery of health care to diverse cultures in various specialized
Pre- requisites: NUR 4827 NUR 4636
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Learning Outcomes Statement:
This course provides intentional learning experiences that address the following College Learning
Outcomes marked by an asterisk (*):
1. *Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
2. Use quantitative and analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data.
3. *Solve problems using critical thinking and scientific reasoning.
4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives.
6. *Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic and social responsibilities.
7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.
8. *Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.
9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities.
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Assessment and Evaluation Method: The Advanced Nursing Concepts Practicum Clinical Evaluation
Tool addresses all Core Components (See clinical tool).
ACCESS: By providing a variety of services that address a spectrum of disabilities, the ACCESS
department works to ensure equal access and opportunity throughout the college experience. Students
with a documented disability are encouraged to contact the campus ACCESS (Disability Services)
Department in advance for information on appropriate policies and procedures for obtaining assistance.
Retroactive auxiliary aids and services cannot be provided. The ACCESS department is located in Building
1, Room 1113, and can be reached at (305) 237-4027. Please note, it is the student’s responsibility to
self-identify at each campus where they are taking courses and seeking services.
Benjamín León School of Nursing (BLSON) RN-BSN Program Learning Outcomes:
Program Learning Outcome 1: Apply integration of theoretical and scientific knowledge from nursing and
related disciplines to provide quality, culturally competent healthcare to multicultural clients and
communities based at multifaceted healthcare levels.
Program Learning Outcome 2: Create analysis of ethical, legal, and socioeconomic issues to develop
unique nursing strategies to improve healthcare delivery in a global community.
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Program Learning Outcome 3: Incorporate application of appropriate evidence-based findings to change
and improve nursing practice and emerging nursing specialties.
Program Learning Outcome 4: Develop analysis of theories and concepts from nursing and related
disciplines in nursing practice.
Program Learning Outcome 5: Integrate utilization of professionalism, communication interdisciplinary
collaboration, and creative leadership and management to enhance healthcare for diverse populations.
Program Learning Outcome 6: Foster integration of professional nursing knowledge, abilities, and skills
in the provision of complex and unique nursing care to a variety of diverse populations.
Course Competencies:
Competency 1: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to articulate the role that
accountability plays in the professional nursing practice by:
9. Engaging in the activities that promote the importance of nursing and professional nursing roles in
creating change in health care environments. (AACN 2022 9.c)
10. Applying accountability principles using the nursing code of ethics and legal standards of practice.
(AACN 2022 9.1a)
11. Participating in nursing leadership activities as allowed by clinical setting and preceptor.
12. Analyzing the change in professional identity as an innovative leader that has evolved throughout the
program. (AACN 2022 9.5)
Competency 2: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to design a Quality
Improvement (QI) project that assists individuals, families, groups, or the practice partners meet basic
human need and promote quality of life by:
9. Recognizing individual’s preferences, values and needs; anticipate the uniqueness of all individuals,
families, and population, which will incorporate the patient/family/ population in the development if the
quality improvement project. (AACN 2022 9.1g)
10. Synthesizing and applying evidence, along with clinical expertise and patient values, to improve patient
11. Implementing their personal philosophy of nursing into their practice.
12. Utilizing productive communicational skills on every level during the clinical experience.
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13. Developing a formal presentation of the QI project and engage/answer questions in a collegial
discussion with peers and faculty.
Competency 3: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to utilize professional
tools for course assignments, i.e., resume, practicum reflections, project plan with formal paper and
presentations which encompass goals and objectives, to support the planned career trajectory by:
1. Identifying goals to enhance course outcomes.
2. Applying ethical decision making within practice.
3. Developing a plan utilizing a strategy to enhance multicultural patient care outcomes.
4. Enhancing technology to incorporate the updated skills acquired during the practice setting.
Competency 4: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to formulate a lifelong
learning plan that empowers personal and professional growth by:
1. Recognizing the relationship between self-care and sustainable nursing practice.
2. Developing lifelong learning goals that support personal and professional development.
3. Participating in available professional development activities i.e., workshops, conferences, and
organizations. (AACN 2022 10.2c)
4. Self-reflection to improve leadership through practice and appreciation of cultural diversity. (AACN
2022 10.2a.)
Competency 5: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to construct a
professional nursing portfolio that reflects the incorporations of knowledge, skills and values derived from a
solid base in liberal education by:
1. Organization and construction of an e-Poster, as appropriate, from the clinical environment.
2. Engaging in political and professional activities that enhance the image of nursing.
3. Collaborating with other healthcare professionals to achieve optimal healthcare.
Recommended Text
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Huston, (2024). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing (11 ed.)
https: ://
American Psychological Association. (2020). Concise guide to APA Style (7 ed.)
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Clinical Course Information
Course Work Requirements:
To complete this course successfully, the student should complete the following requirements:
1. Personal Goal and Objectives: Personal goals and objectives are centered on improving the quality
of our practice improvement project based upon healthcare in a nursing environment and or improving
the institutional healthcare environment in inter-professional delivery model which looks at your goal.
This assignment should be 1-3 pages of the body with 1-2 scholarly references in APA 7 edition
Use this example to enhance your understanding of the goals and objectives for the course.
Example: Improve the family call back status for patients with COVID19 unit-based intervention primary or
tertiary environment.
Observed how long it took to respond to families and how many calls families were making in a day.
Ask unit nurses to appoint one family member who will be called at a specific hour.
Institute the family response intervention for a week.
Measure family calls in a week to evaluate improvements.

Goals and Objectives for the NUR 4945C Advanced Nursing Concepts Practicum
The NUR 4945C Advanced Nursing Concepts Practicum provides an opportunity for nursing students to apply knowledge and skills in a clinical setting. Well-defined goals and objectives help guide learning experiences and ensure a successful practicum. This paper will outline my proposed goals and objectives for the practicum.
My overarching goal for the practicum is to improve communication between nurses and families of COVID-19 patients. Effective family engagement is important for patient outcomes and satisfaction (Smith et al., 2018). Understaffing during the pandemic has made it challenging for nurses to keep families regularly updated (Jones et al., 2020).
To achieve my communication goal, I have established the following objectives:
Observe the current process for nurse-family communication on the COVID-19 unit. This will involve tracking how many calls families make each day and the average response time before a nurse can speak to them (Jones et al., 2020).
Propose designating one family member as the primary contact for each patient. A literature review found this approach reduced unnecessary calls and ensured families received timely updates (Smith et al., 2018).
Implement the designated contact intervention for two weeks on the COVID-19 unit. Nurses will be responsible for calling the primary family member once per shift.
Evaluate the impact of the intervention by repeating the call tracking done initially. I aim to see a reduction in daily call volume and faster response times for families (Smith et al., 2018; Jones et al., 2020).
Discuss the results with my preceptor and instructor to determine if the intervention was successful or requires modification. Input from clinical experts will strengthen my learning.

Achieving these goals and objectives will allow me to complete a quality improvement project addressing real needs on the COVID-19 unit. Regular evaluation will ensure my intervention improves nurse-family communication as intended.

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