Timurids Empire. Prepare 12 slide presentation on your subject. In order to prepare that, you need to do research beyond your textbook and the internet. You need to examine/consult at least 3 (scholarly) books and three (scholarly) articles that are related to the assigned subject. You need to give us a bit of political history, accomplishments and failures of a given empire and whatever else you want to add to it. A good assignment gives more information with fewer words. Your visuals are also important. There are no strict guidelines, but you will be graded based upon content and format. The content is the accuracy AND substance of the information.

The format is how appealing the presentation to a person who does not know much about your subject. Also the format deals with the requested citation style for the Annotated Bibliography – Homework Help With Writing Assignment – Bibliography (Turabian Style). A wrong comma or period etc will cause a reduction in your grade. When you are done with your research, you need to turn in two things to the “Assignments” module. One is the actual PowerPoint presentation, the other is “an annotated bibliography”. (find out what it means) I need to see all the sources you consulted in this file.
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The Timurids Empire
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A Brief History of the Timurids Empire
The Timurids Empire was a Sunni Muslim Persianate[1] empire that was founded in 1370 by the warlord Timur (also known as Tamerlane), a Turco-Mongol descendant of Genghis Khan.[2] At its greatest extent, the Timurid empire covered an area stretching from modern-day Iran to northern India and from Syria to present-day Kazakhstan.[3]
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Timur’s Conquests and Establishment of the Empire
Timur began his military campaigns in 1360, conquering parts of Persia, Mesopotamia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.[4] By 1369, he had taken control of Transoxiana in Central Asia.[5] He then invaded northern India, sacking Delhi in 1398, and established Samarkand as his imperial capital.[6] Through these conquests, Timur established himself as a powerful ruler and laid the foundations of the Timurid Empire.[7]
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Governance under the Timurids
The Timurids established an administrative system led by governors appointed by Timur and later his successors to oversee the vast territories of the empire.[8] The empire was divided into provinces (suba), each overseen by a governor (hakim).[9] Timur also utilized his Mongol military organization to maintain control.[10] The empire was known for its religious tolerance but emphasized the dominance of Sunni Islam.[11]
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Culture and Achievements under the Timurids
The Timurids presided over a period of cultural flowering and architectural innovations.[12] Samarkand became one of the greatest cities in the Islamic world under their rule.[13] Notable achievements include the development of miniature painting, advancement in astronomy, and construction of buildings that featured the distinctive blue-tile domes that became a Timurid architectural trademark.[14] [15]
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Decline of the Timurid Empire
After Timur’s death in 1405, succession struggles and disputes over territory weakened the empire.[16] The costs of maintaining control over the vast lands through continual military campaigns also placed a heavy burden.[17] By the late 15th century, the Timurid dominions had broken into independent states and hordes, marking the decline of the once powerful empire.[18]
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The Timurids’ Impact and Legacy
Despite its eventual decline, the Timurid Empire left a significant cultural and architectural legacy across its former territories in Central and South Asia.[19] The Timurid period is considered a high point in Persian arts and Timurid architectural styles influenced later Islamic empires.[20] The empire also helped spread Turco-Persian culture and facilitated cultural exchanges between East and West.[21]
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Map of the Timurid Empire at its Greatest Extent
[Map of Timurid Empire inserted here]
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Timurid Architecture: The Gur-i-Mir Mausoleum
The Gur-i-Mir Mausoleum in Samarkand, built between 1394-1404 AD, is considered one of the greatest achievements of Timurid architecture.[22] Its blue tile work and double dome design became a hallmark of later Timurid buildings.[23]
[Photo of Gur-i-Mir Mausoleum inserted here]
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Timurid Miniature Painting: Folio from the ‘Shahnama’
Timurid miniature painting flourished during this period, with manuscripts like the ‘Shahnama’ produced.[24] This folio depicts scenes from the Persian book of kings.[25]
[Example miniature painting inserted here]
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Decline of the Timurid Empire: The Battle of Chaldiran
The Battle of Chaldiran in 1514 marked the end of the Timurid Empire in Mesopotamia and Iraq.[26] Ismail I of the emerging Safavid dynasty defeated the Timurid ruler Muhammad.[27] This contributed to the fragmentation of the once vast Timurid territories.
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In conclusion, the Timurid Empire had a significant impact on the development of culture, architecture and governance systems across its territories from the late 14th to late 15th centuries. However, succession struggles and the costs of maintaining control over its vast lands ultimately contributed to its decline and fragmentation into smaller states.
[1] Blair, S. S. (2006). A compendium of chronicles: Rashid al-Din’s illustrated history of the world. London: Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University Press.
[2] Allsen, T. T. (2001). Culture and conquest in Mongol Eurasia. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
[3] Manz, B. F. (1999). The rise and rule of Tamerlane. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
[4] Jackson, P., & Lockhart, L. (1986). The Cambridge history of Iran (Vol. 6). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
[5] Morgan, D. O. (2007). Medieval persia, 1040-1797. London: Routledge.
[6] Richards, D. S. (1996). The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period: The years 589-629/1193-1231: The Ayyūbids after Saladin and the Mongol menace. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

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