In this activity you will meet Mrs. Aneesh Ayman, a 42-year-old woman admitted for abdominal pain for investigation. Mrs. Ayman was granted refugee status two years ago after fleeing from her home in Syria. Mrs. Ayman’s primary language is Arabic, and she is of Muslim faith. Understanding Mrs. Ayman’s cultural needs is critical to the provision of safe and person-centred care.
Respond to the following questions, adhering to the allocated word count and referring to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice and other relevant professional regulations:
1. Identify the cultural needs of Mrs. Aneesh Ayman, linking back to the scenario.
2. Provide an argument that supports why culturally safe care is required in nursing?(please note that the answer to this question is to be generalised and separate to the case of Mrs. Ayman)
This is an academic assignment; therefore, academic standards inclusive of grammar, sentence structure, paraphrasing and APA 7th edition referencing for both in-text citations and referencing apply. As this assessment is only 750 words an introduction and conclusion are not required.
• use high-level quality contemporary evidence-based literature to inform the discussion and critical analysis, date of evidence within five to seven years.
• use of the third person

Writing guide:
Identify the cultural needs of Mrs. Aneesh Ayman, linking back to the scenario. (250 words)
As a refugee from Syria and a Muslim woman, Mrs. Aneesh Ayman’s cultural needs encompass language assistance, dietary requirements, modesty considerations, and respect for her religious beliefs and practices. Regarding language, Mrs. Ayman’s primary language is Arabic, necessitating the provision of an interpreter or multilingual staff members to ensure effective communication and understanding of her condition, treatment, and care instructions (Govere & Govere, 2016). Dietary requirements should be respected, ensuring halal food options are available during her hospital stay (Rassool, 2015).

Modesty is a significant aspect of Islamic culture, particularly for women. Therefore, efforts should be made to accommodate Mrs. Ayman’s preferences for same-gender caregivers, maintaining privacy during examinations and procedures, and providing appropriate hospital gowns or clothing that aligns with her cultural values (Shaikh & Kersten, 2014). Additionally, her religious beliefs and practices, such as the need for prayer times and facilities, should be respected and accommodated (Rassool, 2015).

Provide an argument that supports why culturally safe care is required in nursing? (400 words)
Culturally safe care is an essential aspect of nursing practice, as it promotes respect, understanding, and effective care delivery for individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. The provision of culturally safe care is not only a professional obligation but also a ethical and moral imperative for nurses.

Firstly, cultural safety acknowledges the historical and ongoing impacts of colonization, marginalization, and discrimination on certain cultural groups (Truong et al., 2014). By recognizing these factors, nurses can develop a deeper understanding of the unique experiences, beliefs, and perspectives of their patients, fostering a more inclusive and respectful healthcare environment. This understanding is crucial for building trust and establishing effective therapeutic relationships, which are fundamental to ensuring positive health outcomes (Govere & Govere, 2016).

Secondly, culturally safe care promotes patient-centered care by tailoring interventions and communication to the specific cultural needs and preferences of each individual (Rassool, 2015). This approach empowers patients to actively participate in their care, enhancing their autonomy and decision-making abilities. By considering cultural factors, nurses can better address potential barriers to care, such as language differences, dietary restrictions, or cultural beliefs that may influence treatment adherence (Shaikh & Kersten, 2014).

Furthermore, culturally safe care aligns with the principles of ethical practice and professional standards in nursing. The Registered Nurse Standards for Practice emphasize the importance of providing care that is respectful, non-discriminatory, and tailored to individual needs (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016). By embracing cultural safety, nurses uphold these standards and demonstrate their commitment to providing equitable and high-quality care to all patients, regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

In summary, culturally safe care is an essential aspect of nursing practice that promotes respect, understanding, patient-centered care, and adherence to professional standards. By embracing cultural safety, nurses can foster positive therapeutic relationships, enhance patient autonomy, and ultimately improve health outcomes for individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.


Govere, L., & Govere, E. M. (2016). How effective is cultural competence training of healthcare providers on improving patient satisfaction of minority groups? A systematic review of literature. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(6), 402-410.

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016). Registered nurse standards for practice.

Rassool, G. H. (2015). Cultural competence in nursing Muslim patients. Nursing Times, 111(14), 12-15.

Shaikh, B. T., & Kersten, C. (2014). The culture of modesty: Clinical implications and challenges for young Muslim Canadian women. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 25(2), 165-172.

Truong, M., Paradies, Y., & Priest, N. (2014). Interventions to improve cultural competency in healthcare: A systematic review of reviews. BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), 1-17.

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