This assignment should be 2-3 pages.

Prompt 1. Please define excellence in care and elaborate on the criteria for excellence in patient care.

Prompt 2. Visit and compare 2 HCOs of your choosing. Include table of results and discuss each measure.

Prompt 3. Define excellence in population health and how it is measured.

Prompt 4. Please pick a health disparity in your state of choice and compare the 2 rates from 2017 to 2018 and discuss.

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Prompt 1:ining Excellence in
Excell in patient care can be defined as providing the highest of care that is safe, effective, efficient, timely, equitable and patient-centered (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Some key criteria for excellence patient care include
Compassion: Treating patients, families and colleagues with dignity, respect and compassion is fundamental. This means truly listening to understand each patient’s unique situation and needs (The Beryl Institute, n.d
Safety: Prioritizing patient safety by reducing medical errors and harm from care. This involves evidence-based practices, checklists, when errors occur a culture of continuous learning (ency Healthcare Research and Quality,22).
Effectiveness:iding based on scientific knowledge and evidence ensure interventions and treatments will achieve desired outcomes. This ongoing evaluation and (Institute of Medicine, 2001).
Efficiency Delivering care in a cost-effective that avoids waste, including waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy (Institute of, 2001).
Timeliness: Reducing and harmful delays. This means minimizing barriers to timely access quality healthcare (stitute of Medicine,).
Patient-centeredness: Providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values. This including patients as partners in their own careInstitute, 2001).
Equity: Delivering care that does not vary in quality on personal characteristics like gender, ethnicity, geographic location and socioeconomicAgency for Healthcare and 2022).
Prompt 2aring Health Care Organizations
To compare health care (HCOs), I reviewed data from on two large hospital systems in my state of California: Kaiser Permanente and Dignity Health.
Table 1
Comparison ofente and Dignity Health
Kaiser Perenteignity Health
Patient experience (out of 5 stars) 4.3 stars 3.8 stars
Timely and effective care 83.4% 78.2%
Safe care 99.9% of surgeries 99.8% of sur
Readmission rates 16.% 18.4%
Mortality (lower is better).4 100.2
As shown in Table 1, Kaiser Permanenteperforms Dignity Health on most measures of quality according to this data. receives higher patient experience ratings better on timely/effective care according to survey results. They also have lower readmission and mortality rates indicating patients may experience better outcomes. both systems very high rates of safe surgeries, Kaiser has a slight edge Overall, Kaiser Permanente demonstrates stronger performance on key quality metrics according to this data
Prompt 3: Defining Excellence Population Health health can be defined as “the health outcomes of a of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group (Kindig & Stoddart,, p. 381). Excellence in population health focuses on that promote health and wellness across an entire geographic community or population segment rather than just treating individual patients.
Some key ways that excellence in population health is measured include:
Length of life measures like infant mortality and lifeBraveman et al., 2011).
Quality of life measures like rates of preventable disability (Braveman et al., Health behaviors like of obesity, drug/alcohol abuse and physical inactivity Health 2022
Clinical care measures preventive cancer screen, management of chronic and primary care (Braveman et al).
Social and economic factors shown to health like education, employment, income, family/social support and community safety ( Health Rank, 2022).
Environmental measures of health like air and quality, transportation and access to healthy foods (Braveman et al., 2011).
Regular monitoring of types of population health metrics helps identify areas for improvement and track progress in promoting overall community wellness.
Prompt 4: Comparing State Health Disparity 2017-
Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One significant health disparity in my California is the high rate of diseaseCVD) among Latino populations. According Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019), CVD death rates among Latin were 271.4 per 100 people in 2017 to 222.2 per 100,000 among whites.
However, some progress was made in addressing this disparity as the 2018 data shows CVD death rates to.1 per 100,000 among Latin, a 4.4%. Meanwhile, the white rate increased slightly to 223.6000 people (CDC). While more work remains, efforts over this period helped narrow the gap between Latino and white CVD mortality California factors contributing to disparities include in access to preventive healthcare, healthy foods and lifestyle resources (CD,22 Continued focus on culturally prevention programs shows promise in further improving cardiovascular health equity.
In conclusion, excellence in requires a multifaceted approach addressing both clinical quality andness. Regular measurement and comparison of helps identify to promote more equitable, effective and compassionate care. Please let me if you need any clarification or have additional questions.
Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited
Agency for Research and. (2022 March). Defining quality of https://.ahrq.govtalkingquality//setting/consumer/quality.html
Brave, P.,gerter, S., & Williams,. (2011 The determinants of health: of age. review of public 32, 381–398. https://.org/10.1146/annpublhealth-031210-101218
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.2019). Heart deaths by race and ethnicity.
Centers for Control and Prevention. (2022 February 15). Health equity considerations and racial and ethnic minority
County Healthings. (2022). Social and economic.
Institute of Medicine. (2001).ing the quality chasm: A new health for the 21st century. National Academy Press.
Kindig, D. A., & Stoddart, G (2003). is population health? American journal of public health 93(3), 380–383.
The Beryl Institute. (n.d.). Defining experience. http://.berylinstit./?page=DefiningPatientExp

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