In the instructions.

Writing style is ASA.

Select two theorists total from the first half of the class. Explain the first theorist’s ideas (according to you) in a full two pages, then explain the second theorist’s ideas (according to you) in a full two pages, then include one reference page at very end of the file.

The theorists for CE 1 are:

Karl Marx and WEB Du Bois

The PowerPoints attached below are the sources to be used.

Further instructions in the pictures.

As an AI language model, I do not have access to any PowerPoints or pictures attached to this conversation. However, I can provide you with a general outline on how to write your paper according to the instructions provided.

College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline:

I. Introduction
A. Briefly introduce Karl Marx and WEB Du Bois
B. State the purpose of the paper
C. Provide an overview of the main points to be covered

II. Karl Marx
A. Brief biography
B. Historical context
C. Key ideas
1. Dialectical Materialism
2. Historical Materialism
3. Alienation
4. Class struggle
D. Criticisms of Marx’s ideas
E. Conclusion

III. WEB Du Bois
A. Brief biography
B. Historical context
C. Key ideas
1. Double consciousness
2. The Veil
3. The color line
4. The talented tenth
D. Criticisms of Du Bois’s ideas
E. Conclusion

IV. Comparison and Contrast
A. Similarities between Marx and Du Bois’s ideas
B. Differences between Marx and Du Bois’s ideas
C. Implications of these similarities and differences
D. Conclusion

V. Conclusion
A. Summarize the main points of the paper
B. Discuss the importance of Marx and Du Bois’s ideas
C. Provide suggestions for further research

VI. References
A. List all sources used in the paper
B. Use ASA citation style


Karl Marx and WEB Du Bois are two of the most influential social theorists in history. Both individuals have provided invaluable contributions to the study of society and have been instrumental in shaping the way we think about social inequality, power, and resistance. This paper aims to provide an overview of the ideas of these two theorists, highlighting their similarities and differences.

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, and revolutionary socialist who lived during the 19th century. He is most well-known for his critique of capitalism and his advocacy for communism. Marx believed that social systems were shaped by economic relationships and that the struggle between social classes was the driving force of history. His ideas on class struggle, historical materialism, and alienation have had a profound impact on social theory.

According to Marx, dialectical materialism is the process by which social systems evolve. Dialectical materialism is a philosophical approach to understanding the world that is based on the idea that everything is in a constant state of flux and that change is the result of contradictions and conflicts between different forces. Historical materialism, on the other hand, is the idea that economic and social systems are the result of historical developments. Marx argued that societies progressed through different stages of economic development, with each stage being characterized by a different form of economic relationship.

Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of Marx’s most important concepts is alienation. He believed that capitalism alienated workers from their labor, from each other, and from themselves. Workers under capitalism are forced to sell their labor in order to survive, but they have no control over the products they produce. This lack of control leads to a feeling of detachment and estrangement from their work. Additionally, the capitalist system encourages competition between workers, which leads to a sense of isolation and disunity.

However, Marx’s ideas have also faced criticism. Some argue that his focus on class struggle and economic relationships ignores other important factors that shape social systems, such as culture and identity. Others argue that his ideas are too deterministic and do not leave enough room for individual agency.

WEB Du Bois was an American sociologist, historian, and civil rights activist who lived during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is known for his pioneering work on race and racism in the United States. Du Bois believed that racism was the result of a historical process of exclusion and exploitation of Black people, and he sought to challenge this process through his activism and scholarship.

Du Bois introduced the concept of “double consciousness,” which refers to the experience of being both Black and American in a society that values whiteness. According to Du Bois, Black people in the United States are forced to navigate two conflicting identities, which leads to a sense of internal conflict and tension. Additionally, Du Bois introduced the concept of “the veil,” which refers to the social and psychological barriers that prevent Black people from fully participating in American society.

Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another important concept introduced by Du Bois is the “color line,” which refers to the division between Black and white people in the United States. Du Bois argued that the color line was not just a physical barrier but a social and psychological one as well. He believed that the color line created a hierarchy of power and privilege that was based on race.

Despite his contributions, Du Bois’s ideas have also faced criticism. Some argue that his ideas are too focused on race and do not adequately address other forms of social inequality. Others argue that his ideas are too pessimistic and do not leave enough room for hope or agency.

When comparing Marx and Du Bois’s ideas, it is clear that both thinkers share a common focus on power and inequality. Both individuals sought to challenge dominant power structures and to create a more just and equal society.

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