Analysis of human factors in ship collisions based on accident investigation reports
Human factors, including cognitive and behavioral elements, play a significant role in ship collisions. Through analysis of accident investigation reports, it is possible to identify specific human factors that contribute to such incidents.
In examining one such report, it is clear that poor communication and miscommunication among crew members were a primary factor in a collision between two vessels. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One crew member reported that they had not received information about the other ship’s course and speed, leading to confusion about the vessel’s intended path. Additionally, another crew member stated that they had not properly communicated their own ship’s maneuvers to the other vessel.
A report illustrates the influence of fatigue on human performance. The investigation revealed that the crew of one vessel had been working excessive hours leading up to the collision, resulting in fatigue and decreased vigilance. This fatigue likely contributed to the crew’s inability to properly assess the situation and make appropriate decisions.
A review of multiple reports also reveals the importance of proper training and adherence to standard operating procedures. In several incidents, crew members failed to properly execute established protocols, such as properly using radar and other navigational equipment. This highlights the need for continued training and reinforcement of procedures to ensure that crew members are able to effectively operate equipment and make sound decisions in high-stress situations.
Furthermore, cultural and organizational factors also contribute to human error in ship collisions. For example, a lack of a safety culture within the organization, where safety concerns are not taken seriously, can lead to complacency and disregard for established protocols. Furthermore, an organization’s hierarchical structure can also play a role, with crew members being reluctant to speak up or question the actions of their superiors.
Analysis of accident investigation reports clearly demonstrates the significant role that human factors play in ship collisions. Through identifying specific factors such as poor communication, fatigue, and lack of proper training, steps can be taken to mitigate the risk of future incidents. Furthermore, addressing cultural and organizational factors within shipping companies is essential to writing a UK dissertation assignment pro papers masters thesis writing – creating a safety-conscious environment.

Human Factors in Shipping, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
Human Error in Marine Accidents, Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Fatigue in the maritime industry, International Transport Forum (ITF)
Organizational factors in shipping accidents, Safety Science.

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