Title is “Effective use of Blockchain technology”, my focus is on Healthcare field.
The problem I found is lack of standard data formats (specific on patient’s profile form) so Blockchain can solve this or not?
In this project students will first analyse and understand theoretical foundations of effective use of Information systems till week 5. Upon gaining the required knowledge then students will need to be establish their unique question on “How to make effective use of blockchain” . The perform the necessary research activities to provide an original
1. To Be model, or
2. Enterprise Architectural solution or
3. Analytical framework
The original knowledge should describe how to make effective use of blockchain for the chosen context and problem. Each student will have option to choose and focus one of the industries where the social value can be generated with blockchain use research (either education, health or sustainability).
The students are expected to use the theoretical perspectives learnt from their BA/BPM/EIS major units to complete the research paper and propose your own original solution.
Required major studies: Problem solving, critical analysis, design thinking
My major is Business Analysis.

Effective Use of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare

Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger system that can be used to securely store and share data. This makes it a promising technology for the healthcare industry, where there is a need to securely share patient data between different healthcare providers.

One of the challenges in healthcare is the lack of standard data formats. This can make it difficult to share patient data between different healthcare providers. Blockchain technology can help to solve this problem by providing a common data format that can be used by all healthcare providers.

In addition to providing a common data format, blockchain technology can also help to improve the security of patient data. Blockchain is a tamper-proof system, which means that it is very difficult to change or delete data that has been stored on the blockchain. This can help to protect patient data from unauthorized access.

Blockchain technology can also help to improve the efficiency of the healthcare industry. By providing a secure and efficient way to share patient data, blockchain can help to reduce the time and cost of healthcare delivery.

Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry. By providing a secure, efficient, and standardized way to share patient data, blockchain can help to improve the quality of care and reduce the cost of healthcare.

To Be Model

The following To Be model shows how blockchain technology can be used to improve the healthcare industry.

Patients can securely share their medical records with healthcare providers.
Healthcare providers can access patient data from anywhere in the world.
Researchers can access patient data to conduct research.
Government agencies can access patient data to track diseases and improve public health.
Enterprise Architectural Solution

The following enterprise architectural solution shows how blockchain technology can be implemented in the healthcare industry.

Blockchain platform – The blockchain platform will be used to store and share patient data.
Data access layer – The data access layer will allow healthcare providers to access patient data from the blockchain platform.
Application layer – The application layer will provide healthcare providers with the tools they need to use patient data.
Analytical Framework

The following analytical framework can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry.

Security – Blockchain is a tamper-proof system, which means that it is very difficult to change or delete data that has been stored on the blockchain.
Efficiency – Blockchain can help to reduce the time and cost of healthcare delivery.
Standardization – Blockchain can help to provide a common data format that can be used by all healthcare providers.
Interoperability – Blockchain can help to improve the interoperability of healthcare systems.
Cost-effectiveness – Blockchain can help to reduce the cost of healthcare delivery.

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry. By providing a secure, efficient, and standardized way to share patient data, blockchain can help to improve the quality of care and reduce the cost of healthcare.

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