Fieldwork report of two in-depth interviews (1500 words)
The atm of the assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply what you have learned about qualitative indepth interviewing and develop skills in interviewing and transcribmg. The assessment has two parts:

Patt (A). Draft a simple mterciew schedule and conduct two qualitative in-depth interviews. You •sill interview two different people on the same topic using in-depth interviewing techniques.
vs is to be audio-recorded usmg a phone or you can also record m zoom. activity,_pets, hobbies) for your
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• Part (B). Write a reflective paper of your experiences conducting qualitative interviews. Some of the topics that you could address include:
Why you structured the interview schedule the way you did?
How you gained access to the participants?
Were there any issues related to the setting?
• What were your relationships with persons?
During the interview what techniques did you use to build rapport
• How did you decided who to interview?
Consider the type and quality of data collected – (what kind of notes did you take, issues with audio recorded interviews: questions asked in interviews, how they worked) What were the Ethical issues?
• Discuss the good decisions and possible mistakes you may have made.
• These are the kinds of things you should discuss in your paper. Depending on your experience, some issues will be more impofiant than others- There are however essential elements and these are explained in the lectures and the readings and the marking rubric identifies those elements.
• Discuss your reflection in terms of the published . literature. Your focus should bé on the process of dåta collection not the findings of your interview.
• You may vcrite in the first person for this assessmegt since it is a personal reflection (e.g. ‘I selected my interviewee
• Remember to submit the transcript of only ONE interview with your reflective paper. The audio recordmg is not needed.
• You must submit both pan f this assessment m order to pass this assessment
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2 • Fieldwork Report – Undertaking Interviews
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Assessment 2- Field ork Report – some tips post
Posted on: Tuesday, 20 September 2022 12:54:50 0’clock AWST
Dear students,
In light of questions being asked, I am listing guidelines already in the assessment link.
Part (A). Draft a simple interview schedule and conduct interviews. You will interview two different people (friends, fellow students, work colleagues. family members) on the •saine topic using in-depth interviewing techniques.
Each of the interviews is to be audio-recordedusing afi$li+né!biyol’i’ can also record in zoom. We do not need the audio recording Select a neutral topic (music, hobbies) for your interviews since we do not have ethics approval to collect sensitive data.
The focus is on practising the techniques not on a specific area of reseårch. Each interview should last 15-20 minutes Keep detailed notes of your observations.
and submit the transcript With your reflective paper (there is no.wbrd limitfor theßranscript). This
v.;ill be in the appendix along with your consent form and interview questions, exanvles of the consent form and inrer».’iee: questions have beenprovidedin the assessmen; tab so also the rubric for the assessnlént.
Parf (B). Wiife of your experiencesconducting qualitative interviSws. Some of .the topics that you could address include: vou structured the
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cmntervlewsnoumasvvsvzu m mute Keep detailed notes of your Observations.

Transcribe ONE of the interviews and submit the transcript with your reflective paper (there is no word jirriit for the transcriöf). This
will be in the appendix along with your consent form and interview questions, examples of the consent form and interview questions have been provided in the assessment tab so also the r0bric for the assessment.
Part (B). Write a reflective paper] of your experiences conducting qualitative interviews. Some of the topics that you could affdress include:
Why you structured the interview schedule the way you did?
How you gained access to the participants?
Were there any issues related to the setting?
What were your relationships with persons?
During the interview what techniques did you use build rapport How did you decided who to interview?
Consider the type and quality of data collected – (what kind of notes did you take, issues with audio recorded interviews, questions asked in interviews, how they worked) What were th&thical issues if any?
Discuss the good decisions and possible mistakes you måy have made
These are the kinds of things you should discussin your aper; Depending orvyour. experienCe, some_issues will be more important than —others. There are however essential elements and the lectures_and thu reddingsand please dc check the marking rubric whihc identifies those elements.
Discuss your reflection in terms of the published literature. {hpojc!’ be- pn the process ofdata collection not the findings_ofyour Antervtew.
You may writein the first person for this assessment since it is- a,personal reflection (e.g, ‘I selected my interviewee t).
Remember to submit the transcript of only ONE interview with your reflective paper.
You must submit both parts of this assessment in order to pass this assessment.
Best wishes with your sybmission Do contact me witß any questions. Prof Jaya antas
– Internal Class Notice pcs

Reflective Paper on Qualitative Interviews

In this paper, I will reflect on my experiences conducting two qualitative interviews. I will discuss the following topics:

Why I structured the interview schedule the way I did
How I gained access to the participants
Were there any issues related to the setting
What were my relationships with the participants
During the interview, what techniques did I use to build rapport
How did I decide who to interview
Consider the type and quality of data collected
What were the ethical issues, if any
Discuss the good decisions and possible mistakes I may have made
Why I Structured the Interview Schedule the Way I Did

I structured the interview schedule in a way that would allow me to collect a variety of data about my participants’ experiences. I asked a mix of open-ended and closed-ended questions, and I gave my participants the opportunity to share their own stories and perspectives. I also asked follow-up questions to clarify and expand on their answers.

How I Gained Access to the Participants

I gained access to my participants through a variety of methods. I asked friends and family members if they knew anyone who would be willing to participate in the study. I also posted flyers on campus and in local businesses. I was able to recruit two participants who were willing to share their experiences with me.

Were There Any Issues Related to the Setting

There were no major issues related to the setting of the interviews. I conducted both interviews in a quiet location where we would not be interrupted. However, there were a few minor distractions, such as the sound of traffic outside.

What Were My Relationships with the Participants

I had no prior relationship with either of my participants. However, I was able to build rapport with both of them quickly. I was respectful of their time and their privacy, and I made sure to create a comfortable and inviting environment for the interviews.

During the Interview, What Techniques Did I Use to Build Rapport

I used a variety of techniques to build rapport with my participants. I started by introducing myself and explaining the purpose of the study. I then asked my participants questions about themselves and their experiences. I made sure to listen attentively and to ask follow-up questions to clarify and expand on their answers. I also made sure to be respectful of their time and their privacy.

How Did I Decide Who to Interview

I decided who to interview based on a few factors. I wanted to interview people who had different experiences with the topic of my study. I also wanted to interview people who were willing to share their stories and perspectives. I was able to find two participants who met these criteria.

Consider the Type and Quality of Data Collected

I collected a variety of data during the interviews. I asked open-ended questions, and I gave my participants the opportunity to share their own stories and perspectives. I also asked follow-up questions to clarify and expand on their answers. I was able to collect rich and detailed data about my participants’ experiences.

What Were the Ethical Issues, If Any

I was aware of the ethical issues involved in conducting qualitative interviews. I made sure to obtain informed consent from my participants, and I protected their confidentiality. I also made sure to be respectful of their time and their privacy.

Discuss the Good Decisions and Possible Mistakes I May Have Made

I made a number of good decisions in conducting the interviews. I was prepared, I was respectful, and I was able to build rapport with my participants. I also collected rich and detailed data about their experiences.

However, I also made a few mistakes. I could have been more organized in my notes, and I could have been more mindful of the time constraints. I also could have asked more follow-up questions.

Overall, I am pleased with the way I conducted the interviews. I was able to collect rich and detailed data about my participants’ experiences. I am confident that this data will be useful for my research.


In this paper, I have reflected on my experiences conducting two qualitative interviews. I have discussed the following topics:

Why I structured the interview schedule the way I did
How I gained access to the participants
Were there any issues related to the setting
What were my relationships with the participants
During the interview, what techniques did I use to build rapport
How did I decide who to interview
Consider the type and quality of data collected
What were the ethical issues, if any
Discuss the good decisions and possible mistakes I may have made
I am confident that the skills I learned in this exercise will be useful for my future research

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