Coursework Brief

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Type of assessment: MMC Launch Marketing Plan
Individual or group: Individual
Component weighting: Contributes 80% of the total module grade
Learning outcomes assessed 1-7

Assessment instructions
Assesses learning outcomes 1-7
Following the creation of the infographic, the board of your MMC brand organisation have decided to approve your new product for further development. They have asked you to produce an individual 2,000 word launch marketing plan (in report format) that provides more detail and justification of your marketing mix decisions to support the UK launch of your MMC product. Based on your new learning from week seven onwards, and on your reflections on the board’s feedback from your infographic, the launch marketing plan should progress from the Infographic towards a more complete decision set for the product’s UK launch. The launch marketing plan is an individual task, so please make sure that the work that you submit is your own.
To achieve this task you will need to produce an individual launch marketing plan that:
● briefly introduces the organisation, its market position, and summarises the task that you were given at the outset of the MMC
● gives an overview of 2 or 3 factors from the PESTEL environment that are the most impactful for your product
● establishes the UK market opportunity for your new product’s category, including identifying current competitors and their relative positions,
● considers what segmentation, targeting and positioning should be adopted for the new product, factoring in the consumer buying behaviours in the target market,
● identifies and justifies your detailed integrated marketing mix decisions across product, promotion, price and place. You may mention the additional Ps of the extended marketing mix for completeness if you wish, but the focus of this plan should be the 4Ps,
● fully addresses any ethical/CSR concerns that might surround your product idea,
● includes at least one recommendation for marketing research that could be used to monitor the success of the product launch over the first 12 months,
● summarises why the board should support your product launch marketing plan.
A Word template document for the launch marketing plan will be available from Moodle – this will provide a basic structure that will help you when writing a UK dissertation assignment pro papers masters thesis writing – creating this document, but please submit your final document in .pdf format.

Presenting coursework for assessment
The authentic and essential requirements for this piece of assessed work are;
● The document should be in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) file and no larger than 100Mb. Documents submitted in other formats are liable to visual corruption by the Turnitin software, so please make sure to use .pdf. Take extra care if you are using Apple computers to develop your work.
● It must be word-processed in Arial font size 11 and double-spaced.
● All pages must be numbered
● Your document should start with a title page that should include the name of the module, the name of the MMC brand and your product, your student number (but not your name), the word count, and may include pictures/logos to make it attractive. You are also required to include a contents page after the title page.
● There should be a reference list in Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard format, but no appendices.

Assignment length / equivalent
The word count is 2,000 words.

Assessment criteria rubric assessment
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40-49% Good

50-59% Very Good

60-69% Excellent

70-85% Outstanding

Introduction to the organisation and its market position.
Outcomes: 1, 6 & 7 Reasonable introduction to the organisation and its market position. Good introduction to the organisation and its market position. Very good introduction to the organisation and its market position. Excellent introduction to the organisation and its market position. Outstanding introduction to the organisation and its market position.
Establishes the UK market opportunity, including PESTEL and identifying competitors.
Outcomes: 1 – 7 Reasonable research into the market opportunity, PESTEL and competitors. Good research into the market opportunity, PESTEL and competitors. Very good research into the market opportunity, PESTEL and competitors. Excellent and insightful research into the market opportunity, PESTEL and competitors. Outstanding and insightful research into the market opportunity, PESTEL and competitors.
Consideration of STP and consumer buying behaviours.
Outcomes: 1 – 7 Reasonable consideration of STP and consumer buying behaviours. Good consideration of STP and consumer buying behaviours. Very good consideration of STP and consumer buying behaviours. Excellent consideration of STP and consumer buying behaviours. Outstanding consideration of STP and consumer buying behaviours.
Identification of justified and integrated marketing mix decisions.
Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 Somewhat justified and integrated marketing mix plans. Mostly justified and integrated marketing mix plans. Very well justified and integrated marketing mix plans. Excellently justified and integrated marketing mix plans. Outstanding justified and integrated marketing mix plans.
Addressing of ethical/CSR concerns.
Outcome: 4 Reasonable consideration of ethics/CSR. Good consideration of ethics/CSR. Very good consideration of ethics/CSR. Excellent consideration of ethics/CSR. Outstanding consideration of ethics/CSR.
Mkt Research
Recommendation of marketing research to monitor success of launch
Outcomes 6 & 7 Inadequate recommendation for marketing research. Inadequate recommendation for marketing research. Reasonable recommendation for marketing research. Good recommendation for marketing research. Excellent recommendation for marketing research.
Writing Style
The quality of the report, including Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard formatting.
Outcomes: 3 & 5 The plan is very poorly written and may include an unacceptable number of spelling/grammatical errors and incorrect use of Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard formatting. The plan is poorly written and may include a number of spelling/grammatical errors and incorrect use of Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard formatting. The plan is acceptably written but may include some spelling/grammatical errors and mostly correct use of Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard formatting. The plan is well written but may include a few spelling/grammatical errors and mostly correct use of Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard formatting. The plan is professionally written with no spelling/grammatical errors and correct use of Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard formatting

What is the coursework brief?

The coursework brief is to create an individual launch marketing plan for a new product of an MMC brand organization that has been approved for further development. The plan should be in report format and should progress from the Infographic towards a more complete decision set for the product’s UK launch. The plan should introduce the organization, its market position, and summarize the task given at the outset of the MMC. The plan should provide an overview of 2-3 factors from the PESTEL environment, establish the UK market opportunity for the new product’s category, consider segmentation, targeting and positioning for the new product, identify and justify detailed integrated marketing mix decisions across product, promotion, price and place, fully address any ethical/CSR concerns surrounding the product idea, include at least one recommendation for marketing research to monitor the success of the product launch over the first 12 months, and summarize why the board should support the product launch marketing plan. The plan will be assessed on its research into the market opportunity, PESTEL and competitors, consideration of STP and consumer buying behaviours, identification of justified and integrated marketing mix decisions, addressing of ethical/CSR concerns, and recommendation of marketing research to monitor the success of the launch. The document should be no larger than 100Mb and in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) file. The word count is 2,000 words.

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