Use the questions on the “Clinical Field Experience D: Behavior Management” template to guide your observation in each classroom..

Every educator develops their own unique management style based on personality and comfort with creativity. As you develop an idea of how you want to manage your classroom, make careful note of how other educators choose to manage their learning environment. This information helps to inform your future professional practice.

Speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, seek opportunities to observe three classrooms, pre-K-Grade 3. Your mentor teacher must approve any hours spent observing another classroom environment.

Use the questions on the “Clinical Field Experience D: Behavior Management” template to guide your observation in each classroom. On the template, make note of how each teacher incorporates group motivation and behavior expectations during a lesson.

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Clinical Field Experience D: Behavior Management Observation Report

Date of Observation: [Insert Date]
Classroom: [Insert Classroom Name and Number]
Teacher’s Name: [Insert Teacher’s Name]
Grade Level: [Insert Grade Level]

How does the teacher establish and communicate expectations for student behavior?
The teacher begins the day by reviewing the classroom rules and expectations with students. These expectations are posted in the classroom and referred to throughout the day. The teacher also uses positive reinforcement, such as praise and rewards, to encourage good behavior.

How does the teacher use group motivation to encourage positive behavior?
The teacher uses a variety of group motivational strategies, such as class incentives, to encourage positive behavior. The teacher also uses class meetings to address any behavior issues and find solutions as a group.

How does the teacher handle disruptive behavior?
The teacher uses a variety of strategies to address disruptive behavior, including redirecting the student’s attention, addressing the behavior privately with the student, and using a consequence, such as a loss of privilege, to reinforce the importance of appropriate behavior.

How does the teacher use positive reinforcement to encourage appropriate behavior?
The teacher frequently uses positive reinforcement, such as praise and rewards, to encourage appropriate behavior. The teacher also uses a behavior chart to track student progress and celebrate successes.

How does the teacher provide opportunities for students to practice self-regulation and independence?
The teacher provides opportunities for students to practice self-regulation and independence through individual and group activities, such as independent work time and problem-solving tasks. The teacher also provides opportunities for students to make choices and take ownership of their learning.

The teacher in this classroom effectively establishes and communicates expectations for student behavior, uses group motivation and positive reinforcement to encourage positive behavior, and provides opportunities for students to practice self-regulation and independence.

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