EUB203 Science in Early Childhood
Assessment 1 – Professional Plan: Details & Templates
Overview Task description
Assessment task 1 requires you to plan for and implement an individual micro-teaching episode, collegial feedback, based on a lesson/leaming expenence plan that will be presented face to face in tutonals for internal students and online via a zoom recording for cane students. The focus of this assessment will be on a science topic and year level of your choice. This is an authentic assessment because it will assess your 1 Knowledge of content and curriculum document(s) for your chosen science topic and year level 2 Application of an inquiry pedagogically based early year’s science learning episode 3 written professional communication in the area of lesson/learning expenence planning and providing feedback.
There are the parts to this assessment
1) Lesson/Learning Experience Plan: 1000 words W-1096 (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list, direct quotes, headings, appendices)
2) Micro-beaching Episode (presentation) 10 minutes
3) Collegial Feedback 100 words

Professional Plan: Details & Templates

Part 1: Lesson/Learning Experience Plan

Title: Exploring Water Properties through Inquiry-Based Learning

Year Level: Kindergarten

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Curriculum Document: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2014). Science Curriculum F-6. Retrieved from

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to identify the properties of water (colorless, odorless, tasteless, etc.) through observation.
Students will be able to describe the behavior of water when poured from one container to another.
Students will be able to understand the concept of buoyancy and demonstrate their knowledge through hands-on activities.
Lesson/Learning Experience Plan:


The teacher will introduce the lesson by asking students what they know about water. The teacher will then explain that they will be exploring the properties of water through hands-on activities.

Activity 1: Observation of Water Properties

The teacher will provide students with a clear plastic cup filled with water. Students will observe the properties of water (colorless, odorless, tasteless, etc.) and record their observations on a chart.

Activity 2: Pouring Water from Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One Container to Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another

The teacher will provide students with two containers of different sizes and shapes. Students will pour water from one container to another and observe how the water behaves. Students will then discuss their observations as a class.

Activity 3: Buoyancy Demonstration

The teacher will provide students with a variety of materials (e.g. paper clips, buttons, rubber bands, etc.) and a clear plastic cup filled with water. Students will predict which materials will sink or float in the water and test their predictions. Students will then discuss their observations as a class.


The teacher will ask students to reflect on what they learned about the properties of water. The teacher will summarize the main points of the lesson and ask students to share their favorite activity.


Students will be assessed based on their participation in the hands-on activities and their ability to record and discuss their observations.

Part 2: Micro-teaching Episode (Presentation)

The micro-teaching episode will involve presenting the lesson/learning experience plan to the class in a 10-minute presentation. The presentation will include a brief introduction of the topic and learning outcomes, a demonstration of the three activities, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points of the lesson.

Part 3: Collegial Feedback

After the presentation, colleagues will provide feedback on the following:

Clarity and organization of the lesson/learning experience plan
Appropriateness of the learning outcomes for the chosen year level and science topic
Engagement and effectiveness of the hands-on activities in promoting inquiry-based learning
Effectiveness of the conclusion in summarizing the main points of the lesson and promoting reflection among students.
Feedback will be provided in 100 words or less.

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