Operations & Change Management
Advanced Diploma in Business Administration – May 2023

Year: 2023

Total: 13 Pages (inclusive cover)

Introduction to the Module

Operations & Change Management is an important subject in any business operations. It is concerned with creating the services and products upon which we all depend. And all organizations create and deliver some mixture of services and products, whether that organization is large or small, for profit or not for profit, public or private. Thankfully, most companies have now come to understand the importance of operations. This is because they have realized that effective operations management gives the potential to improve both efficiency and customer service simultaneously. In addition, operations management is everywhere, it is not confined to the operations function. All managers, whether they are called Operations or Marketing or Human Resources or Finance, or whatever, manage processes and serve customers (internal or external). This makes at least part of their activities ‘operations’. Operations management is also exciting. It is at the centre of so many of the changes affecting the business world – changes in customer preference, changes in supply networks brought about by internet-based technologies, changes in what we want to do at work, how we want to work, where we want to work, and so on. There has rarely been a time when operations management was more topical or more at the heart of business and cultural shifts. Operations management is also challenging. Promoting the creativity which will allow organizations to respond to so many changes is becoming the prime task of operations managers. It is they who must find the solutions to technological and environmental challenges, the pressures to be socially responsible, the increasing globalization of markets and the difficult-to-define areas of knowledge and change management.

Module Specification
The module specification can be obtained through your AGI. The module specification is the definitive description of the module purpose, content, and assessment strategy, and is the basis from which module delivery is planned and materials prepared.

On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
1. Explain the purpose and value of operations management in organisations
2. Compare and contrast the key operations management concepts
3. Deepen the understanding of the nature of organizational change
4. Increase the knowledge of the theoretical frameworks that can be used to think about and analyze change, and build ability to apply those frameworks
5. Provide some insights into the processes of organizational change
Subject-specific Skills
1. Apply the Operations & Change Management Model as a basis for effective resource management.
2. Distinguish between concepts and techniques and know how to apply them for the benefits that can be delivered through their adoption.
3. Understand the importance of delivering Quality (i.e. Customer satisfaction) in any operational context.
4. Identify various forms of waste and improvement opportunity within in any regular operations process situation.
Key Skills
1. Develop problem solving skills
2. Select an appropriate format for effectively presenting written work
Learning Outcomes

(a) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Operations & Change Management in work organizations.
(b) Illustrate and apply the topics discuss to daily operational and change management issues
(c) Ability to discuss and analyze the issues critically.
Use of critical commentaries and operational techniques within the text to understand some of the alternative viewpoints on operation strategy and continuous improvement and total quality management.

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The assessment for this module consists of two forms of assessment. Submission dates are as indicated.
Part Type of assessment Word or time limit Mark Submission method Submission dates
1 Written Assignment One- Study on Lean Management & Lead Time 1,500(+/-10%) 50% assessment@singapore.amity.edu NOT LATER THAN:

2 Written Assignment Two – Study on Sustainability & Change 1,500 (+/-10%) 50% assessment@singapore.amity.edu NOT LATER THAN:

This module is assessed through TWO items of assessment. These are described later in this section. You must use the assessment briefs provided by AGI.

Assessment One
Title: Study on Lean Management & Lead Time
Weighting: 50% Hand in Date: 21/5/2023
Assessment Task
LEAN MANAGEMENT is recognised as a means of delivering VALUE to the CUSTOMER. The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate an understanding of LEAN MANAGEMENT and the practical concepts within it.
LEAD TIME is defined as the time between placing an order for a product and receiving the order.
Deliverables and Assessment Breakdown
1. To set the scene for this Essay, select an organisation and describe it in an appropriate manner for an operations manager. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe:
• The main product or service produced by the organisation.
• Who are the main customers for this product or service?
(10% of word count)
2. It is recognised that delivering Value to Customers can be greatly improved by the implementation of Lean Management within an organisation. Your task is to research academic articles on Lean Management and prepare a brief review of the topic. Identify the concepts that are usually practiced within a Lean Management regime. Choose THREE of the concepts and
• Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe each concept clearly.
• State what benefits each concept delivers to a user.
• Identify an organisation that uses each concept.
(50% of word count)
3. Suggest how one of the concepts you have described could help your chosen organisation. (10% of word count)
4. Sam owns a shop that sells wedding dresses. The products are one-offs, made to individual design specifications. In WEEK 26, Sam discusses with her manufacturer a design for a new wedding dress. Sam and the designer agree on a specification, and she places an order with the manufacturer.
A) Calculate how long it will take before the dress is available for sale in Sam’s shop. That is, what is the Lead-Time between Sam placing the order with her manufacturer and being able to display the item for sale in her shop?
The information you need to calculate the Lead-Time is as follows:
1. To design the dress 2 weeks
2. To raise the order for the parts for the dress 1week
3. To manufacture and deliver all the parts of the dress 4 weeks.
4. To assemble the dress 2 weeks
5. To deliver the finished product to Sam’s shop 1 week

B) What will be the week number when the dress can be displayed?

All the dress parts in this example come from the UK.
C) How would the Lead Time be affected if the dress parts came from Italy, or from China?
(30% of word count)
Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes that are being assessed in this assignment are:

A. Recognise operational issues and quality requirements when managing organisation’s resources.
B. Examine and apply operational theory to selected concepts to a chosen real-life business scenario.

Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assignment. Please see the grading rubric at the end of this assignment brief for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.

To set the scene, I’ll describe a hospital that could benefit from lean principles.
The main service provided by Example Hospital is patient care. Its main customers are patients seeking medical treatment. Example Hospital is a large facility that sees thousands of patients each year for everything from routine checkups to complex surgeries.
Lean management focuses on eliminating waste from processes to improve value for customers (Womack & Jones, 1996). Some key lean concepts include:
Just-in-time (JIT) production, which aims to produce only what is needed when it is needed to avoid overproduction (Shah & Ward, 2007). Mayo Clinic uses JIT approaches in its operating rooms to ensure needed medical supplies and staff are available as needed for procedures (Mayo Clinic, 2022).
Visual management through clear signage and organization so issues are easily identifiable (Liker & Convis, 2011). The Cleveland Clinic color-codes units and equipment by specialty to simplify navigation for patients and staff (Cleveland Clinic, 2022).
Continuous flow by arranging workstations and equipment layout for smooth workflow (Womack & Jones, 2003). Johns Hopkins reorganized clinic rooms and nurse stations to reduce unnecessary travel time for staff (Johns Hopkins, 2018).
Example Hospital could apply visual management approaches. It could install color-coded floor signs and numbering to help patients and visitors easily navigate the large facility for their appointments or to find services like imaging, labs, or the cafeteria. This would improve wayfinding and reduce frustration.
A) The total lead time for the wedding dress order would be 10 weeks.
B) Week 36
C) With international shipping, the lead times would increase significantly. From Italy it may add 4 weeks, and from China it could add 8 or more weeks depending on shipping method. International orders face risks of delays from customs, long transit times, and other logistical challenges.
In conclusion, lean principles can help organizations like Example Hospital maximize value for customers by reducing waste. Visual management, JIT approaches, and continuous workflow are some concepts that show promise based on successful health system case studies. Please let me know if any part of the response needs further clarification or expansion. I’m happy to discuss and provide additional details to help address the learning outcomes.

Target word-count 1,500 words

It is important that students properly research this assignment and provide accurate and appropriate referencing. As a rough guide, a student should provide a minimum of 6 appropriate references to support the work, the age of the texts should be mainly less than ten years old and the Harvard Referencing style should be used.

Front sheet shows STUDENT NAME and NUMBER
DESCRIPTION OF ORGANISATION (10%)- products, services, customers,
DESCRIPTION OF ONE MAIN OPERATIONAL PROCESS (30%) –describe the process in terms of Inputs Transformations and Outputs. Using a clear table presentation
LITERATURE REVIEW OF THE TOPIC (45%) – review of literature on Lean and the concepts that need to be practiced achieving it. Clear description of three concepts. What benefits are available? What companies use them? How will they improve the chosen organisation?
APPLICATION OF CONCEPTS (15%) – Explain how each of the concepts described could improve, in a practical sense, the chosen organisation.
Standard of PRESENTATION – report is clearly laid out. A good standard of grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraphs and quotations. Adequate Harvard Referencing style is used.

Assignment Two
Title: A Study on Sustainability & Change
Weighting: 50% Hand in Date: 28/5/2023

Assessment Task

Environmentalists tell us we cannot continue to consume resources at the rate we currently do. If BRICS countries develop to consume resources at the same rate as the USA we will need 6 Planet Earths to sustain that life style. This reality is stark. It means we need to change the way we live. Businesses are beginning to wake up to these realities and there are many good case studies that show practical examples of better practice, i.e., more sustainable behaviour. Companies are adopting Sustainability Strategies. Some are calling it Sustainability, some call it Going Green, being Eco-Friendly, the Circular Economy… there are numerous names for this activity.

Deliverables and Assessment Breakdown

Your challenge in this assignment is to prepare a Management Briefing Document to educate a sceptical Managing Director (MD). To explain to him/her why his/her company ought to adopt a Sustainability policy/culture and why in the long term his/her company may be better off for doing so.
Choose an organisation you are interested in.
1. Identify the name of the organisation and its products or services (5%-word count)
2. In the form of a literature review:
A. Explore the subject of sustainability describing initiatives of good practice and who are known to be the exemplary practitioners.
B. Explain the justification for adopting a sustainability strategy. Why is it important to the environment and to the organisation?
C. What are the potential benefits of adoption? What would be the effect of not adopting?
(50%-word count)

3. Consider your chosen organisation:
A. Select one Sustainability initiative you would like your chosen organisation to adopt. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe why you would like to see the organisation adopting that initiative.
B. Explain what the benefits to them of would be adopting the initiative, and what would be the type of costs the organisation would have to meet to introduce the initiative. (30%-word count)

4. Looking to the future:
Choose one Sustainability initiative that is of interest to you. Give a forecast of how you think it might develop in the future. (15%-word count)

Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes that are being assessed in this assignment are:
C. Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in service and product-related operations.
D. Develop problem solving skills within the context of the module.
E. Demonstrate an awareness of relevant social and ethical issues.

Format for the submitted work:
The work must be submitted in a Report format which addresses the task clearly. The word limit for this assignment is 1500 words (+/- 10%). It is important that students properly research this assignment and provide accurate and appropriate referencing. As a rough guide, a student should provide a minimum of 6 appropriate references to support the work, the age of the texts should be mainly less than ten years old, and the Harvard referencing must be used throughout.

Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assignment. Please see the grading rubric at the end of this assignment brief for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.

Front sheet shows STUDENT NAME and NUMBER
NAME and DESCRIPTION OF CHOSEN COMPANY – products, services, customers,
LITERATURE REVIEW OF THE TOPIC – review literature on sustainability, explain why we should adopt sustainability, identify the good sustainability initiatives, what companies use them? What are benefits are available? What are the implications of not adopting them?
APPLICATION TO CHOSEN ORGANISATION-selected initiative, why should they adopt it? What are the benefits? What type of costs will need to be covered?
SINGLE SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE FUTURE FORECAST- how might one chosen initiative develop in the future.
Standard of PRESENTATION and REFERENCING –report is clearly laid out. A good standard of grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraphs, and quotations. Adequate Harvard Referencing style is used.

Where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to which the requirements of the assessment have been met.
It should follow the standard report structure provided to you in lectures and will be awarded in the following areas:

Marking scheme

The following should be covered Comments from marker Mark
Structure and Content
Is there a clear, well-structured introduction? Aligned Format 10/100
Literature Review & In-text citations
• The problem, challenge, or topic is clearly and succinctly summarized and presented.
• The appropriate literature is covered in depth without being redundant.
• Incorporated only relevant information to the chosen topic
Research on the topic
• Demonstrates clear and robust understanding of design methodology. Design includes a primary research intervention. 25/100
Analysis of the topic
• Has the analysis been correctly conducted using relevant statistics & data analysis? 25/100
Synthesis, Conclusion, and Recommendation
• was able to make succinct and precise conclusions.
• specific and relevant recommendations have been provided with examples.
• Harvard Referencing is followed. 15/100

All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the published deadline which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted – ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.

Any late work will not be accepted and a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment task in question.

You are requested to keep a copy of your work.

Assessment Guidance

You will be expected to read the text and materials presented to make sure you understand the context, grasp the detail, and then review the key elements using the key operations and change strategy models and process, drawing on evidence from case studies to justify your views.

You can carry out further research, however you must only use material drawn from credible sources such as: academic articles and texts; quality newspaper and business periodicals, e.g., the FT, The Economist, and the official website. You should not use unreliable sources such as non-reviewed websites, e.g., Wikipedia.

All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the published deadline which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted – ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.

Any late work will NOT be accepted and a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment task in question.

You are requested to keep a copy of your work.

2.0 Additional Information
2.1 Grading Scheme
Amity Global Institute uses the following grading scheme for its courses.
Grade Range of marks
Distinction 70%+
Merit 60% – 69%
Pass 40% – 59%
Fail 0% – 39%

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2.2 Progression criteria

Amity Global Institute courses are modular and there are no pre-requisite modules. Hence the concept of ‘progression’ to the next level does not apply to the Amity Global Institute courses. Students who have failed a module may choose to re-take the module. Hence, a progression criterion at Amity Global Institute is student progression to the next level of the programme or to the next educational level.

2.3 Award criteria

When the students have completed all the sufficient modules and amassed enough credits, they graduate. All assessments are held every semester, and a student if fails can retake the assessment without any difficulty or time lag.

2.4 Appeal Procedure

• Students who have not passed their modules may submit an appeal for review of results using AGI-SS-FRM-020 Results Appeal Form through the Student Support Officer giving their reasons.
• This appeal must be submitted within 1 week of the release of exam results.
• The Student Support Officer passes the Appeal Form to the Principal, who obtains the response from the teacher/marker on the merit of the appeal.
• Principal then submits the appeals with the teacher’s response to the Examination Board for decision.
• The principal communicates the decisions of the Exam Board to the students of the outcome of their appeal and the same is updated in the results in the Examination Register and the student is issued with the revised Results Notification Letter. (Subject to any changes in the results)
• Amity Global Institute works within the following timelines for processing and release of the final exam results and appeal results.
a) Release of final exam results – within 4 weeks after completion of the final paper of the examination
b) Release of appeal results – within 4 weeks from the official date of release of the exam results (or 3 weeks from the close of the appeal period)
• Amity Global Institute returns the examination scripts / assignments to students after 4 weeks or more from the official date of release of the examination results.
• A student whose appeal is unsuccessful may apply to Amity Global Institute to take a re-test (also referred as re-sit) with payment of a re-test fee. This application must be submitted within 1 week of the release of the appeal results. If the student fails the re-test, he must either repeat the module to accumulate the required number of passed modules for graduation.
• A student who chooses not to appeal may apply to Amity Global Institute to take a re-test, with payment of a re-test fee, within 1 week of the release of the exam results.

2.5 Assessment Offences

As an academic community, we recognise that the principles of truth, honesty and mutual respect are central to the pursuit of knowledge. Behaviour that undermines those principles weakens the community, both individually and collectively, and diminishes our values. We are committed to ensuring that every student and member of staff is made aware of the responsibilities she/he bears in maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and how those standards are protected.

You are reminded that any work that you submit must be your own. When you are preparing your work for submission, it is important that you understand the various academic conventions that you are expected to follow to make sure that you do not leave yourself open to accusations of plagiarism (e.g., the correct use of referencing, citations, footnotes etc.) and that your work maintains its academic integrity.

Definitions of Assessment Offences


Plagiarism is theft and occurs when you present someone else’s work, words, images, ideas, opinions, or discoveries, whether published or not, as your own. It is also when you take the artwork, images or computer-generated work of others, without properly acknowledging where this is from, or you do this without their permission.

You can commit plagiarism in examinations, but it is most likely to happen in coursework, assignments, portfolios, essays, dissertations and so on.

Examples of plagiarism include:
• directly copying from written work, physical work, performances, recorded work or images, without saying where this is from.
• using information from the internet or electronic media (such as DVDs and CDs) which belongs to someone else and presenting it as your own.
• rewording someone else’s work, without referencing them; and
• handing in something for assessment which has been produced by another student or person.

It is important that you do not plagiarise – intentionally or unintentionally – because the work of others and their ideas are their own. There are benefits to producing original ideas in terms of awards, prizes, qualifications, reputation and so on. To use someone else’s work, words, images, ideas or discoveries is a form of theft.


Collusion is like plagiarism as it is an attempt to present another’s work as your own. In plagiarism the original owner of the work is not aware you are using it, in collusion two or more people may be involved in trying to produce one piece of work to benefit one individual or plagiarising another person’s work.

Examples of collusion include:

• agreeing with others to cheat.
• getting someone else to produce part or all your work.
• copying the work of another person (with their permission);
• submitting work from essay banks.
• paying someone to produce work for you; and
• allowing another student to copy your own work.

Many parts of academic life need students to work together. Working as a team, as directed by your tutor, and producing group work is not collusion. Collusion only happens if you produce joint work to benefit of one or more person and try to deceive another (for example the assessor).


Cheating is when someone aims to get unfair advantage over others.
Examples of cheating include:

• taking unauthorised material into the examination room.
• inventing results (including experiments, research, interviews and observations);
• handing your own previously graded work back in.
• getting an examination paper before it is released.
• behaving in a way that means other students perform poorly.
• pretending to be another student; and
• trying to bribe members of staff or examiners.

Help to Avoid Assessment Offences

Most of our students are honest and want to avoid committing assessment offences. We have a variety of resources, advice and guidance available to help make sure you can develop good academic skills. We will make sure that we make available consistent statements about what we expect. You will be able to do tutorials on being honest in your work from the library and other support services and faculties, and you will be able to test your written work for plagiarism using ‘Turnitin’ (a software package that detects plagiarism).

You can get advice on how to use honestly the work of others in your own work from your lecturer and personal tutor.

If you are not sure whether the way you are working meets our requirements, you should talk to your personal tutor, module tutor or other member of academic staff. They will be able to help you and tell you about other resources which will help you develop your academic skills.

Procedures for assessment offences

An assessment offence is the general term used to define cases where a student has tried to get unfair academic advantage in an assessment for himself or herself or another student.

We will fully investigate all cases of suspected assessment offences. If we prove that you have committed an assessment offence, an appropriate penalty will be imposed which, for the most serious offences, includes expulsion from Amity Global Institute.

Appendix 1. Re-Assessment Information

Assessment will be confirmed before the re-assessment period
The assessment for this module consists of two forms of assessment. Submission dates are as indicated.

If you are required to complete a re-sit assessment for this module, you are required to amend / correct the mistakes of the first submission. Do not choose a different organisation.

Part Type of assessment Word or time limit Mark Submission method Submission dates
1 Written Assignment One Study on Lean Management & Lead Time 1,500(+/-10%) 100% Online submission to Blackboard TBA

2 Written Assignment Two – Study on Sustainability & Change 1,500 (+/-10%) 100% Online submission to Blackboard TBA

Programme Name: Advanced Diploma in Business Administration

Student’s ID
Student’s Name
Lecturer’s Name Mr. Francis Tan
Module name Operations and Change Management
Date of submission
Submission deadline

Marker’s Comments

Marker’s Name:

Initial Marks Awarded /100
Penalty on Late Submission
Final Marks Awarded /100

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