A competency for evidence-based practice among registered nurses is “the critical appraisal of published research studies to determine their strength and applicability to clinical practice (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019, p. 315).”

Course Competency
Differentiate the components of the research process.

Research Essay Master: Write My Essay For Me Online Cheap & Essay Writer Service – Scenario

As a recent BSN graduate, you sign-up to join a journal club on your clinical unit. The journal club serves as a collective effort to remain current with the literature. The purpose of the journal club is to provide a strategy for evaluating current research and translating it into nursing practice. The facilitator of the journal club has asked you to select, critically appraise, and present your findings at the next meeting. Since this is your first time presenting, the facilitator provides a worksheet to guide you through the process.



Select one current nursing research article that can be translated into evidence-based practice. Review the article and complete the worksheet provided. Your analysis will include the required elements of the research process and will begin the evaluation phase of appraising the literature. Identify the steps or elements of the study. Determine the strengths and limitations of the research study. Evaluate the credibility and meaning of the study findings


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NUR3463 Module3 Assignment Worksheet

How to read an article
Where do I find permanent links?
How do I find quantitative nursing articles?
How do I find qualitative nursing articles?
How do I find articles about nursing best practices?
Comparison of evidence-based pratice vs. scholarly research articles
Melynk, B.M, Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare. Wolters Kluwer. China.

To complete this assignment, you should first select a current nursing research article that can be translated into evidence-based practice. This can be done by searching for articles in nursing journals using keywords related to your area of interest. You can also find nursing articles by searching databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, or Cochrane Library. Once you have selected an article, you should review it and use the provided worksheet to guide your analysis.
In your analysis, you should identify the steps or elements of the study, such as the research question, methods, and results. You should also determine the strengths and limitations of the research study, evaluating the credibility and meaning of the study findings. It’s also important to check that the study is valid and generalizable to your own practice.
When presenting your findings, it’s important to use standard American English and to follow APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Online Research Essay Help for professional organization, style, and mechanics. You can use Grammarly to check your document before submission.
Lastly, it’s important to keep in mind the difference between evidence-based practice and scholarly research articles, and to compare them, as evidence-based practice are based on the best available evidence from research, whereas scholarly research articles present new research findings.

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