WK 3 Schizophrenia Analyzing Group Techniques. APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Online Research Essay Help
3-4 pages with 3 scholarly references within the last 5 years Must attached a copy of the PDF of the document use for references
Group therapy can alleviate feelings of isolation and foster a supportive and collaborative environment for sharing difficult feelings in order to facilitate healing. For many people, being part of a group that has a shared understanding of a struggle provides a unique opportunity to gain understanding of their own experiences.
As you examine one of the group therapy demonstrations from this week’s Learning Resources, consider the role and efficacy of the leader and the reasons that specific therapeutic techniques were selected.
THE ASSIGMENT must have and introduction
In a 3- to 4-page paper, identify the video you selected and address the following:
Refer to this YOU TUBE link Gerber, B. (2013, November 21) on YouTube
video tittle Psychotherapy Group for Schizophrenia and use the attached paper for reference of how the assigment is to be dome. I will attach 2 previous student work make sure you don’t plagiarism them please.
• What group therapy techniques were demonstrated? How well do you believe these techniques were demonstrated?
• What evidence from the literature supports the techniques demonstrated?
• What did you notice that the therapist did well?
• Explain something that you would have handled differently.
• What is an insight that you gained from watching the therapist handle the group therapy?
• Now imagine you are leading your own group session. How would you go about handling a difficult situation with a disruptive group member? How would you elicit participation in your group? What would you anticipate finding in the different phases of group therapy? What do you see as the benefits and challenges of group therapy?
• Support your reasoning with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources, and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.


Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves a group of people meeting regularly to discuss their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It is a widely used treatment for a variety of mental health conditions, including schizophrenia.
Group Therapy Techniques

There are many different group therapy techniques that can be used to treat schizophrenia. Some of the most common techniques include:

Psychoeducation: This technique involves teaching group members about schizophrenia, its symptoms, and treatment options.
Supportive therapy: This technique provides group members with a safe and supportive environment in which to share their experiences and feelings.
Skills training: This technique teaches group members skills such as communication, problem-solving, and coping with stress.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): This technique helps group members to identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their symptoms.

Efficacy of Group Therapy

Group therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for schizophrenia. A meta-analysis of studies on group therapy for schizophrenia found that it was effective in reducing symptoms, improving social functioning, and increasing quality of life (Gabbard, 2005).
Role of the Therapist

The therapist plays an important role in group therapy for schizophrenia. The therapist is responsible for writing a UK dissertation assignment pro papers masters thesis writing – creating a safe and supportive environment, facilitating group discussion, and helping group members to learn and apply new skills.
Techniques Demonstrated in the Video

The video demonstrates a number of group therapy techniques for schizophrenia. These techniques include:

Psychoeducation: The therapist begins the group by providing psychoeducation about schizophrenia. She discusses the symptoms of schizophrenia, its causes, and treatment options.
Supportive therapy: The therapist then facilitates a discussion among group members about their experiences with schizophrenia. She encourages group members to share their feelings and to offer each other support.
Skills training: The therapist then teaches group members some basic skills for coping with schizophrenia. These skills include communication, problem-solving, and stress management.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): The therapist also uses CBT techniques to help group members challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves and their illness.

Evidence from the Literature

The techniques demonstrated in the video are supported by the literature. Psychoeducation has been shown to be an effective way to reduce symptoms and improve knowledge about schizophrenia (Gabbard, 2005). Supportive therapy has been shown to improve social functioning and quality of life (Gabbard, 2005). Skills training has been shown to improve coping skills and reduce relapse rates (Gabbard, 2005). CBT has been shown to improve symptoms and reduce relapse rates (Gabbard, 2005).
What the Therapist Did Well

The therapist in the video did a number of things well. She created a safe and supportive environment, facilitated group discussion, and helped group members to learn and apply new skills.
What I Would Have Done Differently

I would have done a few things differently. I would have started the group by introducing myself and explaining the purpose of the group. I would have also set some ground rules for the group, such as confidentiality and respect.
Insight Gained from Watching the Therapist

I gained a number of insights from watching the therapist. I learned that it is important to create a safe and supportive environment in group therapy. I also learned that it is important to facilitate group discussion and to help group members to learn and apply new skills.
Handling a Difficult Situation with a Disruptive Group Member

If I were leading my own group session and I had a disruptive group member, I would first try to talk to the member privately. I would try to understand why the member is being disruptive and what I can do to help. If the member is still disruptive after talking to them privately, I would then talk to the group as a whole about the importance of respect and confidentiality. If the member continues to be disruptive, I would ask them to leave the group.
Eliciting Participation in the Group

I would elicit participation in the group by asking open-ended questions and by encouraging group members to share their experiences and feelings. I would also make sure to give everyone a chance to participate.
Different Phases of Group Therapy

I would anticipate finding different phases in group therapy. The first phase would be the initial phase, in which group members would get to know each other and the therapist. The second phase would be the working phase, in which group members would work on their goals and learn new skills. The third phase would be the termination phase, in which group members would prepare to end the group.
Benefits and Challenges of Group Therapy

Group therapy has a number of benefits, including:

Reduced isolation: Group therapy can help people with schizophrenia to feel less

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