The objective of this assignment is to construct an original argument.. Using the readings from class, your own research, and our class discussion, write an essay in which you answer ONE of the following questions. 1. Revise ICE#2. Does digital technology and our society’s reliance on computers cause “our own intelligence [to flatten] into artificial intelligence” (Carr 748)? 2. Should schools arm teachers with concealed weapons to protect students against mass shootings? Why or why not? Your final essay should do the following: • Include a hook or engaging introduction • Assert a clear position in a thesis and support it throughout the paper • Argue for a specific position using reasoning, concrete evidence, examples, and observations • Be sure to consider your own use logos/ethos/pathos and pay attention to subject/speaker/purpose/audience. • Use Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay for Me – MLA formatting. Other Requirements • Quote from one required reading (Carr, Kristof, Chavez, Swafford) • Cite at least 2 additional sources from current periodicals or news sources • Include a Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited list Format and Recommendation: Your argument should be at least 700 words and must comply with Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay for Me – MLA conventions; this means that both the essay and in-text quotations should be formatted accordingly (Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 56 in LBB; Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 52 Norton), and the essay should be typed and double spaced These are links I want you to have a lock on:

The increasing use of digital technology and our society’s reliance on computers has raised concerns about the impact on human intelligence and decision-making abilities. In his book, “The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains,” Nicholas Carr argues that the constant bombardment of information and distractions from the internet “flatten” our own intelligence into artificial intelligence, making us less able to focus, think deeply, and make connections between ideas.

On the other hand, the recent rise in mass shootings in schools has led some to argue that arming teachers with concealed weapons could provide a solution to protect students. However, this solution raises a number of concerns. According to Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times opinion columnist, arming teachers with concealed weapons is not only impractical but also potentially dangerous. Kristof points out that teachers are not trained to handle weapons or make quick decisions in high-pressure situations and that the presence of weapons in schools could lead to accidental shootings or other unintended consequences.

In my opinion, the use of digital technology and our society’s reliance on computers does not necessarily cause “our own intelligence [to flatten] into artificial intelligence.” While it is true that the constant bombardment of information and distractions from the internet can make it difficult to focus and think deeply, it is important to note that digital technology also provides many benefits such as easy access to information, improved communication, and increased productivity.

Furthermore, schools should not arm teachers with concealed weapons. The idea of arming teachers with concealed weapons is not only impractical but also potentially dangerous. Teachers are not trained to handle weapons or make quick decisions in high-pressure situations and the presence of weapons in schools could lead to accidental shootings or other unintended consequences. Additionally, instead of arm teachers, schools should focus on implementing measures such as hiring school resource officers, increasing funding for mental health services, and strengthening background check laws.

In the article “Armed Teachers: A Bad Idea,” published by CNN, the author states that teachers are not trained to handle weapons or make quick decisions in high-pressure situations and the presence of weapons in schools could lead to accidental shootings or other unintended consequences. Furthermore, the article cites a study by the “Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence” which shows that states with more permissive gun laws and higher rates of gun ownership had higher rates of gun violence in schools, showing that the answer to the problem is not more guns in schools.

While the use of digital technology and our society’s reliance on computers does not necessarily cause “our own intelligence [to flatten] into artificial intelligence,” schools should not arm teachers with concealed weapons. Instead, schools should focus on implementing measures such as hiring school resource officers, increasing funding for mental health services, and strengthening background check laws.

Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited

Carr, Nicholas. The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains. W. W. Norton, 2011.

Kristof, Nicholas. “Armed Teachers? A Bad Idea.” The New York Times, 24 Feb. 2018,

“Armed Teachers: A Bad Idea.” CNN, 24 Feb. 2018,

“States with More Guns Have More School Shooting.” Education Fund to Stop Gun Violence,

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