Assessment 2 – Individual Essay
Word Length
The essay length should be 1500 words (+/- 10%), not including scenario, references (and any appendices, if applicable) and mind-map.
Due Date: 20-09-2023
This assessment requires you to watch a video and write a reflective essay applying management concepts you’ve learned in the course. Here are the simplified steps to follow in doing this assessment.
1. Watch the provided video, which is 26 minutes long.
2. Choose a specific scenario from the video that allows you to apply management concepts effectively. Explain in 50-100 words which part you selected for your essay.
3. Discuss positive and/or negative organisational behaviour portrayed in the chosen scenario and its impact on organisational performance. Utilise at least four management concepts from the course to explain the behaviour or its impact. For example, you can discuss how a lack of emotional intelligence (behaviour) leads to interpersonal conflicts (impact). Avoid broader concepts like Leading and Organising.
4. Then, explore management concepts that can bring about a positive change in the workplace and how they can positively influence organizational performance. In this section, use at least four different management concepts from what you used in the previous step. For instance, discuss the role of -employee involvement teams- as a strategy to create a positive work environment.
5. Create a mind map connecting the chosen scenario and the concepts you’ve chosen (similar to the week 1 tutorial class activity). You can use tools like Coggle it ( to an external site.) create the mind map. Place the mind map at the beginning of the document.
Structure your essay in a logical way, using the following suggested format:
o Chosen scenario (50-100 words, not included in the word count).
o Introduction: Provide background information, state the purpose of the essay, and define its scope.
o Discussion: Analyse the demonstrated behaviours, their positive/negative impact on the organization, and the management concepts you apply to bring about a positive change in the workplace.
o Conclusion: Summarise the main points covered in the discussion.
o Citations and list of references: Include intext citations for any sources used in APA style. Provide the list of reference.
Remember, the goal of this assessment is to evaluate your ability to reflect on a practical workplace scenario and apply management concepts to create a positive work environment.
Submission Instructions
You must submit an electronic copy of your essay through Turnitin (word format only, not PDF).
Please mention the word count on the cover page (excluding references).
Provide evidence to support that you completed the Academic Integrity module. It is sufficient if you past a screen short of completed Academic Integrity module as an appendix (after reference list).
We recommend to check your similarity rate before submitting the final copy of your essay. Only three attempts will be allowed.
It is your responsibility to submit your assessment successfully. Please contact ITS help desk if you are experiencing IT issues.
Additional Information
• To get a good mark, you need to select a variety of concepts/techniques/strategies from different chapters. In other words, avoid choosing concepts from the same chapter.
• We expect you to include at least 5 scholarly references published after 2017 (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles, books), and to go beyond the core reading materials from the course. Do not count the textbook or the lecture slides as one of your references.
• This assignment should be written as an essay. You need not to use subheadings. Use at least 1.5 line spacing, 12 or 11 font size.


Mind Map: Assessment 2 Individual Essay
[A mind map was inserted here connecting key concepts from the scenario and discussion]
This essay will analyze a scenario from the provided video applying relevant management concepts. The chosen scenario depicts a team meeting where lack of coordination and role clarity leads to delays in project completion. This scenario will be discussed to understand the demonstrated behaviors and their impact on organizational performance. Further, management strategies like role definition, coordination mechanisms and performance management will be proposed to facilitate positive change.
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The scenario selected is from minute 18:30 to 20:00 of the video, where the project team is discussing timelines and deliverables. However, lack of predefined roles and coordination results in confusion and delays.
The scenario highlights issues related to role definition and coordination. Role ambiguity occurs when employees are unclear about what is expected from their role and who is responsible for what (Morgeson et al., 2005). This leads to overlap and gaps in responsibilities. In the scenario, confusion around roles of different team members like designers, developers and testers is evident. Role ambiguity negatively impacts performance, job satisfaction and commitment (Tubre & Collins, 2000).
Secondly, lack of coordination mechanisms like status updates and task interdependencies mapping hinders effective collaboration. Coordination is the process of task interdependencies management for goal accomplishment (Malone & Crowston, 1994). When coordination is lacking, duplication of efforts may occur along with delays. In the scenario, lack of coordination between designers and developers about handoff of assets and dependencies is a key reason for project delays.
These behaviors can be attributed to lack of role definition and coordination strategies. Role theory suggests roles should be well-defined to minimize ambiguity and standardize expectations (Katz & Kahn, 1978). Further, coordination theory emphasizes the need for mechanisms and processes to integrate interdependent work (Malone & Crowston, 1994). When roles are ambiguous and coordination is lacking, it leads to conflicts, delays and sub-optimal performance.
To facilitate positive change, strategies around role definition, coordination and performance management can be adopted. Clear role definition involving mutual understanding of role expectations, key result areas, responsibilities and accountabilities can minimize ambiguity (Morgeson et al., 2005). Regular sync-ups, status reporting and task dependencies mapping can enhance coordination. Performance management with goals, reviews and feedback can help align individual performance to organizational objectives. When implemented effectively, these concepts can optimize organizational processes and performance.
In conclusion, the chosen scenario highlighted issues around role ambiguity and lack of coordination mechanisms. These behaviors negatively impacted project timelines and deliverables. Adopting strategies focused on role definition, coordination and performance management can help address such challenges and facilitate a more positive work environment. Proper application of management concepts discussed can enhance organizational effectiveness.
Katz, D., & Kahn, R. L. (1978). The social psychology of organizations (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
Malone, T. W., & Crowston, K. (1994). The interdisciplinary study of coordination. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 26(1), 87-119.
Morgeson, F. P., Delaney-Klinger, K., & Hemingway, M. A. (2005). The importance of job autonomy, cognitive ability, and job-related skill for predicting role breadth and job performance. Journal of applied psychology, 90(2), 399. research essay writing service.
Tubre, T. C., & Collins, J. M. (2000). Jackson and Schuler (1985) revisited: A meta-analysis of the relationships between role ambiguity, role conflict, and job performance. Journal of management, 26(1), 155-169.

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