Read and analyze Dante’s Inferno. Do not summarize story tell the meaning of text.
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Module 6 I Journal Entry 6 -Dante’s Inferno
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ElAssignment: Journal entry 6
In this module, you were introduced to Dante and his famous poem from the Divine Comedy–Inferno. Reflect on Dante in his historical context as a Renaissance writer and Florentine exile. Articulate an understanding of Dante’s Inferno, with a focus on allegorical elements used within the narrative, and the concept of Contrapasso as explored in each “ring of Hell”.
Please note: There is only one post for this assignment. The video on the Watch page mentions two posts, but you are only required to do one.
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The entry should be 600-700 words long. Each entry will be graded out of a possible 100 points. A high-scoring entry will demonstrate that you have read the text; do not, however, spend precious time summarizing it. We’ve all read the same text, but you can offer something unique by putting forward your personal opinion. Remember, when it comes to literary analysis, an “opinion” needs to be advanced and defended through reference to specific details in the text. So, if a passage leaves you feeling a sense of awe, or a deep discomfort, dig below the surface and find out why. It is not enough simply to give your initial response without offering analysis and evidence. Have specific passages or lines that you can reference. It is important to show that you have considered the text as a whole. In other words, entries that only mention the first few pages are suspect.
In your entry you may want to look at the devices the author uses to develop character or plot; you may consider the author’s use of imagery, metaphor, allusion or ambiguity. You can also discuss the philosophical, ethical or spiritual implications of the work. First person—”I” and “me”—point of view is appropriate, and the response can be free-flowing, and structured as you see fit. You are encouraged to develop your own voice, and can even bring in outside ideas from the contemporary world, and show how they relate to the themes in the text. Do remember, of course, that this is an academic setting and the tone should be appropriate.
Journal Entries (5)
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Understanding of text The student has clearly read the text and demonstrates an understanding of the major developments in terms of plot, character, theme and setting. The student touches on key ideas, but does not spend too much time summarizing.
Use of direct quotations/ close reading of the text The student uses either direct quotations from the text to help demonstrate a position or make an argument. or makes very close reference to specific details in the text. Full Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay for Me – MLA citation is not required, but reference to lines (or page number) is good.
Insightful analysis The student shows an ability to analyze themes, character development, and plot. The student understands how the section under consideration fits into the text more broadly speaking, and where appropriate incorporates cultural and/or historical insights to deepen the analysis. Where appropriate, the student may make connections to other subjects, ideas, trends, interests, etc. This is not required, but, when done correctly, can boost the post’s strength.
Grammar, syntax, spelling The journal entry should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. An excellent post includes well-written sentences, and well-organized paragraphs, in which ideas are presented in a logical sequence.
25 pts 0 pts Full No Marks Marks 25 pts
25 pts 0 pts Full No Marks Marks 25 pts
25 pts 0 pts Full No Marks Marks
25 pts
25 pts 0 pts Full No Marks Marks 25 pts
Total Points: 100
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Dante’s Inferno is a classic work of literature that is part of the larger work, The Divine Comedy. The poem is written in the first person and describes the journey of Dante through the nine circles of Hell. Dante’s Inferno is a complex work that is rich with allegorical elements, and each of the nine circles of Hell is designed to represent a particular sin.

Dante was a Renaissance writer and a Florentine exile. He was exiled from Florence in 1302 for his political beliefs and never returned to the city. Dante wrote the Divine Comedy during his exile, and the work is widely considered to be one of the greatest literary works of the Middle Ages. The Inferno is a part of the larger work and is considered to be a masterpiece of Italian literature.

Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the most prominent allegorical elements in Dante’s Inferno is the concept of Contrapasso. Contrapasso is a term that refers to the idea that the punishment in Hell is a reflection of the sin committed. In other words, the punishment fits the crime. Each of the nine circles of Hell in Dante’s Inferno is designed to represent a particular sin, and the punishment for each sin is a reflection of the sin itself.

For example, in the first circle of Hell, Limbo, Dante encounters the souls of the unbaptized and the virtuous pagans. These souls are not punished but are instead relegated to an eternity without the presence of God. This punishment is a reflection of the sin of not accepting the Christian faith. In contrast, in the seventh circle of Hell, the violent are punished by being immersed in a river of boiling blood. This punishment is a reflection of the sin of violence, as the violent have caused bloodshed during their lives.

Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another significant allegorical element in Dante’s Inferno is the use of imagery and symbolism. Dante uses vivid descriptions and images to convey the horrors of Hell, and his descriptions of the various circles of Hell are meant to be both shocking and thought-provoking. For example, in the ninth circle of Hell, the traitors are punished by being frozen in a lake of ice. The image of the frozen lake is a powerful one, as it conveys the idea that the traitors are completely devoid of warmth and compassion.

In addition to the allegorical elements in the poem, Dante’s Inferno also has significant philosophical and ethical implications. The poem explores themes such as the nature of sin, the nature of evil, and the relationship between God and humanity. The work also touches on broader themes such as the role of free will in human destiny and the idea of redemption.

In conclusion, Dante’s Inferno is a complex and multi-layered work of literature that is rich with allegorical elements and symbolism. The use of Contrapasso, the vivid imagery, and the exploration of philosophical and ethical themes all contribute to the power and enduring appeal of the work. As a Renaissance writer and Florentine exile, Dante created a masterpiece of Italian literature that continues to captivate readers to this day.

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