CO704 Cloud Security Assignment Question and Answer

Assignment Detail:-

Number of Words: 3000

Reassessment Presentation 1
Assignment Brief

1. Introduction
Your introduction will need to create an immediate impression and gain the attention of the audience. Therefore, it is very important to be clear about what message you are trying to relay from the outset. You will need to outline enough information for the audience to understand the context of the subject; break down any key terms or concepts that you will be discussing; and outline the sequence of your material. Generally, you need to identify up to three objectives and these need to be stated early in the presentation so that your audience can follow the development of your argument/discussion. Set the scene, outline your objectives. Prime your audience for what’s to come and mention the key areas that you will be developing throughout the presentation.

2. Main Body
Make sure visual images are appropriate to the point(s) you wish to make, and be sure that you know the specifics on each image. Organisation and transitions make or break a presentation – There should be a logical flow from beginning to end, like in written work. Avoid jumping from one point to another, and be careful about adding information that is not directly related to the main theme. Creating an outline before you begin creating actual slides can be helpful. Explain your main findings. Expand each of your key points in order that the concluding statements are justified.

3. Conclusion
Summarise each point made. Work backwards from your overall conclusions to ensure all concluding statements are supported throughout the presentation.

Assignment Task:
Your objective for this assignment is to give max 10 minute presentation that identifies appropriate security configurations for cloud system by using the AWS Amazon platform on the basis of an understanding of system requirements, based on your previous technical report for CW1.

Your presentation should provide us with:

An overview of your proposed cloud based system’s design for the company “MMCloud”, in line with your CW1 technical report
An argument as to how you approached identifying appropriate security configurations for your proposed solution, meeting the requirements for company “MMCloud”
A clear structure: a distinct beginning, middle and end
To record the presentation by using any tools (like a video conference tool like MS Teams) and to share/include the link within the submitted presentation It is your responsibility to assure the accessibility and functionality of the provided link.
A PowerPoint presentation (to be submitted via Blackboard)
Suitable visual aids within the presentation slides/handouts to support the explanation of your proposed network design for company “MMCloud”
Evidence of having practised the presentation
Proper timing/length

Coursework 1 Reassessment
Assignment Task

Your objective for this assignment is to produce a 2,500 – 3,000 word technical report on your research, design and technical documentation for a viable secure cloud system solution for a business. Including a simulation of your proposed cloud based system’s solution produced by utilising AWS Amazon platform, to be submitted/included along with the technical report.

The purpose of the assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your detailed knowledge and understanding of the concepts and terminology of cloud security that you have explored within the module. It is also an opportunity for you to design a complex solution for managing and configuring a secure cloud based system for a business.

The business scenario to be used for this assignment is as follows:

An International multimedia business/Company “MMCloud ” is about to move its system from their premises into the AWS cloud. The Company has three branches around the world (the head-quarter is in India). The company is asking you to design and configure a secure cloud based system by utilising AWS Amazon platform, services, and facilities, and to create a technical report that fully describes and justifies a secure design for the system.

The secure cloud system design must include provision for the following services and structure: A secured system that has following architecture/specifications:

Part 1
The company has three branches (two in Europe and one in Asia), provide services to customer in Europe locally; while administration services are provided ONLY from headquarter.
ALL branches provide very efficient, economic, and secure mid-term and long term storage services. The storage gives the capability to store data and objects on different categorised folders (Image, audio, and video). Only image’s folder could be accessed One of the European branch provide an archive storage service.
File system is provided on Headquarter Only.
Storage snapshot is to be created on Headquarter.
The company has web server, proxy server, and master and slave storage drives in While, it has web and mail servers in other branches.
Security setting on the main web server in headquarter is allowing only HTTP connections.
ALL VPCs, servers, and zones are protected with associated security tools and technologies.
Set security facility to control and monitor the system (technically and financially) by utilising associated service from the AWS platform.
The system provides very high reliability, availability, and tolerated against any failure, also it is protected against disaster or loss.
The system should be fully scalable and has the capability to smartly monitor and balance the application loads.
Database with high availability should be connected to reserves and configured as follow; European location provides service to quick and intensive application, while other branches’ DB is only for monthly reports.
Servers in ALL branches should be fully sizable, manageable, and monitor Amazon EC2 instance.
Cloud based system application should be deployed into company’s cloud platform. Application setup, configuration and deployment should be discussed clearly.

Part 2
Discuss in details and with examples the Security tools and solutions to protect VPC, AZ, and EC2. Explain in details with a case study implementation of one of these tools.


The purpose of this presentation is to identify appropriate security configurations for a cloud-based system designed for the company “MMCloud,” which was previously presented in a technical report for CW1. This presentation will discuss the proposed cloud-based system’s design for MMCloud, the approach taken to identify appropriate security configurations, and the structure of the presentation.

Main Body:

The proposed cloud-based system for MMCloud comprises a web server, proxy server, master and slave storage drives, and web and mail servers spread across three branches worldwide. The system provides storage services for data and objects on categorized folders, with only the image folder accessible to clients. Additionally, an archive storage service is provided by one of the European branches, while the file system is located at the headquarters. The system also allows storage snapshots to be created at headquarters.

To identify appropriate security configurations, the following approach was taken:

VPC, servers, and zones were protected with associated security tools and technologies.
The security facility was set up to control and monitor the system technically and financially by utilizing associated services from the AWS platform.
The system was made highly reliable, available, and tolerant to failure and protected against disaster or loss.
The system was made fully scalable and had the capability to smartly monitor and balance application loads.
A database with high availability was connected to reserves and configured such that the European location provided services to quick and intensive applications, while other branches’ DB was only for monthly reports.
Servers in all branches were fully sizable, manageable, and monitorable Amazon EC2 instances.
Cloud-based system applications were deployed into the company’s cloud platform, with application setup, configuration, and deployment clearly discussed.

In conclusion, the proposed cloud-based system for MMCloud was designed with security as a top priority. The system’s design involved protecting VPC, servers, and zones with associated security tools and technologies, ensuring high reliability, availability, and tolerance to failure, and making the system fully scalable. The system’s database was designed with high availability and connected to reserves, with servers in all branches fully sizable, manageable, and monitorable Amazon EC2 instances. The cloud-based system application was deployed into the company’s cloud platform, with application setup, configuration, and deployment clearly discussed.

The presentation has a distinct beginning, middle, and end, with the proposed cloud-based system’s design and the approach taken to identify appropriate security configurations discussed in the middle. The presentation was prepared with suitable visual aids to support the explanation of the proposed network design for MMCloud, and the timing/length of the presentation was appropriate. The presentation was recorded using a video conferencing tool, and the link to the recorded presentation was shared and included in the submitted presentation.

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