Week 13

– Reading
(1) Shimizu 2010 Hypersexuality of Race 173-184
(2) “What Happened to Annabel Chong?” in Vice by AJ McDougall (2020) https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgqqd8/what-happened-to-annabel-chong
(3) “Asa Akira Shares How She Deals with Fetishization as an Asian Woman in Porn” in Bustle by Emma McGowan (2019)

Watching video
(1) “Sexuality as Free Expression – Asa Akira” by The Open Mind, CUNY TV (2016)

Question (1)
– Compare and contrast the types of power, aspects of oppression, and forms of resistance you identify in the texts and first person narratives between Annabel Chong and Asa Akira. Use specific quotes from this week’s videos and texts to support your analysis.
(200 words)

Question (2)
– provide thoughtful repsonses to at least one (1) of your classmates.
– (100 words)

Question (3)
– Think about the topics we’ve explored in the intimacies of Asian Americans since week 7, then reflect on the following questions: How might Fantasy racialize the intimacies of Asian American women? How has Fantasy racialized your own instances of intimacy?
(300 words)
Question (1)

Annabel Chong and Asa Akira are both Asian American women who have worked in the porn industry, but they have had different experiences with power, oppression, and resistance.

Annabel Chong’s experience was marked by hypersexuality of race, where her performance of gang rape was seen as a way to fulfill the fantasies of white men. Shimizu (2010) notes that Chong’s performance was “a hyperbolic exaggeration of the dominant discourse on Asian femininity as passive, obedient, and submissive” (p. 174). Chong was objectified and fetishized for her race, and her agency in performing this act was questioned. In her own words, she says, “I’m not sure if I can say that I did it for myself. It was an experience that I chose to have, but I don’t think that it was solely for me” (McDougall, 2020).

On the other hand, Asa Akira’s experience has been marked by resistance to fetishization and racism in the industry. In an interview with Bustle (2019), Akira discusses how she deals with fetishization as an Asian American woman in porn: “I think it’s really important to take ownership of it and to decide how you want to be perceived and to use that to your advantage” (para. 7). Akira has taken control of her own narrative and has become an advocate for Asian American representation in the industry. In the video “Sexuality as Free Expression” (2016), Akira discusses how her sexuality has become a way for her to express herself and challenge societal norms: “I think there’s something about sex that allows us to shed our inhibitions and reveal our true selves” (4:23).

In summary, Chong’s experience was marked by objectification and fetishization, while Akira’s experience has been marked by resistance to these same forces. Chong’s performance perpetuated harmful stereotypes of Asian women, while Akira has used her platform to challenge these stereotypes and advocate for representation.

Question (2)

To my classmate,

I really appreciate your analysis of the power dynamics at play in Annabel Chong and Asa Akira’s experiences in the porn industry. It’s interesting to see how different forms of oppression can manifest even within the same industry and how these women have responded differently to those pressures.

In particular, I found your discussion of Asa Akira’s resistance to fetishization to be compelling. I think it’s important to recognize that individuals have agency in how they choose to navigate oppressive systems, and Akira’s decision to take ownership of her narrative and advocate for representation is a powerful example of that agency.

Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One question I have is how do you think we can move beyond individual resistance to create systemic change? While it’s important for individuals to take control of their own narratives, there are still larger societal forces at play that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and marginalize certain communities. What do you think needs to happen at a broader level to create more equitable systems and opportunities for marginalized groups in the porn industry and beyond?

Overall, great job with your analysis!

[Your Name]

Question (3)

Fantasy can racialize the intimacies of Asian American women by perpetuating harmful stereotypes and fetishizing their bodies. When Asian American women are reduced to objects of sexual desire, their agency and humanity are erased, and they become dehumanized in the eyes of those who consume their images. This can lead to real-world consequences, such as sexual violence and discrimination, and can contribute to a culture of white supremacy and patriarchy.

In my own experiences of intimacy, I have sometimes felt fetishized for my race and ethnicity. It’s an uncomfortable feeling to know that someone is

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