Postgraduate Major Project

International Business
Accounting and Finance
Supply Chain Management

Economics and International Business
Finance, Accounting and Operations Management

Module Code: MOD007701

Level: 7

Academic Year: 2022-23
Trimester: 2
1. Key information, Introduction to the Module and Learning Outcomes 2
1.1 Key Information 2
1.2 Introduction to the Module 2
1.3 Learning Outcomes 3
2. Employability Skills in this Module 4
3. College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline Delivery and Reading Lists @ Anglia 4
3.1 Dissertation process 4
3.2 Supervision 5
3.3 Reading List and Learning Resources 6
4. Assessment on this Module 7
Feedback 7
How to View Your Feedback in Turnitin Grademark 8
4.1 Assessment Information and Marking Assignment Help & Best Dissertation Writing Services – Oxbridge Essays UK PhD Thesis Writing 9
4.1.1 Element 010 – 15,000 word major project report (100%) 9
Characteristics of a postgraduate major project 9
The format of your major project 10
Marking Assignment Help & Best Dissertation Writing Services – Oxbridge Essays UK PhD Thesis Writing for Element 010 – 15,000 word major project report 13
4.2 Re-assessment Information 14
4.2.1 Re-assessment for Element 010 – 15,000 word major project report (100%) 14
Links to Other Key Information 15
Appendix A: Cover sheet 17
Appendix B: Supervisor Log 18

1. Key information, Introduction to the Module and Learning Outcomes
1.1 Key Information
Module title: Postgraduate Major Project
Module Leader: Dr Pi-Chi Chen
Campus / Building / Room: Cambridge
Extension: N/A
Module Tutors: Various – individually assigned
External Examiners MAP: EIB, AFOM

Every module has a Module Definition Form (MDF) which is the officially validated record of the module. You can access the MDF for this module in three ways via:
 the Canvas
 the My.Anglia Module Catalogue at
 Anglia Ruskin’s module search engine facility at
All modules delivered by Anglia Ruskin University at its main campuses in the UK and at Associate Colleges throughout the UK and overseas are governed by the Academic Regulations. You can view these at An extract of the Academic Regulations, known as the Assessment Regulations, is available at this website too (all new students will have received a printed copy as part of their welcome pack).
In the unlikely event of any discrepancy between the Academic Regulations and any other publication, including this module guide, the Academic Regulations, as the definitive document, take precedence over all other publications and will be applied in all cases.
1.2 Introduction to the Module
In order to obtain a Master’s degree you must prepare, submit, and pass a dissertation. Apart from this regulation requirement there are a number of reasons why the dissertation is a very important part of your studies. From the learning outcomes below, you will see that the dissertation is a demanding module. Perhaps a more attractive way of stating this is to say that it allows you an opportunity to demonstrate, at an advanced level, several important intellectual and practical skills. These skills are valued by employers and as the dissertation is your own work it is proof that you have mastered them. In fact, sometimes your dissertation will help you to obtain an interview or find the position you want.
The dissertation is not a taught module and this means that the research and writing up of your findings is an individual effort that allows you to demonstrate both organisational and time management skills. You will have further honed your research skills and techniques and deepened your understanding of at least one major area of business and/or business related areas. Other high level skills which will be developed and improved include evaluation, synthesis, and critical thinking. Finally, a well-written dissertation enables you to demonstrate communication and presentation skills.
Full details of how to present your dissertation can be found in the Anglia Ruskin University publication, “Presentation and Submission of Projects and Dissertations for Taught Higher Degrees”. A copy of this booklet can be obtained from the Canvas. You are advised to make yourself aware of the entire contents of this booklet before you start your dissertation. You should read carefully the section on formatting before you start any writing-up, as your dissertation will not be accepted if it doesn’t comply with this section. Anglia Ruskin University regulations and guidelines do change from time to time. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are working to current regulations and guidelines so check that the Module Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide and Anglia Ruskin University publications you are using are up-to-date. If in doubt consult your supervisor or the Module Leader.
1.3 Learning Outcomes
This module, like all modules at Anglia Ruskin, is taught on the basis of achieving intended learning outcomes. On successful completion of the module, the student will be expected to be able to:
LO 1. Knowledge and understanding: With reference to a chosen significant and complex area for enquiry establish a method for investigation / exploration of key concepts, models and principles (University outcome);
LO 2. Knowledge and understanding: Critically evaluate complex issues from a variety of viewpoints;
LO 3. Knowledge and understanding: Develop effective arguments to support relevant conclusions;
LO 4. Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills: Critically justify and rigorously apply appropriate theories from the disciplines of international business and/or management;
LO 5. Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills: Where appropriate formulate solutions to international business or management problems in discussion with peers, clients, mentors and others;
LO 6. Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills: Reflect critically on the process and outcomes of the investigation/enquiry.

The assessment is based on meeting these learning outcomes, shown explicitly in section , where the assessment task is linked to these learning outcomes.

2. Employability Skills in this Module
It is important that we help you develop employability skills throughout your course which will assist you in securing employment and supporting you in your future career. During your course you will acquire a wide range of key skills. In this module, you will develop those identified below:
Skill Skills acquired in this module
Communication (oral) x
Communication (written) x
Commercial Awareness x
Cultural sensitivity
Customer focus
Data Handling x
Decision making x
Initiative x
Interpersonal Skills
Leadership/Management of others x
Organisational adaptability
Project Management x
Problem Solving and analytical skills x
Responsibility x
Team working
Time Management x

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3.1 Dissertation process
There are a number of formal processes associated with the dissertation.
• Dissertation topic and supervisor allocation – on basis of the poster proposal you submit for Research Methods module in the second semester, you will be allocated a supervisor. This will be done by the Module Leader. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the roles of the Module Leader is to utilise the staff resource in the Business School as effectively and efficiently as possible. The Module Leader will also endeavour to match your topic to staff expertise.
• Research Proposal – The first task that you will need to complete is the outline and proposal of your Postgraduate Major Project. This is an important road map for the entire project and needs a great deal of care and consideration. The Research Proposal will give you and your supervisor a clear perspective of the research project. Students are required to present the outline of proposal at the first group supervision meeting. Please note that if you do not present Research Proposal your grade of the Major Project will be reduced of 5 points.
• Meeting your supervisor – you are strongly advised to meet your supervisor as soon as possible. The supervisor will have access to a copy of your proposal. Thereafter, you should meet regularly with your supervisor to discuss progress, resolve any problems you may have, etc. It is your responsibility to make and keep the appointments. If you have any problems in making appointments then please inform your Course Leader and the Module Leader immediately. Sometimes face-to-face meetings are not possible. In this case other means of communication, such as email, may be appropriate.
• Recording your meetings – you must keep a record of your meetings with your supervisor on the Supervisor Log provided in Appendix B.
• Submitting your dissertation – you must upload a copy of your dissertation to Turnitin on or before the submission date. You will know this date by the time you commence stage three of your programme. If you think you have a good reason for a later submission you must ask for an extension (maximum 10 days). Only the Student Advisor can give you permission. Do not ask for an extension at the “last minute”. Please make sure you are familiar with University policy on extensions.
This document is a module guide for a Master’s degree program at Anglia Ruskin University. The module guide provides an overview of the dissertation module, which is a requirement for the Master’s degree program. The guide outlines the learning outcomes, delivery process, and reading lists for the module.

The dissertation module is an individual effort that allows students to demonstrate their research, writing, organizational, and time management skills. The guide highlights the importance of complying with the formatting guidelines and staying up-to-date with the regulations and guidelines of the university.

The learning outcomes of the module include establishing a method for investigation, critically evaluating complex issues, developing effective arguments, justifying and applying appropriate theories, formulating solutions to business or management problems, and reflecting critically on the investigation process and outcomes.

The guide also emphasizes the importance of developing employability skills such as communication, data handling, decision making, initiative, project management, problem-solving, responsibility, and time management.

The module involves a number of formal processes, including the allocation of a supervisor based on the poster proposal submitted in the Research Methods module, the submission of a research proposal, and regular meetings with the supervisor to discuss progress and resolve any issues.

Overall, the module guide provides a comprehensive overview of the dissertation module and the expectations for students in terms of learning outcomes, employability skills, and formal processes.
The assessment for this module consists of one part: your dissertation. The successful completion of the VLE On-Line ethics training, quiz and ethics application form is COMPULSORY and is a prerequisite to submitting and passing the final dissertation (see Section for details). You will not receive your dissertation mark unless you have completed the VLE On-Line ethics training, quiz and ethics application form beforehand. As part of the dissertation, you are required to submit your research proposal to be able to complete your dissertation.
3.2 Supervision
Based on your research topic or proposal, you will be allocated a supervisor who will provide general guidance and help. Extensive reading and commenting on draft chapters is not included in the role of the supervisor. Students should provide their supervisor with a brief outline of their proposed dissertation, line of inquiry etc. as soon as possible. Following this, your supervisor will discuss the presentation and methodology of the dissertation, possible titles, and give guidance on how to focus the work. Supervisors are not required to be expert in the chosen topic.
Students to 6 hours individual supervision, but additional group support may be available as appropriate to the topic area. Normally, it will be advantageous if the individual supervision is divided into a number of shorter periods. You are strongly advised to make full use of these consultation sessions. Supervisors will indicate their availability and students must then make arrangements for supervision sessions.
In Appendix B you will find a Supervisor Contact Log. The contact log form should be signed by your supervisor each time you visit him or her in connection with your dissertation. This form must be submitted by you with your completed dissertation.
Your supervisor will expect to receive regular reports on your progress. It is important that you provide your Supervisor with detailed evidence of your progress for two reasons: the assistance he/she can give will be limited in the absence of information; and, if you submit a document which your supervisor cannot vouch for as your own work because you have not provided evidence to him/her during the course of your research, you will have to undergo a viva voce examination.
3.3 Reading List and Learning Resources
The reading list and learning resources for this module are available on Reading Lists at Anglia, you can access the reading list for this module, via this link:

4. Assessment on this Module
The assessment for this module consists of one element. Final submission dates for assessment vary.
Element Type of assessment Word or time limit % of Total Mark Submission method Final Submission Date
010 Major Project MOD007701
60 credits: 15,000 words
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See e-Vision

Work that is submitted late – defined as up to five working days after the published submission deadline – will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.
You are requested to keep a copy of your work (excluding exams).
You are entitled to feedback on your performance for all your assessed work. For all assessment tasks which are not examinations, this is accomplished by a member of academic staff providing your mark and associated comments which will relate to the achievement of the module’s intended learning outcomes and the assessment criteria you were given for the task when it was first issued. This feedback will be available on-line via Turnitin/Grademark® or may be sent directly to your Anglia Ruskin e-mail account.

The marker of your assignment will include feedback on written assignments that includes answers to these three key questions:
1. What is your overall feedback?
2. How does your assignment compare to the marking criteria?
3. How can you improve in the future?
Anglia Ruskin is committed to providing you with feedback on all assessed work within 20 working days of the submission deadline or the date of an examination. This is extended to 30 days for feedback for a Major Project module (please note that working days excludes those days when Anglia Ruskin University is officially closed; e.g.: between Christmas and New Year). Personal tutors will offer to read feedback from several modules and help you to address any common themes that may be emerging.
On occasion, you will receive feedback and marks for pieces of work that you completed in the earlier stages of the module. We provide you with this feedback as part of the learning experience and to help you prepare for other assessment tasks that you have still to complete. It is important to note that, in these cases, the marks for these pieces of work are unconfirmed. This means that, potentially, marks can change, in either direction!
Marks for modules and individual pieces of work become confirmed on the Dates for the Official Publication of Results which can be checked at
How to View Your Feedback in Turnitin Grademark
Click on the class that you wish to view and then you will see the assignments for the module listed. Click the blue view button to open up the document viewer.

The Document Viewer will open and the main feedback on your work is shown in the General Comments:

There may also be Quick Marks on your assignment or a Grading Form/Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online to show how you performed against the marking criteria, click on the tabs to open them.
Comments List Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online/Grading Form

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4.1.1 Element 010 – 15,000 word major project report (100%)
The assessment for the module is to complete the major project agreed with your supervisor.
This assignment is submitted online via Turnitin® Grademark, there is information on preparing your assignment at:
Information on submitting your assignment must be read and guidelines adhered to, please ensure you read:
The direct link to Turnitin® UK Grademark is:
Characteristics of a postgraduate major project
You will have gain some idea of what is required in a postgraduate dissertation from the learning outcomes of the module and from the marking criteria above. In general terms we expect an emphasis on the critical literature review and an in-depth understanding of theory and methodology. Specifically,
Methodology – you will be expected to critically review the theoretical, empirical, and methodology literature. The theory should be comprehensively discussed and understood, and paradigms of inquiry and different methodologies should be explored. You should show awareness of the soundness of the methodology you use and its rationale.
Problem formulation – you will need to be precise and rigorous about the problem formulation and the setting of objectives. Relevance and originality in the choice of topic is also important.
Content and Analysis – your dissertation should clearly meet stated objectives and indicate the extent that arguments are based on valid and reliable evidence, and identified and worked within a critically analysed theoretical framework.
Evaluation of Implications – the evaluation of the implications in the dissertation, based upon the analysis undertaken and upon any data collected, should be of high quality and aim for originality.
Presentation – your dissertation should be well-structured in terms of both paragraphs and chapters. There should be attention to detail, expression should be clear, the title appropriate, and arguments coherent. Any appendices (and you are encouraged to keep these to a minimum) should be used. The same applies to references and the bibliography. Tables and diagrams should be of a high standard and make use of appropriate software.
The format of your major project
You are required to use the following format:
• Use A4 size paper only.
• Type 1.5 or doublespaced. (You may want to use single spacing for indented quotes, footnote materials and the bibliography).
• Use one side of paper only.
• Margins should be approximately:
o 3 cms on left hand side of page to allow for binding.
o At least 1 cm on the right hand side
o 3 cms top and bottom.
• Pages should be numbered in a single sequence from the contents page onwards.
• Short quotations can run in the text within single quotation marks (double quotation marks reserved for quotations within quotations). Quotations longer than about 30 words should be set in from the side of the page (normally the indent should be more than the paragraph indent).
• Always write in complete sentences. Do not resort to note form.
• Do not use abbreviations in the text unless they are for the organisations documents etc which are commonly initialised or referred to by acronyms eg. BBC
• All abbreviations must be explained when they first appear and included in the front of the document following the contents page and the list of tables and figures.
Your hard copy must be bound using a plastic or metal comb binding. The cover should be plain except for the title and the author’s SID number.

ALL dissertations should include the following (but they may include more):
Cover sheet – The cover sheet of the dissertation must include the following declaration: ‘I declare that the above work is my own and that the material contained herein has not been substantially used in any other submission for an academic award’. A template is included in Appendix A.
Title Page
Abstract – This is not an introduction but a summary of the project. The abstract should not be longer than 300 words. It should indicate the nature and scope of the work, outlining the research problem, key issues, findings and your conclusion/recommendations. It should be included immediately after the title page and it will be examined as part of the dissertation.
Table of Contents – An outline of the whole project in list form, setting out the order of the sections, with page numbers. It is conventional to number the preliminary pages (abstract, table of contents) with lower case Roman numerals (i.e. (i), (ii), (iii) etc.) and the main text pages (starting with the first chapter) in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) as shown below.
Contents Page
List of Tables i
List of Figures ii
List of Abbreviations iii
Acknowledgements iv

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1.1 (First Section heading)
1.2 (Second etc.)
1.3 (Third)
List of tables and figures – You can present a list at the beginning of your dissertation/ project of the tables and figures you have included.
A table is a presentation of data in tabular form; a figure is a diagrammatic representation of data or other material. Tables and figures should be clearly and consistently numbered, either above or below the table or figure. Each table and figure should have a separate heading (caption). The reader should be able to understand what the table or figure is about from this heading / caption without referring to the text for explanations. The numbers of the tables and the figures you use in the text and in the lists at the beginning should correspond exactly.
Diagrams, figures, tables, and illustrations should be incorporated into the text at the appropriate place, unless there is a series of them or they are continually referred to throughout the text. In this case they should be placed in appendices at the end of the work. You are advised to use a drawing package for diagrams and scan in other illustrations.
Main body of document, appropriately structured (this structure may vary depending on the nature of your dissertation.)
References A list of references should be included at the end of the dissertation and should list, alphabetically, all the sources (including magazines and newspapers) that you have consulted. Books should be listed as: Author (surname then initials); title, edition, publisher, date. Other sources such as journals, magazines, and newspapers should be treated in a similar fashion. If sources are used which are not written in English then the English translation is required in the list of references.
Appendices – these should not contain material which is not used or referred to in the text. Similarly, illustrative material should not be included unless it is relevant, informative, and referred to in the text.
Supervisor Contact Log (completed) – see Appendix B

Do remember that clear writing makes a good impression. If your grammar is poor, sentence construction clumsy, and spelling bad, then your communication with the reader will also be affected. You will not be penalised for poor English unless it is so bad that the meaning of what you have written cannot be understood.

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Mark Learning Outcome
1. Introduction
Is the abstract adequate? Is there a clear purpose and rationale for the study? Clear set of objectives / research questions? 10% – 2000 words 1-6
2. Research Design & Methodology
Was research design and methodology discussed? Was the approach appropriate? 20% – 3000 words 1-6
3. Use of Literature / Sources
Was the range suitable and adequate? Has a critical review of the literature been adopted? Has the student made a ‘link’ between existing literature and their own research? 20% – 4000 words 1-6
4. Results, analysis and interpretation of data
Has the data been accurately presented and analysed or are the findings merely a description? Appropriate theory applied? Interpretation – Has the student made reasoned judgments on their findings? 30% – 4500 words 1-6
5. Conclusion & recommendations
Are conclusions reasoned? Do they correspond with the objective(s) of the dissertation? Has the student reflected on the extent they have achieved their objectives? Limitations and future research discussed? 10% – 1500 words 1-6
6. Presentation
Structure & language, Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard Referencing correctly applied, appropriate use of tables/diagrams?
Was Research Proposal submitted/presented? (Deduction of 5 points) 10% 1-6

4.2 Re-assessment Information
If you are required to complete a re-sit assessment for this module, please ensure you are aware of the assessment (and the date if an exam or in-class test) as it will be different to the original assessment. The date for the re-assessment will be shown in e-vision.
4.2.1 Re-assessment for Element 010 – 15,000 word major project report (100%)
The resit task for the module is unchanged – complete the major project agreed with your supervisor. It is unchanged because your project is unique to you. The guidance given in Section 5.1 above still applies. In particular, the marking criteria for the resit assignment are also unchanged from the original assessment.

This resit assignment is submitted online via Turnitin® Grademark, there is information on preparing your assignment at:
Information on submitting your assignment must be read and guidelines adhered to, please ensure you read:
The direct link to Turnitin® UK Grademark is:

Links to Other Key Information
Assessment Offences: As an academic community, we recognise that the principles of truth, honesty and mutual respect are central to the pursuit of knowledge. Behaviour that undermines those principles weakens the community, both individually and collectively, and diminishes our values. There is more information on these principles and the types of Assessment Offences here: Penalties for poor academic practice can be severe so ensure you are aware of what is expected and how to reference correctly.
There is a guide to Good Academic Practice here:
Attendance Information: Attending all your classes is very important and one of the best ways to help you succeed in this module. Link to more details on the Attendance Requirements here:
Assessments and TurnitinUK: TurnitinUK is used for submitting the majority of your assessments, it is important that you read the information on preparing your assignment at:
Information on submitting your assignment must be read and guidelines adhered to, please ensure you read:
The direct link to TurnitinUK is:
Examinations: Examinations are held in January (semester/trimester 1), May (semester/trimester 2) and in August (trimester 3). All examinations are scheduled by the Examinations Unit, the dates and locations will be posted on the following website:
External Examiners: An up-to-date list of external examiners is available to students and staff at The external examiner for this module is in the Economics and International Business department. These are academic examiners from other institutions who independently approve and confirm the quality and standard of our modules and assessments.
Feedback in TurnitinUK: Link to more details on the viewing feedback is here:
How is My Work Marked and Flowchart of Anglia Ruskin’s Marking Process: After you have handed your work in or you have completed an examination, Anglia Ruskin undertakes a series of activities to assure that our marking processes are comparable with those employed at other universities in the UK and that your work has been marked fairly, honestly and consistently. More information about this is given here:
Module Evaluation: During the second half of the delivery of this module, you will be asked to complete a module evaluation questionnaire to help us obtain your views on all aspects of the module, more about this process is included here:
Reading Lists: These are now all available online:
Re-assessments: Re-assessment dates will be stated on e-vision, you can check the specific date your re-assessment assignment is due in on: or alternatively, if it is an examination, these are scheduled by the Examinations Unit, the dates and locations will be posted on the following website:
University Generic Assessment Assignment Help & Best Dissertation Writing Services – Oxbridge Essays UK PhD Thesis Writing: This module is at level 7, information on the criteria that the university uses to mark your work can be found here:

Appendix A: Cover sheet

Title of Award




SID Number


Name of Supervisor


Title of Dissertation






Word Count


DECLARATION: I declare that the above work is my own and that the material contained herein has not been substantially used in any other submission for an academic award.

Signed: Date:

Appendix B: Supervisor Log
FBL Supervisor Log
Student Number:
Degree Programme:
Proposed Dissertation Title:

Agreed Title (as agreed with supervisor):

Supervisor’s Signature:

Date and time of
meeting Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Notes Supervisor’s initials

This form is to be submitted for signature by your supervisor on every occasion that you consult him or her regarding your dissertation.
Economics and International Business are related because international business operations involve the exchange of goods, services, and capital across national borders. Understanding economics is crucial to understanding the dynamics of international trade, global economic development, and the impact of economic policies and regulations on international business.

Finance, Accounting, and Operations Management are related because they are all key functional areas of a business. Finance is concerned with managing the financial resources of a company, including investments, budgeting, and financial analysis. Accounting focuses on recording, summarizing, and analyzing financial transactions of a business. Operations Management involves the management of a company’s processes to produce goods or services efficiently and effectively. All three of these areas are important for ensuring the financial success and operational efficiency of a company. In addition, finance and accounting provide valuable data and analysis to inform operations management decisions.

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