Nurses Shouldn’t End Lives of Suffering Patients

The participation of nurses in ending the lives of suffering patients has various ethical issues that degrade the moral fabric of society. Ending the life of a suffering patient weakens the respect for the sanctity of life (Koodamara 2). Nurses should not participate in ending the life of their patients since life is divine and it is only the creator who has authority over it. It also shows that the lives of those who are suffering are less worth compared to healthy people. Therefore, it prompts a question of whether people who are suffering in poor countries or the disabled should also be killed (Koodamara 3). Nurses should strive to stick to their core mandate of protecting the lives of patients despite their conditions.

Life is holy and sacred and thus it should be respected and protected. It would be unethical for a nurse to end the life of a patient since life is considered a gift from the creator (Koodamara 4). Ending the life of other people is also forbidden. It is thus important for nurses to respect such rights of patients despite their health status (Spence 695). Additionally, ending the life of a patient tempts the nurses to provide less quality healthcare. The reason is that euthanasia is unnecessary if palliative care is properly provided.

Ending the lives of suffering patients is not justifiable since it would lead to the voluntary killing of patients who are believed to be undesirable (Spence 694). It would convert nurses into murderers compared to the friendly and protective professionals they are known to be (Spence 693). It would also discourage nurses from researching for new cure since they have a new option of disposing suffering patients. Ending the life of a patient is unethical since it would give more powers to healthcare providers and selfish relatives who do not wish well for a patient.

Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited

Koodamara, Navin Kumar. “Euthanasia: India’s major religious points of views.” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 9.10 (2018): 1-4.

Spence, Rebecca A. “Responding to patient requests for hastened death: Physician aid in dying and the clinical oncologist.” Journal of Oncology Practice 13.10 (2017): 693-699.



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