Analysis on Port and Maritime Transport System Researches

Analysis on Port and Maritime Transport System Researches Port and maritime transport systems play a crucial role in global trade and logistics. These systems are responsible for the movement of goods and materials by sea, and they are essential for the functioning of many industries, including shipping, manufacturing, and agriculture. However, despite their importance, these […]

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In-transit threats and risk management in Maritime industry

In-transit threats and risk management in Maritime industry. Maritime transportation is a vital component of global trade, with an estimated 80% of international trade by volume and 70% by value being transported by sea. However, this reliance on maritime transportation also brings a range of security challenges, including the potential for in-transit threats. These threats […]

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The International Maritime Organisation

The International Maritime Organisation: a study from an organisational effectiveness perspective, The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is responsible for regulating and promoting safe, secure, and environmentally-friendly shipping. From an organizational effectiveness perspective, this study will examine the IMO’s structure, functions, and performance in achieving its mandate. […]

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Marine safety on board vessel

Marine Safety on Board Vessel: Ensuring the Well-being of All on Board Introduction Maritime transportation is an important mode of transportation for people and goods around the world. However, it also comes with its own set of risks and challenges. Marine safety on board vessels is critical to the well-being of everyone on board, including […]

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Analysis on Port and Maritime Transport System Researches

Analysis on Port and Maritime Transport System Researches Port and maritime transport systems play a crucial role in global trade and logistics. These systems are responsible for the movement of goods and materials by sea, and they are essential for the functioning of many industries, including shipping, manufacturing, and agriculture. However, despite their importance, these […]

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In-transit threats and risk management in Maritime industry

In-transit threats and risk management in Maritime industry. Maritime transportation is a vital component of global trade, with an estimated 80% of international trade by volume and 70% by value being transported by sea. However, this reliance on maritime transportation also brings a range of security challenges, including the potential for in-transit threats. These threats […]

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The International Maritime Organisation

The International Maritime Organisation: a study from an organisational effectiveness perspective, The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is responsible for regulating and promoting safe, secure, and environmentally-friendly shipping. From an organizational effectiveness perspective, this study will examine the IMO’s structure, functions, and performance in achieving its mandate. […]

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Marine safety on board vessel

Marine Safety on Board Vessel: Ensuring the Well-being of All on Board Introduction Maritime transportation is an important mode of transportation for people and goods around the world. However, it also comes with its own set of risks and challenges. Marine safety on board vessels is critical to the well-being of everyone on board, including […]

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