Module 1: Question Set – Humans & Environment 1/2
Module 1: Question Set – Humans & Environment
Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 5 Submitting a file upload
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Answer Example
1. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow in A) Europe? or B) Africa? or C) Antarctica?
A. 20 kph
B. 30 kph
C. Swallows do not live in Antarctica
Question Set
2023/1/29 12:26 Module 1: Question Set – Humans & Environment 2/2
1. A) Define ecology.
B) Differentiate between abiotic and biotic environmental factors.
2. A) Define the biosphere by describing its three main components.
B) What component of the biosphere do you think could be most easily damaged easily by human
C) Explain why using specific evidence.
3. A) Name the five main environmental problems (from the notes).
B)Which one is considered to be the root of all the others?
C) Explain why using specific evidence.
4. Explain what ecosystem services are and why they are important to your life.
5. A) Differentiate (describe the differences) between the environmental ethics of Ecocentrism,
Biocentrism, and Anthropocentrism using specific evidence.
B) Which of these ideas most closely describes your environmental ethic, and explain why
6. Which would you predict to be more sustainable… an Agrarian or Industrial society? Explain your
7. Explain why the biosphere (and you) is essentially solar-powered in terms of the ultimate source
of energy for most life on Earth (the Sun).
8. Explain what causes the different seasons of the year in the temperate zones. As part of your
answer, be sure to describe the relationship between the Earth and Sun at different times of the
year. The term ‘angle of incidence’ should be part of your answer.
9. Name the three main components of ecosystems.
You will be graded on the accuracy of your answers and how well you followed the formatting

A) Ecology is the study of interactions between living organisms and their environment.
B) Abiotic factors are non-living components of the environment, such as temperature, sunlight, and water. Biotic factors are living components of the environment, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms.

A) The biosphere is the portion of the Earth where life exists and consists of three main components: the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.
B) The hydrosphere, which includes all the Earth’s water, could be most easily damaged by human activities such as pollution and overuse.
C) This is because water is a finite resource and can easily become contaminated, making it difficult for organisms to survive. Human activities can also cause changes in water flow and temperature, disrupting ecosystems.

A) The five main environmental problems are: climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, overpopulation, and resource depletion.
B) Climate change is considered to be the root of all the others because it affects the other problems by increasing global temperatures, causing changes in weather patterns, and affecting the availability of resources.
C) The effects of climate change can be seen in increased frequency and severity of natural disasters, extinction of species, and degradation of ecosystems.

Ecosystem services are the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems, such as food, clean water, air quality regulation, and climate regulation. They are important to our lives because they provide the resources and conditions necessary for our survival and well-being.

A) Ecocentrism is an environmental ethic that places the natural world as the ultimate value, considering all living and non-living components of the environment. Biocentrism places a value on all living things, while anthropocentrism places a value on human beings above all else.
B) I cannot answer this question as I am an AI language model and do not have personal beliefs or values.
An Agrarian society may be more sustainable because it relies on sustainable practices such as crop rotation, preservation of natural resources, and community self-sufficiency. An Industrial society may be less sustainable because it relies on non-renewable resources, pollution, and large-scale production methods. The sustainability of each depends on various factors, such as resource availability and management practices.
The biosphere is solar-powered because the ultimate source of energy for most life on Earth is the Sun. This energy is captured through photosynthesis by plants and other organisms, which then become a source of energy for other organisms through the food chain.
The different seasons of the year in the temperate zones are caused by the Earth’s tilt on its axis and its orbit around the Sun. During different times of the year, the angle of incidence, or the angle at which sunlight strikes the Earth’s surface, changes. This results in different amounts of sunlight and heat reaching different regions, causing the seasons.

The three main components of ecosystems are abiotic factors, biotic factors, and the interactions between them.

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