MB222 Business Project
Semester/year Semester 1 2023
Credit Point Value 10
Duration Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One semester
AQF Level 9
Student Workload 10 hours a week
Pre-Requisite None
Presentation Team
Subject Coordinator Dr. Geoff Breach
Lecturers Dr. Stella Ng
Office Location Sydney Campus
Email stella.ng@win.edu.au, geoff.breach@win.edu.au
Phone (02) 8252 9999
Consultation times Before and after classes, and by appointment.Teaching methods/strategies
Teaching methods for this unit of study include:
Term Paper Writing Service | Research Report Writing – Three-hour class per week.
Students will be expected to attend tutorials and conduct independent learning activities
Students are expected to do a minimum of 7 hours of personal study outside of class each week

For the first six weeks, this subject will be delivered by way of a three-hour classes that include lectures, lecturer-guided activities and self-guided activities in which students work individually or in small groups, guided by the lecturer, to develop projects.
Subsequently, students will meet with the lecturer each week, in class time, to discuss their business project, to demonstrate their progress to the lecturer and to receive further information about the client organization.
The whole class will listen to and participate in the weekly meetings for all groups. There are no secrets here, you can gain – maybe steal! – ideas by listening to other groups!
Students who wish to study a particular organization, which must be one that they have direct access to themselves, may do so by discussing and making an agreement with the lecturer.
Students are required to attend tutorials and to conduct their own independent learning activities. Students are expected to do a minimum of 7 hours of personal study relating to this subject outside of class.
Preparation outside class:
Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the principal learning strategies for this subject involves the preparation of assigned material prior to class. Students are required to read and reflect upon assigned readings and problems from the textbook, workbook and other sources and are expected to apply this learning when they come to class.
In-class activities:
During the weekly meetings with the lecturer, groups should be prepared to ask questions and request further information about the client organization as their inquiry proceeds. This forms a part of Assessment 1 for every student. The lecturer will give a brief on a client organization in class, and groups will be formed to work on a specific consulting task relating to the client organization. Groups with multiple members must not be comprised entirely of members from one discipline (MBA or MPA). Groups may be asked to choose a member to verbally present an initial research proposal to the class. Consultation with subject teaching staff:
All subject teaching staff are available for one-on-one consultation with students. The specific times that staff are available for consultation will be advised in seminars by your lecturer and can also be found on the cover page of this outline. Meeting staff during consultation provides an opportunity for students to receive feedback on their learning in this subject.
Brief Subject Description
MB222 Business Project is a capstone subject designed to have students apply and further the learning they have accomplished throughout their course by carrying out a directed business project on a contemporary business issue faced by a client organization. The subject aims develop students’ research skills and their ability to conduct field work, synthesise salient information and articulate original ideas and thought processes to address specific issues relevant to the client organisation. In preparing a report and making a public presentation of their findings and product, process or recommendations, students demonstrate professional-level competence and preparedness to face real-world issues as successful professional graduates.
Subject Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing this subject, students will be able to:

A Research and critically reflect upon relevant theory and knowledge gained across the Masters program as it relates to the organisation, industry and problem being solved

B Utilise research and scholarly skills to develop new business knowledge that is ‘value add’ to the organisation being studied

C Work collaboratively with others to develop a project proposal outlining the research methods and approach to be taken in addressing the organisational problem at hand

D Obtain and critically apply both relevant primary and secondary research and data to the analysis of the organizational issues being studied

E Determine key recommendations to the issues being studied and demonstrate technical, communication and presentation skills to present research findings back to the client

F Apply key managerial skills (problem solving, leadership, change management and resilience) to deliver solutions to the client both individually and collaborativelyWeekly Schedule (Semester 1, 2023)
Week Date (Week beginning Monday Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topics Required Reading

06.03.2023 Introduction to business project with information on types of project and criteria for completion As instructed by the lecturer according to individual student needs.

2 13.03.2023 Theoretical approaches to doing organizational research “

3 20.03.2023 The research as a consultant, ethics in practice “
4 27.03.2023 Selection and mapping of the client organization “
5 03.04.2023* Project brief client organization, allocation of tasks and roles. Initial ad-hoc verbal presentations “

6 10.04.2023* Project brief client organization, allocation of tasks and roles. Initial ad-hoc verbal presentations “
7 17.04.2023 Intra-Semester Break
8 24.04.2023* All members meet with lecturer to discuss project “
9 01.05.2023 All members meet with lecturer to discuss project “
10 08.05.2023 All members meet with lecturer to discuss project “
11 15.05.2023 All members meet with lecturer to discuss project “
12 22.05.2023 All students attend normal class. “
13 29.05.2023 All students attend normal class. “
14 05.06.2023** Study Week – No Classes “
15 12.06.2023 Exam Week
16 19.06.2023 Exam Week
* Friday 7 April and Monday 10 April are Easter public holidays. Tuesday 25 April is also a public holiday (ANZAC Day). There will not be any classes on this date.
** Monday 5 June, Tuesday 6 June and Friday 9 June, make up classes for the Easter and ANZAC day public holidays Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary of Assessment

Assessment Task
% Relevant Learning
Due Date

Assessment 1:
Scholarly Research Tasks
30% This assessment addresses learning outcomes
A, and B
In every lesson.

Assessment 2:
Research Proposal
30% This assessment addresses learning outcomes
A, B, and C
No later than Week 6

Assessment 3:
Research Presentation and Report
This assessment item addresses learning outcomes
D, E, and F
Weeks12, 13The full marking criteria and rubric can be found in this subject’s Canvas site. Please go to the tabs on the left-hand side of the home page, click on ‘Assignments’ and the click onto the assignment.
The marking rubric shown there will be used to assess your work, so please ensure that you have read and understood it before commencing work on your assignment. Please Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note:
Students MUST achieve a mark of at least 40% in the final exam (or final assessment item if no exam), AND at least a mark of 50% in total, to pass this subject.
All end of semester exams will be face to face on campus (NOT online).
Detailed Assessment Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines Assessment 1: Scholarly Research Tasks
Due date: In every lesson.
Weighting: 30%
Length and Format: Weekly written or verbal progress reports and written tasks as instructed each week. Business Project is a very different subject to those you have completed already. In Business Project, regular and continuous progress is necessary to pass the subject.
Assessment Details: In every lesson, students will be given a scholarly task to complete before the next lesson. Tasks will include finding, reading and explaining articles from academic journals, and regular reports on progress.
Assessment addresses SLOs A, and B
A: Research and critically reflect upon relevant theory and knowledge gained across the Masters program as it relates to the organisation, industry and problem being solved
B: Utilise research and scholarly skills to develop new business knowledge that is ‘value add’ to the organisation being studied
Marking Assignment Help & Best Dissertation Writing Services – Oxbridge Essays UK PhD Thesis Writing Please refer to Marking Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online on CanvasAssessment 2: Research Proposal
Due date: No later than 16th April 2023
Weighting: 30%
Length and Format: A detailed project outline of approximately 2500 words in length.
Assessment Details: Individually, or in groups of no more than two students, plan a research study concerning an organization that either one of the group members is the owner, or one of the group members is an employee.
Assessment addresses SLOs A, B, and C
A: Research and critically reflect upon relevant theory and knowledge gained across the Masters program as it relates to the organisation, industry and problem being solved
B: Utilise research and scholarly skills to develop new business knowledge that is ‘value add’ to the organisation being studied
C: Work collaboratively with others to develop a project proposal outlining the research methods and approach to be taken in addressing the organisational problem at hand
Marking Assignment Help & Best Dissertation Writing Services – Oxbridge Essays UK PhD Thesis Writing Please refer to Marking Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online on CanvasAssessment 3: Research Presentation and Report
Due date: 25th May, 1st June 2023
Weighting: 40%
Length and Format: An in-class or recorded video presentation, and a written report of approximately 6000 words in length.
Assessment Details: With the same member/s as Assessment 2, conduct the planned research study on an organization that either one of the group members is the owner, or one of the group members is an employee. Give a presentation on the outcomes of the research project, and submit a written report on the research project.
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MB222 Business Project is a capstone subject designed to have students apply and further the learning they have accomplished throughout their course by carrying out a directed business project on a contemporary business issue faced by a client organization. The subject aims develop students’ research skills and their ability to conduct field work, synthesise salient information and articulate original ideas and thought processes to address specific issues relevant to the client organisation. In preparing a report and making a public presentation of their findings and product, process or recommendations, students demonstrate professional-level competence and preparedness to face real-world issues as successful professional graduates.

Here are some of the key learning outcomes for MB222 Business Project:

Research and critically reflect upon relevant theory and knowledge gained across the Masters program as it relates to the organisation, industry and problem being solved
Utilise research and scholarly skills to develop new business knowledge that is ‘value add’ to the organisation being studied
Work collaboratively with others to develop a project proposal outlining the research methods and approach to be taken in addressing the organisational problem at hand
Obtain and critically apply both relevant primary and secondary research and data to the analysis of the organizational issues being studied
Determine key recommendations to the issues being studied and demonstrate technical, communication and presentation skills to present research findings back to the client
Apply key managerial skills (problem solving, leadership, change management and resilience) to deliver solutions to the client both individually and collaboratively
The assessment for MB222 Business Project is as follows:

Assessment 1: Scholarly Research Tasks (30%)
Assessment 2: Research Proposal (30%)
Assessment 3: Research Presentation and Report (40%)
Assessment 1 will be based on weekly written or verbal progress reports and written tasks as instructed each week. Assessment 2 will be a detailed project outline of approximately 2500 words in length. Assessment 3 will be an in-class or recorded video presentation, and a written report of approximately 6000 words in length.

The full marking criteria and rubric can be found in the subject’s Canvas site. Please go to the tabs on the left-hand side of the home page, click on ‘Assignments’ and the click onto the assignment. The marking rubric shown there will be used to assess your work, so please ensure that you have read and understood it before commencing work on your assignment.

Please note that students must achieve a mark of at least 40% in the final exam (or final assessment item if no exam), AND at least a mark of 50% in total, to pass this subject. All end of semester exams will be face to face on campus (NOT online).

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