1Compare and contrast socialism with capitalism. What do you believe are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each? Please explain why.

2.Please discuss religion from a functionalist perspective. Specifically, describe some of the manifest and latent functions of religion. Do those functions exist in all religious organizations? Explain why or why not.

3.The traditional American family has changed dramatically over the last forty years. Cohabitation, same-sex couples, dual-working parents, and single parent households, to name a few. Is the American family in decline? Or is it stronger than ever? On the other hand, do you believe that the family has merely changed? Defend your position.

4.Discuss the conflict approach to education. Specifically, in what ways is it critical of the institution of education? Make sure you include in your response the relevance of tracking, school funding, and IQ exams.

5.In regard to social movements, can you identify and present-day examples in the world – or America for that matter? Which type is it? Ihas it been successful? Please explain why or why not.

1. Comparing Socialism and Capitalism: Strengths and Weaknesses

Socialism and capitalism are two contrasting economic and political systems that shape the way societies function. Socialism centers around collective ownership and control of resources, aiming for equitable distribution of wealth. In contrast, capitalism emphasizes private ownership and the pursuit of individual profit. Both systems have their own merits and shortcomings, contributing to ongoing debates about which is better suited for societal progress.

Strengths of Socialism:

Equitable Distribution: Socialism aims to reduce wealth inequality by redistributing resources among citizens. This can lead to a fairer distribution of wealth and essential services.
Social Safety Nets: Socialist systems often provide comprehensive social welfare programs, including healthcare, education, and unemployment benefits, ensuring a basic standard of living for all citizens.
Public Services: Collective ownership of resources can lead to well-maintained public services and infrastructure, as they are prioritized over private profits.
Stability: The emphasis on collective well-being can contribute to social stability, as citizens have fewer reasons to protest against extreme economic disparities.
Weaknesses of Socialism:

Lack of Incentive: Critics argue that socialism may dampen individual motivation and innovation, as there is less potential for personal financial gain.
Bureaucracy and Inefficiency: Centralized planning in socialist systems can lead to bureaucratic inefficiencies and slow decision-making.
Limited Consumer Choice: With less emphasis on competition, consumers may have fewer choices in terms of products and services.
Economic Stagnation: The lack of competition and profit motive might hinder economic growth and technological advancement.
Strengths of Capitalism:

Innovation and Competition: Capitalism fosters innovation and competition, driving technological advancement and economic growth.
Individual Incentives: The potential for significant profits provides individuals with strong incentives to work hard and innovate.
Consumer Choice: Capitalism offers a wide range of products and services, allowing consumers to choose based on their preferences and needs.
Efficiency: Market forces often lead to efficient allocation of resources, as supply and demand determine prices.
Weaknesses of Capitalism:

Income Inequality: Capitalism can result in significant income disparities, leading to social and economic stratification.
Lack of Social Safety Nets: Minimal government intervention can lead to inadequate social safety nets, leaving some individuals without essential services.
Environmental Concerns: The pursuit of profit may lead to environmental degradation, as sustainability is often sacrificed for short-term gains.
Market Failures: Unregulated capitalism can result in market failures, such as monopolies, which can lead to unfair practices and reduced consumer choice.
In essence, the strengths and weaknesses of socialism and capitalism are rooted in their fundamental principles and practices. While socialism prioritizes equity and collective well-being, capitalism emphasizes individual innovation and market-driven efficiencies. The choice between the two depends on a society’s values, goals, and the balance it seeks between equality and individualism.


Roemer, J. E. (2016). Equality of opportunity. Harvard University Press.
Kotz, D. M. (2017). The rise and fall of neoliberal capitalism. Harvard University Press.
Piketty, T. (2014). Capital in the twenty-first century. Belknap Press.
Acemoglu, D., & Robinson, J. A. (2019). The narrow corridor: States, societies, and the fate of liberty. Penguin Books.
2. Functionalist Perspective on Religion: Manifest and Latent Functions

From a functionalist perspective, religion serves various functions within a society, both overt (manifest) and hidden (latent). These functions contribute to the maintenance and cohesion of social structures. It’s important to note that while these functions exist in many religious organizations, their prominence and expression can vary.

Manifest Functions of Religion:

Social Cohesion: Religion provides a sense of community and shared identity among its followers, fostering social bonds and cooperation.
Morality and Norms: Religious beliefs often dictate moral values and norms, guiding individuals’ behaviors and promoting social order.
Socialization: Religious institutions help transmit cultural values, traditions, and norms from one generation to the next.
Emotional Support: Religion offers solace and comfort during times of distress, helping individuals cope with life’s challenges.
Latent Functions of Religion:

Social Control: Religious norms and values can be used to regulate behavior and maintain societal norms, indirectly influencing people’s actions.
Economic Impact: Religious activities can stimulate the economy through rituals, events, and the creation of jobs related to religious institutions.
Status and Hierarchy: Religious roles and positions can confer social status and prestige to individuals, contributing to social hierarchy.
Social Change: Religious movements can drive social change by advocating for new values, which may challenge existing power structures.
However, not all religious organizations exhibit the same functions to the same extent. Factors such as cultural context, historical background, and interpretation of religious texts influence the functions of religion in a given society.


Durkheim, E. (2017). The elementary forms of religious life. Oxford University Press.
Parsons, T. (2013). The structure of social action. Simon and Schuster.
Bellah, R. N. (2011). Religion in human evolution: From the paleolithic to the axial age. Harvard University Press.
Berger, P. L. (2014). The sacred canopy: Elements of a sociological theory of religion. Anchor.
3. Evolution of the American Family: Decline, Strength, or Change?

The landscape of the traditional American family has indeed shifted over the past several decades, with the emergence of diverse family structures challenging the conventional norms. Whether this signifies decline, strength, or simply change is a matter of interpretation.

Some argue that the American family is in decline due to factors like increased divorce rates, single-parent households, and changing gender roles. They point to the potential impact on family stability and social values. However, others contend that this change represents the family’s adaptation and resilience, rather than a decline.

Alternatively, one can argue that the American family has transformed rather than declined or strengthened. The embrace of cohabitation, same-sex couples, and dual-working parents reflects evolving social attitudes and an emphasis on individual choice. This change challenges traditional norms but also highlights the family’s ability to accommodate diverse circumstances.

In conclusion, viewing the changes in the American family as purely decline or strength oversimplifies the complexity of the issue. The family has indeed changed, showcasing both challenges and adaptability in the face of shifting societal dynamics.


Cherlin, A. J. (2013). The marriage-go-round: The state of marriage and the family in America today. Vintage.
Coontz, S. (2016). The way we never were: American families and the nostalgia trap. Basic Books.
Popenoe, D. (2014). Families without fathers: Fathers, marriage, and children in American society. Routledge.
Cott, N. F. (2017). Public vows: A history of marriage and the nation. Harvard University Press.

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