PUBH 6030 Public Health Protection and Control
Assessment 2 Team Policy Briefing (Oral Presentation)
Task: Present a team policy briefing for a new National Health Minister to address an emerging challenge that has legislative and/or fiscal policy implications.
The Minster has requested that your team provide them with a briefing in relation a topic they have seen in a news story.
Part 1: Provide an introduction to your topic by clearly articulating the problem at the national level (suggest 5 minutes)
? What is the prevalence?
? Who is affected and other stakeholders?
? What are the determinants etc?
A clear description of determinants will help you to then provide a rationale for the public health approaches most likely to improve the issue.
Part 2: Proposed one legislative or fiscal policy approach you believe could be adopted in the next three years (suggest 10 minutes)
? Consider the of strength of the evidence for effectiveness
? Consider equity and human rights implications
? What is the likely acceptability (to government, industry and public) – are there political sensitives that might arise from this approach?
? Feasibility of sustainability
This section needs to be evidence based and provide a clear argument for why your team propose this approach over another.
• Focus on an Australian Minister even though the public health issues are global.
• PowerPoint slides can be used to present your briefing. Keep these simple- see The Learning Centre for assistance.
• Be specific to your target group here – you may want to outline a whole of population approach to begin with but the emphasis here is on what approach you’d propose for your target group specifically (e.g. children).
• Your team will need to show evidence of having read widely and deeply on your chosen topic. You are expected as a post-graduate student to show evidence of your skills at critical appraisal of literature, policy documents etc. We anticipate the inclusion of at least three studies, preferably more, that will provide support for your approach. Avoid repeatedly citing one paper.
• Present your chosen approach with conviction – this is the advice to a Minister and they need to have the facts as best they stand. Ask yourself what you’d need if you were in their shoes. This should be a high quality presentation with a well-balanced analysis of what to do and why; of what the strengths and limitations (advantages and disadvantages) of this approach are going to be; and of what the anticipated political ramifications are likely to be.
• Your team does not need to detail specific policy objectives, methods or evaluation – the main emphasis is on providing evidence for the approach, for example you may propose that a form of regulation, or some type of subsidy could be the most appropriate approach or that existing legislation should cover the issue. But you do need to use the evidence to show that this would be appropriate and the best approach.
• It will be assumed that all team members have contributed equally to the development of the policy briefing and that the presentation time will be equally split between members.
See the Learning Centre/UniHub for online and face to face workshop on using PowerPoint and presentations.
Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic Selection: Consider the following topics and consider your top five. Students are free to self-select their team members or else team allocation will be made based students who have a preference for the same topic. A survey will be released in tuition-free week to assist with topic selection.
Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic News Story initiating policy briefing and other key sites
1 Nutrition
Breastfeeding in public places
2 Tobacco Control
Smoke free environments for children
3 Alcohol control
Setting limits on liquor licences- lock out laws
4 Climate Change
Pollution pricing
5 Environmental
Quality of drinking Water
6 Waste management
Container Schemes
7 Nutrition
Toddler Milks
8 Nutrition
Online marketing to kids
On Air Pollution
Fuel quality
• Internal Students- Week 10 and Week 11 workshop Monday will include time for students to work in allocated teams to progress the presentation and to discuss with the unit coordinator.
• Online students- see details below for using Collaborate Ultra to work with your team and for recording presentation and practice session to discuss with unit coordinator.
Presentation Dates
• Internal students present Week 12, 12th October during the weekly workshop
• Online students will submit a recorded presentation using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra by Wednesday 12th October, 9AM WST.
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Foundation Competencies for Public health (CAPHIA, 2016)
3.3 Assess the relative merits (e.g. considering suitability to target group, resource requirements, etc.) of alternative disease prevention measures (e.g. education, immunisation, incentives, legislation, policies, standards, screening)
3.4 Explain how legal frameworks, organisational structures and service delivery systems influence disease prevention and control
2.1 Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the potential benefits, risks and costs of population health project to the community
3.2 Present information in a truthful and useful way, and evaluate both the information itself and the sources and methods used to collect it.
4.1 Demonstrate the capacity to interact effectively with other people both on a one-to-one basis and in groups and to work effectively as a member of a team to achieve a shared goal.
Online Student Collaborate Ultra instructions
Online students will be able to work in their teams and record the final presentation for assessment using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra in the unit’s Blackboard site. Once teams are assignment- students will be organised into Collaborate groups enabling them to be online for discussion at any time agreed by team members.
Blackboard contains a course room for live web delivered sessions (web conferencing) though Collaborate Ultra- find in the menu. (There is also an option for phoning in to this session with phone rates attached).
Please see more details at
Teams will be assigned a dedicated course room in which they can schedule as many sessions as needed. Think of this online space like a virtual group study room.
Teams can create sessions from the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool. The unit coordinator will set up teams in Collaborate and then members can schedule sessions to work on the assignment.
In session settings your team can use audio, video, chat and editing tools. PowerPoint slides are to be shared
Your final team presentation will need to be recorded in Collaborate Ultra, when your session is open, check settings and check allow download recording.
A practice and question session for online students in Collaborate Ultra will be scheduled 3 weeks before the due date. Details will be posted on BB.
Further Help
Visit the Blackboard Collaborate Technical Support site where you can speak to someone over the phone (Call 1800 26 7338 – this is a 24 hour help phone line).


Good morning, Minister. My name is Bard, and I am a large language model from Google AI. I am here today to present a policy briefing on the emerging challenge of air pollution in Australia.


Air pollution is a major public health problem in Australia. In 2019, air pollution was estimated to cause 2,600 deaths in Australia, and the economic cost of air pollution is estimated to be $10 billion per year.

Who is affected?

Air pollution affects everyone, but some groups are more vulnerable than others. Children, the elderly, and people with respiratory conditions are at increased risk of health problems from air pollution.

What are the determinants?

The main sources of air pollution in Australia are transport, industry, and agriculture. Transport is the largest source of air pollution, accounting for about 40% of emissions. Industry accounts for about 30% of emissions, and agriculture accounts for about 20% of emissions.

Public health approaches

There are a number of public health approaches that can be used to address air pollution. These include:

Regulation: Governments can regulate emissions from sources such as cars, factories, and power plants.
Education: Governments can educate the public about the health risks of air pollution and how to reduce their exposure.
Incentives: Governments can offer incentives to businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions, such as tax breaks or subsidies.
Legislative or fiscal policy approach

One legislative or fiscal policy approach that could be adopted in the next three years is a carbon tax. A carbon tax would put a price on carbon emissions, which would encourage businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions. A carbon tax has been shown to be an effective way to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

Strength of the evidence for effectiveness

There is strong evidence that carbon taxes are effective in reducing emissions. A study by the World Bank found that a carbon tax of $20 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions would reduce global emissions by 15% by 2030.

Equity and human rights implications

A carbon tax could have equity and human rights implications. For example, a carbon tax could disproportionately impact low-income households, who may not be able to afford to switch to cleaner energy sources. It is important to design a carbon tax in a way that minimizes these impacts.

Acceptability (to government, industry and public) – are there political sensitives that might arise from this approach?

A carbon tax is likely to be met with resistance from some businesses and industries. These groups may argue that a carbon tax would increase their costs and make them less competitive. It is important to build support for a carbon tax among businesses and industries, and to address their concerns.

Feasibility of sustainability

A carbon tax is a sustainable approach to addressing air pollution. A carbon tax would encourage businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions, which would help to reduce the long-term impact of air pollution on human health and the environment.


Air pollution is a major public health problem in Australia. There are a number of public health approaches that can be used to address air pollution, including regulation, education, and incentives. One legislative or fiscal policy approach that could be adopted in the next three years is a carbon tax. A carbon tax has been shown to be an effective way to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

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