Address these first two questions briefly.

Assess how effectively Kent Thiry used the principles of “Model the Way” from Kouzes and Posner’s The Leadership Challenge and “Make Your Values Mean Something” by Patrick M. Lencioni to be an exemplary leader.
Consider which of these principles were used most effectively and which principles were used least effectively.
Addressing this third question should be the main focus of your assignment. Assume you are writing a UK dissertation assignment pro papers masters thesis writing – creating a personal leadership development plan for Kent Thiry based on the principles in this module.

What should Kent Thiry have done to use the principles from “Model the Way” and “Make Your Values Mean Something” more effectively to have become an even more exemplary leader?

Kent Thiry, the former CEO of DaVita, effectively utilized the principles of “Model the Way” from Kouzes and Posner’s The Leadership Challenge and “Make Your Values Mean Something” by Patrick M. Lencioni to be an exemplary leader. He demonstrated strong commitment and consistency in his actions, setting a positive example for others to follow. Thiry effectively modeled the way by aligning his behaviors with the values and principles he advocated, fostering trust and credibility among his team members.

In terms of the principles used most effectively, “Model the Way” stands out. Thiry consistently displayed integrity, authenticity, and a strong sense of purpose, which inspired others to align their actions with the organization’s mission and values. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. living his values and being a role model, he created a culture of accountability and excellence within the organization.

However, there is always room for improvement. To further enhance his effectiveness as a leader, Kent Thiry could have focused on a few key areas:

Communicating Values: Thiry could have placed more emphasis on articulating and communicating the organization’s values in a compelling and memorable manner. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. consistently sharing stories and examples that illustrate the values in action, he could have ensured that they truly resonated with employees at all levels.

Employee Engagement: Thiry could have actively engaged employees in the process of defining and refining the organization’s values, allowing them to take ownership and feel a stronger sense of connection to the values. This involvement would have fostered a greater commitment from employees and increased their motivation to embody the values.

Alignment of Systems and Processes: Thiry could have focused on aligning the organization’s systems and processes with its stated values. This includes incorporating values into performance management, recognition programs, and decision-making frameworks. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. consistently reinforcing the values through these mechanisms, he could have created a stronger link between values and behaviors throughout the organization.

Accountability: Thiry could have established clear expectations for behavior based on the values and held individuals accountable for living up to those expectations. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. consistently reinforcing the values and addressing any misalignment, he would have demonstrated a commitment to upholding the values and maintaining the integrity of the organization.

In conclusion, while Kent Thiry effectively utilized the principles of “Model the Way” and “Make Your Values Mean Something” to be an exemplary leader, there were areas where he could have further enhanced his effectiveness. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. focusing on communication, employee engagement, alignment of systems and processes, and accountability, Thiry could have strengthened the impact of his leadership and created an even more exemplary organizational culture.

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