You are asked to lead a team to update a policy on hospital attire in the workplace. For this exercise you will be developing a team charter.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

Provide an introduction section that describes the background of issue your team will be addressing.
What is the vision/mission and objectives of this team?
Are there any budget or resources needed to complete this task?
Identify the appropriate number of interdisciplinary team members, their professions and a rationale for their being a team member.
College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline the roles and responsibilities of the team members
How will the work get done? Meeting guidelines, communication, documentation, timeframe for completion etc.
Who does this team report their finding to?
Conclusion – assessment of the team process
Read the following articles, available from the South University online library:

Ali, H., Chuanmin, S., Ahmed, M., Mahmood, A., Khayyam, M., & Tikhomirova, A. (2021). Transformational leadership and project success: Serial mediation of team-building and teamwork. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1–11.

Lisak, A., & Harush, R. (2021). Global and local identities on the balance scale: Predicting transformational leadership and effectiveness in multicultural teams. PLoS ONE, 16(7), 1–31.

Tornwall, J., Fitzgerald, E. A., & Hrabe, D. (2021). Team charters in group work. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(5), 302.

Team Charter: Hospital Attire Policy Update
The purpose of this team is to address the issue of updating the hospital attire policy in the workplace. The current attire policy is outdated and does not align with the current practices and standards in healthcare. The goal is to develop a new policy that ensures patient safety and comfort, promotes professional image and hygiene, and aligns with current healthcare practices.
The vision of this team is to provide a safe, hygienic, and professional work environment for all healthcare professionals. The mission of the team is to develop a new hospital attire policy that aligns with the current healthcare practices and standards, promotes professional image and hygiene, and protects patient safety and comfort.
To research and review current healthcare practices and standards related to hospital attire.
To gather input from stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, patients, and family members, to ensure the policy is inclusive and reflective of their needs.
To develop a new hospital attire policy that aligns with current healthcare practices and standards, promotes professional image and hygiene, and protects patient safety and comfort.
To implement the new policy in the workplace and provide education and training to all healthcare professionals.
Budget and Resources:
The budget for this project is $10,000, which includes funds for research, stakeholder input gathering, policy development, and implementation. The team will have access to the South University online library and relevant healthcare resources.
Team Members:
The team will consist of 5 interdisciplinary members, including a nurse, a physician, a patient representative, a human resource representative, and a quality improvement specialist. These professionals were chosen for their expertise in healthcare practices and standards, patient safety, and policy development.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Nurse: Responsible for conducting research on current healthcare practices and standards related to hospital attire and presenting the findings to the team.
Physician: Responsible for providing input and guidance on the medical implications of the hospital attire policy.
Patient Representative: Responsible for gathering input from patients and their families and ensuring that the policy is inclusive and reflective of their needs.
Human Resource Representative: Responsible for ensuring that the policy aligns with labor laws and regulations.
Quality Improvement Specialist: Responsible for overseeing the policy development process and ensuring that the policy aligns with quality improvement standards.
Work Process:
The team will meet every two weeks to discuss progress and make decisions. Meetings will be conducted virtually and notes will be documented and shared with all team members. The team will conduct research and gather input from stakeholders, and the policy will be developed and revised as needed. The final policy will be presented to the hospital administration for approval and implementation. The expected timeframe for completion is four months.
The team will report their findings and recommendations to the hospital administration for approval and implementation.

The team will assess the process at the end of the project to determine the effectiveness of the team charter, the decision-making process, and the overall effectiveness of the project. The team will also identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for future projects. The articles “Transformational Leadership and Project Success: Serial Mediation of Team-Building and Teamwork” (Ali et al., 2021), “Global and Local Identities on the Balance Scale: Predicting Transformational Leadership and Effectiveness in Multicultural Teams” (Lisak & Harush, 2021), and “Team Charters in Group Work” (Tornwall et al., 2021) will be used as a reference to guide the team through the

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