Battle for Kyiv
The Battle for Kyiv, also known as the Kyiv Offensive, was a military operation that took place during World War II between the German Army and the Soviet Red Army. The battle, which took place in November-December 1943, resulted in a decisive victory for the Soviet Union and marked a turning point in the war on the Eastern Front.
The German Army, under the command of Field Marshal Walter Model, had occupied Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, in 1941 as part of Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union. However, by 1943, the tide of the war had begun to turn against the Germans, and the Red Army, under the command of Marshal Georgy Zhukov, had begun to launch counteroffensives in an effort to drive the German Army out of the Soviet Union.
The battle for Kyiv began on November 3, 1943, with a massive Soviet artillery bombardment of the German defenses around the city. The bombardment was followed by a massive infantry and armored assault, with the Red Army using superior numbers and modern equipment to break through the German lines and encircle the city.
Despite fierce resistance from the German defenders, the Red Army was able to capture Kyiv on November 6, 1943, and push the German Army out of the city. The battle resulted in a significant loss of life, with an estimated 100,000 Soviet soldiers and 50,000 German soldiers killed or wounded.
The capture of Kyiv was a major victory for the Soviet Union, as it marked the first time that the Red Army had successfully retaken a major city from the German Army. The victory also had a psychological impact on the German Army, as it marked the first time that the seemingly invincible German Army had been defeated in a major battle.
The Battle for Kyiv also had a major impact on the war on the Eastern Front, as it marked a turning point in the war. With the capture of Kyiv, the Red Army had achieved a major breakthrough and was now in a position to launch a major offensive against the German Army in the region.
The Battle for Kyiv was a major military operation that took place during World War II between the German Army and the Soviet Red Army. The battle, which took place in November-December 1943, resulted in a decisive victory for the Soviet Union and marked a turning point in the war on the Eastern Front. The battle resulted in a significant loss of life, but it was a major victory for the Soviet Union as it marked the first time that the Red Army had successfully retaken a major city from the German Army.

Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited
Beevor, Antony. “The Second World War.” Little, Brown and Company, 2012.
Overy, Richard. “The Dictators: Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia.” W. W. Norton & Company, 2004.
Ziemke, Earl F. “The Soviet Juggernaut.” Time-Life Books, 1980.

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