Omaha System Case Study Assignment
Module Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

Examine the leadership role of the public health nurse as an integrator of care while collaborating with interdisciplinary team members.

Recognize the social determinants of health which affect the client’s health and plan of care.

Identify communication processes in the coordination of interdisciplinary care and community resource referrals.

Identify a plan to evaluate nursing care given to clients in the community according to ethical and professional standards of quality care.

Preparation – Required Readings/Resources:

American Nurses Association. (2013). Public health nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). (Available free through the SMSU McFarland Library e-books:

American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses: With interpretive statements (3rd ed.). (Available free through the SMSU McFarland Library e-books:

Review Healthy People 2030 website

Read Omaha System journal articles found in Case Study Module in NURS 450 D2L course

Required Learning Activities:

Begin by reading the “mini-lecture” below regarding some background and useful information about the Omaha System:

The Omaha System is a standardized, reliable and valid method for documenting and managing patient care. Reliability and validity of the Omaha System has been established with extensive testing (Martin et al., 2011; Kerr et al., 2016). You will find more details about the System at the Omaha System Website found at

The Omaha System includes a rating scale for measuring outcomes (Martin et al., 2011) based on the client’s knowledge (what the client knows); behavior (what the client does) and status (the client’s physiological or psychological well-being) see the Omaha System site for the rating scales found at:

There are 43 problems in the Omaha System organized within four domains— Environmental, Psychosocial, Physiological, and Health Related Behaviors see ( Modifiers and signs and symptoms follow the domains and problems. The Omaha System includes a rating scale for outcomes on three subscales: Knowledge (K), the ability of the client to remember and interpret information; Behavior (B), the observable responses, actions, or activities of the client fitting the occasion or purpose; and Status (S), the condition of the client in relation to objective and subjective defining characteristics. The rating scale (Likert-type) scoring ranges from 1 to 5 points, where a rating of 1 indicates no knowledge, behavior that is not appropriate, and extreme signs and symptoms, and a rating of 5 indicates superior knowledge, consistently appropriate behavior, and no signs and symptoms.

The intervention scheme can be found at and reflects nursing actions or activities in four hierarchical levels: Health Teaching, Guidance, and Counseling; Treatments and Procedures; Case Management; and Surveillance. Lastly, the system includes client-specific information that may be needed for detailed information in the client’s plan.

The System has been used extensively and researched in a variety of settings. For example, the Omaha System is being evaluated as a tool to link standardize languages from acute care settings to home care. Now that you have worked through this module, you are ready to read the case study of your choice, identify and document the priority problems and answer the questions within the grading rubric

Go to the Omaha System website found at The case studies are listed: Emma, Janice, Francis, Bill, John, Julie, Tamika, or Joe. Choose one of the case studies and use your textbooks and other resources to answer the following questions. Questions should be answered specific to the chosen case study.

Reminder of the scope of Public Health Nursing: Public health nursing is a specialty practice within nursing and students will apply public health knowledge using Omaha System case studies to apply clinical decision support in diverse populations and health context.

It is important for students to understand the definition of public health nursing which is the practice of promoting and protecting the health of populations using knowledge from nursing, social, and public health sciences to determine the nature and extent of information needed to formulate and develop a coherent and unified case study analysis. The case study of your choice should be viewed through the lens of each unique case study practice setting and is meant to be analyzed and synthesized. Each case study includes referral details, data that students obtain during the time reflected in the case study, and clues for identification of Omaha System problems, interventions, and ratings for evaluation of outcomes. Students will apply critical thinking skills to identify data that are pertinent in the chosen case study and then identify correct answers to the following questions within the grading rubric.

Assignment Instructions:

Consider yourself the public health nurse assigned to make a home visit. Choose one of the 9 case studies and use your textbooks and other resources listed to write a paper, meeting the objectives listed on the grading rubric.
Client name (or Influenza if chosen) should be the title of your paper and appear on the title page. Organize your paper using the headings provided in the rubric and per 7th ed. APA formatting.
Use the 7th ed. APA formatting (title page, double space throughout, use headings, citations, references, etc.) and please limit your case study analysis paper to 2-3 pages in length. Full criteria for your case study analysis must be met for the student to be awarded full points.
Follow grading rubric

Applying the Omaha System to the Case of Janice
This paper will examine the case study of Janice available through the Omaha System website ( By applying a public health nursing lens and utilizing relevant reference materials, the priority problems, interventions, and outcome ratings for Janice will be identified and discussed.
Background on Janice
Janice is a 48-year-old woman with a history of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity (Omaha System, n.d.). She lives alone and relies on her daughter for assistance with activities of daily living. Janice struggles with medication adherence and making healthy lifestyle changes.
Priority Problems
Based on the information provided, two priority problems emerge for Janice within the Omaha System. The first is a physiological problem – diabetes management (problem code 1.1). Janice exhibits poor control of her blood sugar levels due to nonadherence to her medication regimen and diet (Martin et al., 2011). The second priority problem is psychosocial in nature – coping with a chronic condition (problem code 3.2). Janice demonstrates difficulty adapting to the lifestyle changes required to manage her comorbidities (Kerr et al., 2016).
Appropriate interventions for Janice include health teaching, guidance, and counseling around diabetes self-management (level 1) such as medication administration and nutritional strategies (Omaha System, n.d.). Case management (level 3) is also warranted to coordinate care and address social determinants like transportation barriers impacting her ability to attend medical appointments (ANA, 2013).
Outcome Ratings
Initial ratings for Janice’s priority problems prior to the public health nurse’s involvement would likely be a 2-3 on the Omaha System scale for knowledge, behavior, and status. With targeted interventions and follow-up by the nurse, her ratings have the potential to improve to the level of a 4-5 within 3-6 months as her self-care abilities and health indicators stabilize (Martin et al., 2011).
In summary, the Omaha System provided a useful framework for systematically assessing Janice’s situation and identifying nursing priorities and strategies. Continued application of this standardized terminology supports the delivery of coordinated, evidence-based public health nursing care for clients with complex health issues.

American Nurses Association. (2013). Public health nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD:
Kerr, D., Norris, T., Stockdale, J., & Parsons, L. (2016). The Omaha System: A key to interoperability. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(6), 242–249. homework help writing assignment service
Martin, K. S., Norris, J., & Leak, G. (2011). Validity of the Omaha System: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications, 13(2), 51–66.
Omaha System. (n.d.). Case studies. Retrieved September 15, 2023, from

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