HSA540 activity
Week 6 Activity – Scenario: Disaster Recovery

Due: Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:00amDue: Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:00am

Ungraded, 40 Possible Points40 Points Possible

Available after Jan 22, 2024 12:00amAvailable after Jan 22, 2024 12:00am


In this activity, you will complete the Villa Health Disaster RecoveryLinks to an external site. interactive scenario and answer two related questions.

Complete the Villa Health Disaster RecoveryLinks to an external site. interactive scenario.
In next week’s assignment you will be asked to evaluate aspects of the scenario to create a disaster plan proposal, so keep this in mind as you complete this week’s activity.
Consider the scenario, particularly the staff interviews, and respond to the following in a one-page Word document:

Write a summary that accurately portrays the disaster preparedness challenges faced by the hospital.
Justify what you believe might be the biggest challenge to creating (not implementing) an updated disaster plan for the hospital.
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Week 6 Activity – Scenario: Disaster Recovery
Week 6 Activity – Scenario: Disaster Recovery
Criteria Ratings Pts
Write a summary that accurately portrays the disaster preparedness challenges faced by the hospital. (50%)
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20 to >18 pts


Wrote a summary that accurately portrays the disaster preparedness challenges faced by the hospital.
18 to >16 pts


Wrote a summary that accurately portrays the disaster preparedness challenges faced by the hospital; the summary has minor errors or omissions.
16 to >14 pts

Needs Improvement

Wrote a summary that portrays the disaster preparedness challenges faced by the hospital, but the summary has significant errors or omissions.
14 to >0 pts


Did not write a summary that portrays the disaster preparedness challenges faced by the hospital.
/ 20 pts

Justify the identification of the biggest challenge to creating an updated hospital disaster plan. (50%)

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20 to >18 pts


Justified the identification of the biggest challenge to creating an updated hospital disaster plan.
18 to >16 pts


Described the biggest challenge to creating an updated hospital disaster plan.
16 to >14 pts

Needs Improvement

Described a modest or insignificant challenge to creating an updated hospital disaster plan.
14 to >0 pts


Did not describe a modest or insignificant challenge to creating an updated hospital disaster plan.

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