HI 6005: Management and Organisations in a Global Environment
TRI 3 / 2014
Holmes Institute is committed to providing the highest quality education in a dynamic, student-centred learning environment. Holmes Institute fosters in its students rational thought, intellectual integrity and social responsibility.
HI 6005: Management and Organisations in a Global Environment Tri 2, 2014
_______Management and Organizations in a Global Environment is a subject that provides students with an in-depth understanding of contemporary management practices and organizational behavior in a global context. The subject covers a wide range of topics, including global issues that impact businesses and organizations, the economic, legal, social, technological, and ethical environments, and the effects of globalization on management and organizations.

Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the key objectives of the subject is to develop students’ career-related capabilities and business numeracy and literacy. Students are also taught to develop their managerial proficiency, leadership skills, and entrepreneurship capabilities. They are trained to work in the new economy and to embrace social responsibility and ethics in their decision-making processes.

The subject also aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how global issues affect businesses, society, and organizations. This includes the challenges of managing individuals and groups, as well as the applications of management methods and techniques to managerial and organizational problems in a global context.

In addition, the subject emphasizes the importance of relationships and responsibilities in management and organizations. Students examine the changing roles and responsibilities of businesses towards stakeholders, and the sustainability of production systems and economic paradigms.

Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another key focus of the subject is to teach students to analyze complex problems relating to management and organizations and develop confidence in working with others to develop strategic options within rapidly changing business environments. Students learn to apply theoretical and practical knowledge of management and organizations in the diagnosis of organizational issues and the formulation of appropriate strategies.

Overall, Management and Organizations in a Global Environment is an essential subject for students interested in pursuing careers in management and related fields. It provides students with a comprehensive understanding of contemporary management practices, organizational behavior, and global issues, and equips them with the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the modern business world._______________________________________________________________________________________________
Holmes Institute Faculty of Higher Education offers business courses that combine discipline-based excellence with practical application. The faculty operates on campuses in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Hong Kong.
The faculty offers a Bachelor of Business, a Bachelor of Professional Accounting, a Master of Professional Accounting, a Master of Business Administration and a Graduate Diploma in Business.
Details about the members of the faculty can be found on the homepage of the Faculty of Higher Education at www.holmes.edu.au/undergraduate.
At Holmes Institute, the Master of Business Administration, the Graduate Diploma in Business and the Master of Professional Accounting offer domestic and international students the opportunity to study a set of contemporary subjects in the field of business. These subjects prepare students for the challenges in business environments of the 21st century. These programs emphasize the global and cross-cultural dimensions of business. Teaching utilizes a combination of delivery methods and includes critical analysis and case study methods. A combination of exams, case studies and company analysis are used in assessment.
The Masters’ programs of Holmes Institute focus on:
• Developing career related capabilities
• Business numeracy and literacy
• Developing managerial proficiency
• Working in the new economy
• Leadership skills
• Entrepreneurship
• Social responsibility and ethics
Welcome from the Subject Coordinator, Prof Peter Schmidt: Welcome to HI 5005 Management and Organisations in a Global Environment. We see this subject as the key foundation to your graduate studies in management. The serious study of management in Australia dates from the immediate post-war period of rapid industrialization, though we trace its study back to Europe and USA in the early twentieth century. Western management thought thus has a pedigree of a little over 100 years. However, we acknowledge managerial contributions from Egypt, India and China to which the pyramids and the great wall still stand in evidence. The scope of this subject extends to contemporary management challenges.
This subject provides students with an introduction at the graduate level to the concepts of management and organisations in a global context and explores contemporary approaches to management, human resources and organisational behaviour in complex and diverse business settings, with a particular focus on relationships and responsibilities.
Students examine the challenges and issues of managing both individuals, groups, and examine applications of management methods and techniques to managerial and organisational problems in a global context. The subject examines how global issues impact on businesses, society and organisations. In addition, broad issues related to the economic, legal, social, technological and ethical environments are integrated into understanding the effects of global trends (e.g. new technologies, new markets and cultural and political change) on management and organisations. The subject aims to provide students with an understanding of the wider implications of globalization and apply this knowledge to work as managers.
Awards Duration Core/Elective Subject weight Campus
MBA, Grad Dip 1 semester Core 3 credit points Melb/Syd/Bris
Mode of delivery On campus
Prerequisites Nil
Workload Students are expected to attend all classes
Delivery SYDNEY Two hours of tutorials in support of four Block Mode Workshops throughout the semester
Delivery MELBOURNE Two hours of lectures and one hour of tutorial in a block each week
Independent study 6 hrs
Holmes Institute provides each student with a Holmes webmail. Faculty and Administrative staff can only communicate with you using your Holmes Institute mail address. Emails from private and/or business email accounts cannot be used and may not be answered.
Please check with your lecturer…..*by appointment only
• Graduates will be able to, integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Assessment
Management and Organisations 1, 2 and 3
• Graduates will be able to, analyse complex problems relating to Management and Assessment Organisations and develop confidence in working with others to develop strategic 2 options within rapidly changing business environments Application of Knowledge and skills
• Graduates will be able to, apply theoretical and practical knowledge of Management Assessment and Organisations in the diagnosis of organisational issues and the formulation of 2 appropriate strategies.
• Consider social and psychological factors that influence the management of groups Assessment and individuals in work settings, such as communication, leadership, decision-making, 3 power, politics, and job design and apply these to strategic management
Assessment • Articulate the impact of globalisation for countries and their populations at different 3 stages of development
• Contextualise the changing roles and responsibilities of business towards Assessment stakeholders, and the sustainability of production systems and economic paradigms 2 and synthesize change management processes
Assessment • Implement systems for managing diversity in a global operational setting 2
• Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe operational processes in both manufacturing and service industries, taking Assessment into account quantitative and technological aspects of operations management, 3 systems, supply chain and quality considerations
• Interpret and communicate issues in management and organizations in a global Assessment context within an organisation to develop innovative approaches for their integration 3 in management strategies
• Research and apply various leadership theories, the practice of leadership and Assessment motivational techniques as factors of organisational management and change 2
• Develop a critical awareness of the policy tools used by governments and central Assessment banks in their efforts to manage the economy including: fiscal policy, monetary policy, 3 exchange-rate and trade policies, as well as supply-side policies
• Discuss current research associated with the consequences of global economic Assessment integration and its influences on business management and strategic development 2
1. Research Paper 1: Assessment criteria
Length/Limit: 25%
Maximum of 1,000 words 1
This is an individual assignment.
Each week, based on the hour of e-learning activity that has been prescribed, you are required actively to engage with the material by writing a short discussion of how the material that was prescribed relates to the topic(s) of this subject and how it relates to your own personal experience. You create a blog each week where you provide evidence that you have engaged in this way with the prescribed e-learning activity. In the blog, you mention any extra material relevant to the activity that you have researched on the net.
These blogs are assessed in the following way:
1. Blogs are spot checked by your lecturer.
2. A record is kept each week of whether you created a blog or not (1 or 0)
3. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. the end of Week 6, students choose their best two blogs and submit them as an assignment (due Friday Week 6).
4. At the end of the semester, the total number of blogs you have created determines the mark you receive out of 10 (10 for ten blogs or more, 9 for 9 blogs, 8 for 8 blogs) Each blog should be in two sections: Section 1 lists the key ideas you have extracted from the prescribed e-learning activity. In Section 2 you apply those ideas to your own experience, to an organisation you know and to the topic(s) of this subject.
The written report of your two best blogs needs to be 1½spaced and has a 1,000 word limit.
2. Research Paper 2: Assessment criteria
Length/Limit: 25%
Maximum of 10 pages (5,000 words) and 10 minutes (presentation) 2
This is a group assignment with specific individual components.
Groups choose from the list of topics that are based on the lectures. However, in this assignment you must do better than recycle the lecture. You are to research your topic in more depth providing evidence of independent research. The set of topics will be provided from which your group must choose on a ‘first-come, first-served basis’.
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note that each topic has a group component to which each group member must contribute.
However there are also specific individual components which have been defined.
You will deliver your research topic findings in a presentation at any time during the trimester. The presentation is primarily assessed on presentation technique. Your tutor will make suggestions on improving the academic quality of your assignment.
You may improve the quality of the assignment for the written report at any time up until submission date at the end of the semester. It is at this point that the academic quality of your research is assessed.
Research Paper 2 (25%)
Students form into groups and nominate their broad research topic. Research on the broad topic is a group activity and each student must contribute to that work. Each student in the group will then research, in depth, an individual component drawn from the broad research topic.
The live presentation (worth 10%) must be organised as a business presentation. Strict adherence to the ten minute limit is expected so the time should be carefully allocated to allow for a very short introduction on the broad topic followed by a few minutes allocated to each student to present their individual component.
The presentation is primarily assessed on presentation technique. Your tutor will make suggestions on how the academic content can be improved and that will only be assessed on the written report due in the final week of the semester. Students can therefore choose to present at any time in the semester and it is suggested that you make the decision to present earlier rather than later when there will be many assignments falling due.
Research Report
The final report on your topic will be written up as a seminar report (worth 15%) and submitted to your lecturer by the end of the semester. You may incorporate ideas generated in the live presentation. That written report should begin with the broad research topic which is followed by each individual component identified by the individual student who prepared it.
Organisation of the research report – a key ingredient to writing a successful report involves the planning or organising stage. Organising can help you to sort out your ideas and to present your report in the order that communicates best to your readers. Your essay is to be structured and written as a business report. It, therefore, must begin with a Management Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary within which you state in stark form (i.e. unsupported by argument) what you are asserting in this report and you must do that in less than two pages.
As already stated above, you begin the main body of the report with some general background on the broad research topic. This introduction should end with a brief paragraph outlining the plan of the rest of the essay What follows is the specific issues of each individual component which were considered. As for any good business report these components should be structured into sections and sub-sections and the heading for these should be in the Table of Contents. In these individual components the in-depth discussion of the relevant issues is elaborated based on the existing literature and/or data. You must provide in-text references to your sources. The last section of the report contains a brief summary followed by a complete list of references that are cited in the text of the essay. Follow a standard referencing method consistently.
Suggested limits are as follows:
? Management Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary: ideally one page but no more than two.
? Sections 1: Introduction 400-600 words,
? Section 2: Main body of the essay consisting of each of the individual components limit each component to approximately 1,000 words each,
? Sections 3: Conclusions 100-300 words,
? Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary and Complete List of References (5-15 references).

HI 6005: Management and Organizations in a Global Environment is a subject offered by Holmes Institute’s Faculty of Higher Education in Australia. The subject is designed for domestic and international students studying a set of contemporary subjects in the field of business. The subject focuses on developing managerial proficiency, working in the new economy, leadership skills, entrepreneurship, social responsibility, and ethics.

The subject provides an introduction at the graduate level to the concepts of management and organizations in a global context. It explores contemporary approaches to management, human resources, and organizational behavior in complex and diverse business settings, with a particular focus on relationships and responsibilities. The subject examines how global issues impact businesses, society, and organizations. In addition, it integrates broad issues related to the economic, legal, social, technological, and ethical environments to understand the effects of global trends on management and organizations.

The subject aims to provide students with an understanding of the wider implications of globalization and apply this knowledge to work as managers. The subject is a core subject with a weight of 3 credit points, and it is taught on-campus at Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. There are no prerequisites for this subject, and the workload includes attending all classes and six hours of independent study. The subject’s learning outcomes include integrating theoretical and practical knowledge of management and organizations, analyzing complex problems, developing confidence in working with others, applying theoretical and practical knowledge, and implementing systems for managing diversity.

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