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Evaluation Training Program.
Develop a training program to teach trainees how to effectively evaluate training. Your team will teach the trainees the correct techniques and methods for conducting training evaluation at one of the following levels: Learning, Behavior/Transfer, Results, or ROI (not the reaction level). Use course content and information from a minimum of 5 other sources. Include the APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Essay Writing Service Paper Writing Service by Essay Pro Paper Help: Essay Writing Service cite for each source used.

The following is some of the information that should be included in the program relevant to the level of evaluation your team covers: importance, when, how, best practices or guidelines, common mistakes, examples, etc.

Training Program

Learning Objectives-write at least 3 learning objectives that cover what trainees are expected to know or be able to do at the end of the training program and what they will be assessed on at the end of the program. (LO should be included in the PP and covered in the presentation)

Icebreaker-pick an Ice Breaker that would be appropriate for your training program. (Include a slide in the PP showing when in program and include a copy of the ice breaker)

Program Content-develop a PP presentation that covers the content and includes each of the 9 events in Gagne’. (Can include u-tube videos, demonstrations, examples, etc)

Practice and/or Application Activity-develop a practice and/or application activity relevant to the content of your program (Include a slide in the PP showing when in program and a copy of the activity)

Handout or Job Aid-develop a one-page handout that can be used as a quick reference or job aid by the trainee after the program.

Assessment-list each learning objective and state specifically how each LO will be assessed at the end of the program. If it is a written assessment, include at least 2 assessment questions that can be used to evaluate that LO. If it is a performance test, state what trainees will have to do and include a checklist that will be used to evaluate performance.



-Ice Breaker

-Learning/Application Activity



Training Program: Effective Evaluation Training

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the training program, trainees will be able to:

Understand the importance of training evaluation and the different levels of evaluation.
Identify the appropriate techniques and methods for conducting evaluation at the desired level.
Apply best practices and guidelines for conducting evaluation and avoid common mistakes.
Icebreaker: The Two Truths and a Lie Game
Trainees introduce themselves by sharing three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one of which is false. The other participants have to guess which statement is false.

Program Content:


Importance of training evaluation
Levels of evaluation
Event 1: Gaining Attention

The need for evaluation
The benefits of evaluation
The consequences of not evaluating
Event 2: Informing Learners of Objectives

Identifying evaluation objectives
Importance of aligning evaluation objectives with training objectives
Methods for setting evaluation objectives
Event 3: Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning

Overview of the different levels of evaluation: Learning, Behavior/Transfer, Results, and ROI
Explanation of each level of evaluation and how they are conducted
Event 4: Presenting the Content

Techniques for conducting evaluation at each level
Best practices and guidelines for evaluation
Common mistakes to avoid
Event 5: Providing Learning Guidance

Examples of evaluation techniques and methods at each level
Demonstrations of how to conduct evaluation at each level
Case studies of successful evaluation
Event 6: Eliciting Performance

Tips for collecting data and evidence during evaluation
Methods for analyzing evaluation data
Event 7: Providing Feedback

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Methods for communicating evaluation results
Event 8: Assessing Performance

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Evaluation checklists for each level
Event 9: Enhancing Retention and Transfer

Strategies for using evaluation results to improve future training programs
Importance of continuous evaluation and improvement
Practice and/or Application Activity:
Trainees will be divided into groups and assigned a level of evaluation. They will work together to design an evaluation plan for a hypothetical training program, using the best practices and guidelines learned during the training.

A one-page handout will be provided that summarizes the different levels of evaluation, the appropriate techniques and methods for conducting evaluation at each level, and best practices and guidelines for conducting evaluation.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the importance of training evaluation and the different levels of evaluation.

Assessment question 1: Why is training evaluation important?
Assessment question 2: What are the different levels of evaluation?
Learning Objective 2: Identify the appropriate techniques and methods for conducting evaluation at the desired level.

Performance test: Design an evaluation plan for a hypothetical training program at the assigned level of evaluation, using the best practices and guidelines learned during the training. Evaluation checklists will be used to assess performance.
Learning Objective 3: Apply best practices and guidelines for conducting evaluation and avoid common mistakes.

Assessment question 1: What are some best practices and guidelines for conducting evaluation?
Assessment question 2: What are some common mistakes to avoid during evaluation?

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