Assessment Information/Brief 2022/23

Module title Operations and Information Management

Assessment title Assessment Portfolio
Weighting within module This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.
Submission deadline date and time See OnlineCampus

How to submit
You should submit your final assessment before the due date through the OnlineCampus platform.

Assessment task details and instructions

OmegaCo is a medium-sized company that produces high-quality handmade fruit juice for customers in their own country. Most of these customers are small retailers and cafes that have used OmegaCo for a number of years, normally placing orders by telephone and paying by cash on delivery. There is little visibility of future orders, which means that the lead time for delivery can be over two weeks, and this means that some orders are cancelled at short notice due to changes in customer demand. In addition, OmegaCo has seen the market for their products reduced by nearly 20% over the last year, as consumers react to the increasing rate of inflation and the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, OmegaCo relies on a small number of local suppliers for the materials (various fruits, sugar, glass bottles etc) they require and struggles to maintain effective relationships due to their difficulty in managing the supply and demand of their own products.

As OmegaCo has a strong brand image, the company has recently been bought by ZetaCo, which is a large organisation as they can see future opportunities in competing in global, more price-sensitive markets. This will require a change in strategy to one that focuses on the efficiency of production and the development of stronger and more professional customer and supplier relationships. A new focus will be needed to improve OmegaCo’s manufacturing, marketing, and supply chain capabilities and capacity. ZetaCo is prepared to invest significantly in making these changes, particularly through digital transformation, as their initial market research shows that there is a sizeable market for quality products, but costs need to be managed effectively and efficiently.

Your task
You are a technical consultant and have been sent by ZetaCo to review OmegaCo’s operations and information management processes and ways of working. This review takes the form of a report that includes the different tasks shown below with mark weightings against each one.

1. Develop a SWOT analysis of the current situation at OmegaCo (10 marks).

2. Based on your SWOT analysis, discuss how a more effective and efficient management of capacity, quality and both suppliers and customers could help ZetaCo meet its new performance objectives (40 marks).

3. Select one of the process areas from part 2 (e.g. capacity, quality, supplier or customer management) and, using Business Process Model (BPM) techniques, develop and present two BPM models that show how these could be improved by capturing the existing and the proposed business processes (20 marks).

4. Conduct research into a suitable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution and develop an evaluation table, which shows a set of evaluation characteristics and the analysis of two commercial/off-the-shelf products and two Open Source Software alternatives (20 marks).

5. Select one Industry 4.0 technology and discuss the benefits of implementing this into OmegaCo (10 marks).

Additional instructions
1. Follow a report format, with a title and contents page, Executive Summary (that gives a brief and complete summary of your paper for an executive to read), brief introduction, individual sections and sub-sections that address the assignment brief tasks, page numbers, brief conclusions and appendix section (if used). If you are uncertain about how to present and structure a report then please refer to the Induction module and/or ask your tutor.
2. Use diagrams, illustrations, tables, graphics etc. wherever these are helpful. If you do use these, please do not put them in the appendices if they are part of your discussion. Appendices are the appropriate places to put supporting material, however, remember if the reader is satisfied with the main points of your discussion; the supporting information within the appendices may not even be reviewed.
3. Try to use theory explicitly at all stages, but do not spend too much time describing a theory. While you must be explicit about the theories, models, techniques etc. that you use, you can assume that the reader is familiar with them. What the reader requires is evidence of your ability to understand and apply the theory and learn from it in order to support the development of your findings and/or ideas.
4. You must cite all sources on which you have relied, for example textbooks, journal articles, web pages etc. using the Harvard Bibliographic referencing system. If you do not cite all sources, then you may be accused of plagiarism, and that may endanger your success in passing the module. If you are in any doubt about how to reference your work, please obtain guidance by looking at the Induction forum and asking for guidance from your instructor.
5. All submissions should be word-processed (letter size 12, times new roman, 1.5 space) and fully referenced.
6. The word count for each task of the assignment brief should be based on the mark weightings for each one.

Assessment Criteria
You should look at the assessment criteria to find out what we are specifically looking at when marking the submissions. This reflects the Level 7 assessment criteria.

Criterion / Mark range 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 0-39
Task 1 – SWOT Analysis (10%) Outstanding clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Outstanding critical understanding of the relevance of the issues, Very good application and synthesis of secondary sources. Excellent clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Excellent critical understanding of the relevance of the issues, Very good application and synthesis of secondary sources. Very good clarity of focus on the task and required structure Very good critical understanding of the relevance of the issues. Very good application and synthesis of secondary sources. Good clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Good critical understanding of the relevance of the issues, with some omissions or unnecessary issues, Very good application and synthesis of secondary sources, with some limitations. Focus evident and satisfactory structure. Satisfactory Critical understanding of the subject matter, with limited awareness of issues, Satisfactory application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources, with some limitations. Poorly focused, with poor structure. Poor critical understanding of the subject matter, with limited awareness of issues, and expression of ideas. Poor application and synthesis of academic content and limited use of secondary sources. Little or no focus evident and very poor structure. Little or no critical understanding of subject matter. Very poor application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources.
Task 2 – OM link to performance objectives (40% Outstanding clarity of focus on the task, structure and argument. Outstanding critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas, relevance of issues. Outstanding application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Excellent clarity of focus on the task structure and argument. Excellent critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues. Excellent application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Very good clarity of focus on the task, structure and argument. Very good critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues. Very good application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Good clarity of focus on the task, with some omissions or unnecessary issues. Good structure and argument. Good critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues with some limitations. Good application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Focus evident and satisfactory but with some omissions and unnecessary issues. Satisfactory structure and argument. Satisfactory critical understanding of the subject matter, with limited awareness of issues, and expression of ideas. Satisfactory application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Poorly focused, with significant omissions and unnecessary issues. Poor structure and argument. Poor critical understanding of the subject matter, with limited awareness of issues, and expression of ideas. Poor application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Little or no focus evident and very poor structure and argument. Little or no critical understanding of subject matter is demonstrated and poorly expressed ideas. Very poor application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate.
Task 3 – BPM (20%) Outstanding clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Outstanding application and synthesis of academic content, relevance of issues and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Excellent clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Excellent application and synthesis of academic content, relevance of issues and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Very good clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Very good application and synthesis of academic content, relevance of issues and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Good clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Good application and synthesis of academic content, relevance of issues, with some limitations and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Satisfactory clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Satisfactory application and synthesis of academic content, relevance of issues, with limitations and/or omissions and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Poor clarity of focus on the task and required structure. Poor application and synthesis of academic content, relevance of issues, with limitations and/or omissions and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Little or no focus evident and very poor structure. Very poor clarity of focus on the task and required structure Very poor application and synthesis of academic content, relevance of issues, with significant limitations and/or omissions and use of secondary sources as appropriate.
Task 4 – ERP (20%) Outstanding clarity of focus on the task, structure and argument. Outstanding critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas, relevance of issues. Outstanding application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Excellent clarity of focus on the task structure and argument. Excellent critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues. Excellent application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Very good clarity of focus on the task, structure and argument. Very good critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues. Very good application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Good clarity of focus on the task, with some omissions or unnecessary issues. Good structure and argument. Good critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues with some limitations. Good application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Focus evident and satisfactory but with some omissions and unnecessary issues. Satisfactory structure and argument. Satisfactory critical understanding of the subject matter, with limited awareness of issues, and expression of ideas. Satisfactory application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Poorly focused, with significant omissions and unnecessary issues. Poor structure and argument. Poor critical understanding of the subject matter, with limited awareness of issues, and expression of ideas. Poor application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Little or no focus evident and very poor structure and argument. Little or no critical understanding of subject matter is demonstrated and poorly expressed ideas. Very poor application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate.
Task 5 – Industry 4.0 (10%) Outstanding clarity of focus on the task, structure and argument. Outstanding critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas, relevance of issues. Outstanding application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Excellent clarity of focus on the task structure and argument. Excellent critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues. Excellent application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Very good clarity of focus on the task, structure and argument. Very good critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues. Very good application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Good clarity of focus on the task, with some omissions or unnecessary issues. Good structure and argument. Good critical understanding of the subject matter, issues, and expression of ideas. relevance of issues with some limitations. Good application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Focus evident and satisfactory but with some omissions and unnecessary issues. Satisfactory structure and argument. Satisfactory critical understanding of the subject matter, with limited awareness of issues, and expression of ideas. Satisfactory application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Poorly focused, with significant omissions and unnecessary issues. Poor structure and argument. Poor critical understanding of the subject matter, with limited awareness of issues, and expression of ideas. Poor application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate. Little or no focus evident and very poor structure and argument. Little or no critical understanding of subject matter is demonstrated and poorly expressed ideas. Very poor application and synthesis of academic content and use of secondary sources as appropriate.

Assessed intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

1. Critically analyse the theory, concepts and models of operations and information management.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of operations and information management in international operations.
3. Analyse and critically evaluate the ways in which operations and information management are adapted in view of specific market culture and customer requirements.
4. Analyse and critically evaluate the role and importance of operational excellence in various aspects of competitive advantage.
5. Evaluate critically the fundamental principles of quality and environmental management systems.

Transferable Skills and other Attributes
1. Identify and utilise appropriate methods for collecting and analysing data related to operations and information management issues.
2. Locate, summarise and synthesise a range of information from published literature and electronic sources on operations and information management.
3. Use and evaluate a variety of tools for improving organisational performance.
4. Improve research skills, and data analysis and presentation. Manage time to meet deadlines in both group discussions and in preparation of in-class activities.
Word count
The maximum word count is 3000 words (+/- 10%). Your word count is from the introduction to conclusion sections. Therefore, it does not include title page, contents page, Executive Summary, reference section, appendices etc. If the assignment exceeds these limits; the work in excess of 3000 is not marked.
Feedback arrangements
You can expect to receive summative feedback
• Two working weeks (excluding University Seasonal Closing) after the submission date.
• Marks and written feedback will be available on OnlineCampus; you will need to log into the full site to access the written feedback.
• Please email the teaching team should you require specific feedback following the release of your results.
Formative feedback will be provided following a midterm draft .
Academic integrity and referencing
Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students need:
Academic integrity & referencing

Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously.

Assessment information and support
You can obtain support for this assessment by attending the live sessions and participating in the online class discussions. These provide you with good opportunities to ask questions to provide clarity and direction on the subject and addressing the assessment brief. You can e-mail the tutor and visit the module OnlineCampus section for regular updates that can directly support your learning in the subject and in developing your assignment.

You can find more information about understanding your assessment brief and assessment tips for success here.

Assessment Rules and Processes
You can find information about assessment rules and processes in Blackboard in the Assessment Support module.

Develop your Academic and Digital Skills
Find resources to help you develop your skills here.

Concerns about Studies or Progress
If you have any concerns about your studies, contact StudentCare.

Personal Mitigating Circumstances (PMCs)
If personal mitigating circumstances (e.g. illness or other personal circumstances) may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about the Personal Mitigating Circumstances Procedure here. Independent advice is available from the Students’ Union Advice Centre about this process. Click here for an appointment to speak to an adviser

In Year Retrieval Scheme
Your assessment is not eligible for in-year retrieval.

If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will need to resubmit. Details and guidance for resubmissions will be issued to you by our Admin team following the completion of your four modules of your programme.
For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances, this will be your replacement assessment attempt. Students should be aware that there is no late submission period at reassessment (this includes those students who have an accepted PMC request from a previous attempt).

We know that having to undergo a reassessment can be challenging however support is available. Have a look at all the sources of support outlined earlier in this brief and refer to the Personal Effectiveness resources.

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Assessment Portfolio for Operations and Information Management: Enhancing OmegaCo’s Performance


In the realm of operations and information management, the assessment portfolio for the module titled “Operations and Information Management” delves into the case of OmegaCo, a medium-sized fruit juice producer, and their recent acquisition by ZetaCo. This portfolio outlines a comprehensive analysis of OmegaCo’s current operational challenges, strategies for improving efficiency, customer and supplier relationships, and the integration of Industry 4.0 technology. The portfolio is designed to evaluate the student’s ability to critically analyze operational issues, apply relevant concepts and models, and propose effective solutions.

Task 1: SWOT Analysis of OmegaCo (10 marks)

The first task involves developing a SWOT analysis of OmegaCo’s current situation. The student is expected to critically assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the company. The analysis should demonstrate a clear understanding of OmegaCo’s internal and external environment, highlighting factors that contribute to its performance and areas where improvement is needed.

Task 2: Effective Management for Performance Objectives (40 marks)

Task 2 delves into the linkage between efficient management practices and the achievement of ZetaCo’s new performance objectives. Based on the SWOT analysis, students are required to discuss how effective management of capacity, quality, and relationships with both suppliers and customers can contribute to meeting ZetaCo’s objectives. This section should showcase the student’s ability to connect theoretical concepts to practical operational improvements.

Task 3: Business Process Model for Improvement (20 marks)

In Task 3, the focus shifts to Business Process Model (BPM) techniques. Students are expected to select one area from the previous discussion (capacity, quality, supplier, or customer management) and develop two BPM models to illustrate the existing and proposed processes for improvement. This section evaluates the student’s skill in applying BPM methodologies to analyze and redesign operational processes.

Task 4: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Evaluation (20 marks)

Task 4 involves researching and evaluating suitable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions for OmegaCo. The student is required to create an evaluation table comparing two commercial/off-the-shelf products and two Open Source Software alternatives. This task assesses the student’s ability to identify and analyze ERP options that align with the company’s needs and goals.

Task 5: Implementation of Industry 4.0 Technology (10 marks)

The final task explores the benefits of integrating an Industry 4.0 technology into OmegaCo’s operations. Students are expected to select one Industry 4.0 technology and discuss its potential advantages for the company. This section evaluates the student’s ability to analyze technological advancements and their potential impact on operational efficiency and competitiveness.


The assessment portfolio for the “Operations and Information Management” module provides a comprehensive analysis of OmegaCo’s operational challenges and proposes strategies for improvement. By integrating theoretical concepts with practical solutions, the portfolio evaluates the student’s ability to critically analyze, apply models, and propose actionable recommendations for enhancing operational performance. Through the completion of these tasks, students develop essential skills in operations management and information analysis, preparing them for the complexities of real-world business scenarios.
1. Develop a SWOT analysis of the current situation at OmegaCo (10 marks).

2. Based on your SWOT analysis, discuss how a more effective and efficient management of capacity, quality and both suppliers and customers could help ZetaCo meet its new performance objectives (40 marks).

3. Select one of the process areas from part 2 (e.g. capacity, quality, supplier or customer management) and, using Business Process Model (BPM) techniques, develop and present two BPM models that show how these could be improved by capturing the existing and the proposed business processes (20 marks).

4. Conduct research into a suitable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution and develop an evaluation table, which shows a set of evaluation characteristics and the analysis of two commercial/off-the-shelf products and two Open Source Software alternatives (20 marks).

5. Select one Industry 4.0 technology and discuss the benefits of implementing this into OmegaCo (10 marks).
Enhancing OmegaCo’s Operational Performance: A Comprehensive Analysis

In the world of business, continuous improvement is paramount for success, and the assessment portfolio for the “Operations and Information Management” module delves deep into enhancing OmegaCo’s operational performance through strategic analysis and innovation. The portfolio comprises five distinct tasks that collectively offer a comprehensive roadmap for OmegaCo’s transformation.

Task 1: SWOT Analysis (10 marks)

The first task, a SWOT analysis, requires a holistic evaluation of OmegaCo’s current situation. This entails identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that impact the company’s performance. Through a meticulous examination of internal capabilities and external market dynamics, students can unveil insights that form the foundation for subsequent improvement strategies.

Task 2: Efficient Management for Performance Objectives (40 marks)

Task 2 is pivotal as it necessitates translating the SWOT analysis into actionable strategies. This involves discussing how enhancing capacity, quality, and relationships with suppliers and customers can align with ZetaCo’s performance objectives. By analyzing how each aspect interconnects and influences OmegaCo’s success, students showcase their ability to marry theoretical understanding with pragmatic implementation strategies.

Task 3: Process Enhancement through BPM (20 marks)

Task 3 zooms in on one of the operational facets identified in Task 2, be it capacity, quality, supplier, or customer management. Using Business Process Model (BPM) techniques, students are challenged to create two BPM models that visualize the current and proposed processes. This task demands an acute understanding of BPM methodologies and their application to streamline and optimize operational workflows.

Task 4: ERP Solution Research and Evaluation (20 marks)

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, Task 4 stands as a testament to OmegaCo’s technological advancement. Conducting research into Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions, students must evaluate various commercial and open-source options. Developing an evaluation table showcasing characteristics and analyses, students demonstrate their proficiency in identifying technology that can revolutionize OmegaCo’s operations.

Task 5: Industry 4.0 Integration (10 marks)

The final task catapults OmegaCo into the era of Industry 4.0, a technological revolution that holds immense potential. Students are tasked with selecting one Industry 4.0 technology and elucidating its benefits for OmegaCo. Through insightful analysis, they showcase their knack for understanding cutting-edge technologies and envisioning how they can bolster operational efficiency and competitive advantage.


The assessment portfolio for “Operations and Information Management” presents a holistic approach to revamp OmegaCo’s operations. It empowers students to not only analyze but also devise actionable strategies, utilize BPM techniques for process optimization, explore technology solutions like ERP systems and Industry 4.0, and ultimately contribute to a more efficient, resilient, and future-ready OmegaCo. By addressing these tasks, students cultivate skills crucial for navigating complex operational challenges in today’s dynamic business landscape.

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