How to do your Dissertation Secondary Research

How to do your Dissertation Secondary Research To best understand secondary research, we first have to define primary research and distinguish the two. Primary research is where the researcher directly collects data from the original sources and influences the methods and techniques used in gathering the data. Secondary research, on the other hand, comprises of […]

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Increasing Nursing Productivity Through Benchmarking Data

Increasing Nursing Productivity Through Benchmarking Data Benchmarking is a management criterion by which the operations and performance metrics of a given organization are measured and compared using pre-determined standards and guidelines and data from other similar firms. The concept is relatively new in the healthcare industry, but more and more healthcare organizations are beginning to […]

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that represents a wide range of conditions that impacts on a person’s behavior, affecting how they communicate and interact with other people. The term “spectrum” is used because patients often display a wide range of symptoms. ASD represents conditions such as autistic disorder, Asperger’s […]

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Role of Animals in the Christian Religion

Role of Animals in the Christian Religion The relationship between Christianity and animals is intricate. For many years, the issue has raised numerous and unending debates among Christians, especially in the United States, with different groups having opposing views concerning how animals should be treated. From a broad point of view, the arguments have been […]

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Stereotypes and Gender Roles in our Society

Stereotypes and Gender Roles in our Society Gender stereotypes are generalized beliefs and preconceptions about characteristics, behaviors, and roles that should be possessed by or performed by males and females in society. For instance, throughout history, women have been viewed as emotional, weak, and nurturing beings, while men are seen as strong, rational, and career-driven. […]

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Role of a nurse in pain management of patients affected with dementia

Role of a nurse in pain management of patients affected with dementia Among the estimated 35 million people living with dementia across the world, more than 50% experience mild to chronic pain regularly. Unfortunately, despite the high numbers, the prevalence of pain in demented patients is often underrated and ignored, leading to inadequate pain assessment […]

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DSM-5: current prejudices

DSM-5: current prejudices. Review current debates around DSM-5 stating your position. For many years, the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses has relied on the guidelines of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM. The book offers detailed classifications regarding mental conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, among others. In mental […]

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How can a patient’s socioeconomic background affect the care we provide, or they choose?

How can a patient’s socioeconomic background affect the care we provide, or they choose? The relationship between social-economic status (SES) and health care is quite complex. Existing studies confirm that socioeconomic status indeed affects an individual’s health care outcomes and the care they receive. The three main components of SES include education, income, and occupation. […]

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Value determination of a cryptocurrency

Value determination of a cryptocurrency As more people continue to venture into cryptocurrency, the major problem remains how to determine the value of a cryptocurrency accurately. Cryptocurrencies are very volatile compared to other forms of assets. The constant and unexpected rises and dives in the price make the valuing process quite challenging. Nonetheless, investing in […]

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Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bone. The condition makes bones weak and fragile and, consequently, highly prone to fractures. When observed under a microscope, a healthy human bone structure resembles a honeycomb with tiny pores. In bones with osteoporosis, the holes and spaces enlarge significantly than those in a healthy bone. The […]

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How to do your Dissertation Secondary Research

How to do your Dissertation Secondary Research To best understand secondary research, we first have to define primary research and distinguish the two. Primary research is where the researcher directly collects data from the original sources and influences the methods and techniques used in gathering the data. Secondary research, on the other hand, comprises of […]

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Increasing Nursing Productivity Through Benchmarking Data

Increasing Nursing Productivity Through Benchmarking Data Benchmarking is a management criterion by which the operations and performance metrics of a given organization are measured and compared using pre-determined standards and guidelines and data from other similar firms. The concept is relatively new in the healthcare industry, but more and more healthcare organizations are beginning to […]

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that represents a wide range of conditions that impacts on a person’s behavior, affecting how they communicate and interact with other people. The term “spectrum” is used because patients often display a wide range of symptoms. ASD represents conditions such as autistic disorder, Asperger’s […]

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Role of Animals in the Christian Religion

Role of Animals in the Christian Religion The relationship between Christianity and animals is intricate. For many years, the issue has raised numerous and unending debates among Christians, especially in the United States, with different groups having opposing views concerning how animals should be treated. From a broad point of view, the arguments have been […]

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Stereotypes and Gender Roles in our Society

Stereotypes and Gender Roles in our Society Gender stereotypes are generalized beliefs and preconceptions about characteristics, behaviors, and roles that should be possessed by or performed by males and females in society. For instance, throughout history, women have been viewed as emotional, weak, and nurturing beings, while men are seen as strong, rational, and career-driven. […]

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Role of a nurse in pain management of patients affected with dementia

Role of a nurse in pain management of patients affected with dementia Among the estimated 35 million people living with dementia across the world, more than 50% experience mild to chronic pain regularly. Unfortunately, despite the high numbers, the prevalence of pain in demented patients is often underrated and ignored, leading to inadequate pain assessment […]

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DSM-5: current prejudices

DSM-5: current prejudices. Review current debates around DSM-5 stating your position. For many years, the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses has relied on the guidelines of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM. The book offers detailed classifications regarding mental conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, among others. In mental […]

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How can a patient’s socioeconomic background affect the care we provide, or they choose?

How can a patient’s socioeconomic background affect the care we provide, or they choose? The relationship between social-economic status (SES) and health care is quite complex. Existing studies confirm that socioeconomic status indeed affects an individual’s health care outcomes and the care they receive. The three main components of SES include education, income, and occupation. […]

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Value determination of a cryptocurrency

Value determination of a cryptocurrency As more people continue to venture into cryptocurrency, the major problem remains how to determine the value of a cryptocurrency accurately. Cryptocurrencies are very volatile compared to other forms of assets. The constant and unexpected rises and dives in the price make the valuing process quite challenging. Nonetheless, investing in […]

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Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bone. The condition makes bones weak and fragile and, consequently, highly prone to fractures. When observed under a microscope, a healthy human bone structure resembles a honeycomb with tiny pores. In bones with osteoporosis, the holes and spaces enlarge significantly than those in a healthy bone. The […]

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