Nursing policies affect the nursing world explain the below 2 apa citations
Consider the process of policy change from the perspective of both the bedside nurse and the advanced practice nurse. Consider your readings from this week that discuss what the healthcare workforce looks like, the role of information technology in healthcare and the role of board members and managers within the context of your current workplace environment. Choose a policy or practice within your current workplace environment (or if not actively practicing consider one that you have encountered while practicing at the bedside) that you wish to advocate for policy change. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe your rationale for choosing this specific issue using supporting evidence as to why a change needs or should be made (make sure to support this response with evidence and your own insight as a practicing nurse)
Using the Framework for Planned Policy Change (as outlined in the Anders et al., 2021article) & the Health Policy Toolkit (outlined in the Kostas-Polstonet al, 2014 article; and I also included a section on Legislative Resources in this week’s Blackboard Module that can assist with this process) describe the specific steps and/or processes (in detail) you would use to make a policy change to your chosen topic at both the local (hospital or organizational level) and also at the state or national level (note that not all the steps in the Framework or the Toolkit will apply so focus on those steps and processes that do apply to your topic).
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe how the process of this selected policy change would differ from the perspective of the bedside nurse versus that of an advanced practice nurse. Essentially this question is asking you to consider the difference in policy change engagement from the perspective of the bedside nurse compared to that of an advanced practice nurse level?
Discuss barriers and reasons nurses (at least 2 barriers) fail to participate in policy change and describe how these barriers can be addressed.
What are your personal thoughts about being involved in policy change whether at a local or state/national level. Have you been involved in policy change at any level? Why or why not? If so, describe your involvement. If not, describe why you may not have personally been involved in policy change up to this point. This is genuinely an opportunity


Nursing policies play a crucial role in shaping the nursing world and influencing the practice of nurses at various levels. Policies can be developed at the local (hospital or organizational) level, as well as at the state or national level. Here’s an explanation of the other parts of your question without specific APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Essay Writing Service Paper Writing Service by Essay Pro Paper Help: Essay Writing Service citations:

Rationale for choosing a specific policy for change:
When choosing a policy for change, it is important to consider the impact it has on nursing practice and patient outcomes. You should provide supporting evidence as to why a change is needed, using both empirical research and your own insights as a practicing nurse. For example, if you identify a policy that limits nurses’ autonomy in making clinical decisions, you can gather evidence on the positive outcomes associated with nurse autonomy and how it improves patient care and satisfaction.

Steps and processes for policy change:
To make a policy change, you can use the Framework for Planned Policy Change, as mentioned in the Anders et al. article. Additionally, the Health Policy Toolkit, as outlined in the Kostas-Polston et al. article, can guide you through the process. While I cannot provide specific details without access to the articles, these frameworks typically involve steps such as problem identification, research and evidence gathering, stakeholder engagement, policy development, implementation, and evaluation. The specific steps you would take depend on your chosen topic and the level at which you aim to make the change (local or state/national).

Difference in policy change engagement between bedside nurses and advanced practice nurses:
The perspective on policy change engagement can vary between bedside nurses and advanced practice nurses. Bedside nurses may be more focused on the practical implications of policies in their daily work, such as workload, patient safety, and quality of care. Advanced practice nurses, who often have a broader scope of practice and greater autonomy, may also consider policy changes that affect their advanced roles, such as prescribing authority or reimbursement policies. Both perspectives are important in driving meaningful policy change, as bedside nurses provide valuable insights into the impact of policies on patient care, while advanced practice nurses can advocate for policy changes that align with their expanded roles and responsibilities.

Barriers to nurse participation in policy change and addressing them:
There are several barriers that may prevent nurses from participating in policy change. Two common barriers include limited time and resources, and a lack of knowledge or understanding of the policy process. To address these barriers, nurses can collaborate with professional nursing organizations and engage in continuing education to enhance their understanding of policy development and advocacy. Additionally, writing a UK dissertation assignment pro papers masters thesis writing – creating opportunities for nurses to be involved in policy discussions and providing support and resources can help overcome barriers related to time and workload constraints.

Being involved in policy change can be a powerful way for nurses to advocate for improvements in healthcare systems, patient care, and nursing practice. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. participating at the local or state/national level, nurses can contribute their expertise and firsthand experiences to shape policies that address current challenges and promote positive change. Involvement in policy change allows nurses to have a broader impact beyond their immediate practice settings and make a difference in the healthcare community as a whole.

Chong, Y.Y., Frey, E., Chien, W.T., Cheng, H.Y. and Gloster, A.T., 2023. The role of psychological flexibility in the relationships between burnout, job satisfaction, and mental health among nurses in combatting COVID‐19: A two‐region survey. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.
Lopez, V., Anderson, J., West, S. and Cleary, M., 2022. Does the COVID-19 pandemic further impact nursing shortages?. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 43(3), pp.293-295.
Martin‐Rodriguez, L.S., Escalda‐Hernandez, P., Soto‐Ruiz, N., Ferraz‐Torres, M., Rodriguez‐Matesanz, I. and Garcia‐Vivar, C., 2022. Mental health of Spanish nurses working during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional study. International nursing review, 69(4), pp.538-545.
Woo, T., Ho, R., Tang, A. and Tam, W., 2020. Global prevalence of burnout symptoms among nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of psychiatric research, 123, pp.9-20.

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