Community Teaching Plan Development

Community Teaching Part A Assessment Description Teaching Plan Development Students will continue to work on the Community Teaching Project. The Project will be developed throughout this course and include a community teaching presentation being completed in Topic 5. The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in […]

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Transitioning to a Professional Nursing Role

Transitioning to a Professional Nursing Role: Change and Evolution Nurses taking on advanced roles in healthcare contribute fresh ideas and insights to education, administration, research, and practice. Advanced education exposes nurses to professional socialization, shaping their values, norms, and perspectives unique to the profession. This process forms the foundation for their work conduct and helps […]

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Promoting Patient Comfort to Enhance Recovery from an Ailment

15 slides PowerPoint presentation on the topic – Promoting patient comfort to enhance recovery from an ailment. reach out with further questions as needed NUR 5013- Nursing Science Theory Integration in Practice Presentation Assignment Help & Best Dissertation Writing Services – Oxbridge Essays UK PhD Thesis Writing &Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay […]

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NUR2488 Module 07 Borderline Personality Disorder Case Study

NUR2488 Module 07 Borderline Personality Disorder Case Study a 48-year-old divorced woman with one adult daughter and three grandchildren. She is currently working as an LPN part-time in a nursing home and works at a convenience store one or two days per week. She has had many jobs over the last 22 years, usually […]

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Affordable Insulin Act of 2023 Legislation Comparison Grid

Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement Number of sources: 3 Paper instructions: To Prepare: Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources. The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid; 1- to 2-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement) Part 1: Legislation Comparison Grid Based […]

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How Nurses Can Improve the Illness Experience

Essay Assessment Task 2 is a 2000 word essay. The task requires you to draw on your learning over the semester about your role as a nurse within the illness experience and the effect you have on those in your care. A significant component of this assessment, requires you to explore strategies that you will […]

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Diverse Populations And Age

Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic: Diverse Populations And Age.. As a master’s-prepared nurse, you are responsible for knowing basic health screenings for various populations. Read the required readings and refer to the course resources. Choose the young, middle, or older adult population. Address the preventive […]

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Practice-Pediatric Acute Bacterial Sinusitis

Practice-Pediatric Acute Bacterial Sinusitis No plagiarism Please. Will need references and intext citations in template. Please read instructions carefully to ensure maximum grade. Applying Current Evidence Based Practice Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Bacterial Sinusitis in Pediatric Patients […]

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Blood: The Dynamic Symphony of Life

Blood is a liquid connective tissue. It’s composed of about 55% blood plasma and 45% different blood cells (Informed Health, 2019). You can expect to find RBC’s, platelets, and WBC’s (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes). The plasma itself is made up of water, proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, nitrogenous wastes, hormones, and gases (Saladin, 2021). The consistency […]

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NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care

NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care, and Medication Management – Essay Writing Assignment Task Read the clinical scenario and the answer the assessment questions in an essay format. Clinical Research Essay Master: Write My Essay For Me Online Cheap & Essay Writer Service – Scenario […]

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Community Teaching Plan Development

Community Teaching Part A Assessment Description Teaching Plan Development Students will continue to work on the Community Teaching Project. The Project will be developed throughout this course and include a community teaching presentation being completed in Topic 5. The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in […]

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Transitioning to a Professional Nursing Role

Transitioning to a Professional Nursing Role: Change and Evolution Nurses taking on advanced roles in healthcare contribute fresh ideas and insights to education, administration, research, and practice. Advanced education exposes nurses to professional socialization, shaping their values, norms, and perspectives unique to the profession. This process forms the foundation for their work conduct and helps […]

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Promoting Patient Comfort to Enhance Recovery from an Ailment

15 slides PowerPoint presentation on the topic – Promoting patient comfort to enhance recovery from an ailment. reach out with further questions as needed NUR 5013- Nursing Science Theory Integration in Practice Presentation Assignment Help & Best Dissertation Writing Services – Oxbridge Essays UK PhD Thesis Writing &Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay […]

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NUR2488 Module 07 Borderline Personality Disorder Case Study

NUR2488 Module 07 Borderline Personality Disorder Case Study a 48-year-old divorced woman with one adult daughter and three grandchildren. She is currently working as an LPN part-time in a nursing home and works at a convenience store one or two days per week. She has had many jobs over the last 22 years, usually […]

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Affordable Insulin Act of 2023 Legislation Comparison Grid

Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement Number of sources: 3 Paper instructions: To Prepare: Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources. The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid; 1- to 2-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement) Part 1: Legislation Comparison Grid Based […]

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How Nurses Can Improve the Illness Experience

Essay Assessment Task 2 is a 2000 word essay. The task requires you to draw on your learning over the semester about your role as a nurse within the illness experience and the effect you have on those in your care. A significant component of this assessment, requires you to explore strategies that you will […]

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Diverse Populations And Age

Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic: Diverse Populations And Age.. As a master’s-prepared nurse, you are responsible for knowing basic health screenings for various populations. Read the required readings and refer to the course resources. Choose the young, middle, or older adult population. Address the preventive […]

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Practice-Pediatric Acute Bacterial Sinusitis

Practice-Pediatric Acute Bacterial Sinusitis No plagiarism Please. Will need references and intext citations in template. Please read instructions carefully to ensure maximum grade. Applying Current Evidence Based Practice Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Bacterial Sinusitis in Pediatric Patients […]

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Blood: The Dynamic Symphony of Life

Blood is a liquid connective tissue. It’s composed of about 55% blood plasma and 45% different blood cells (Informed Health, 2019). You can expect to find RBC’s, platelets, and WBC’s (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes). The plasma itself is made up of water, proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, nitrogenous wastes, hormones, and gases (Saladin, 2021). The consistency […]

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NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care

NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care, and Medication Management – Essay Writing Assignment Task Read the clinical scenario and the answer the assessment questions in an essay format. Clinical Research Essay Master: Write My Essay For Me Online Cheap & Essay Writer Service – Scenario […]

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