Diversity in Society

Movie Analysis Paper SOSC201 Diversity in Society Assignment Points: 100 Assignment Weighting: 10% of Total Course Pts Assignment Overview: The purpose of the assignment is to analyze the cultural diversity portrayed in a movie using concepts from the course and to explore your own culture, identity, biases and more. It addresses Course Learning Outcomes 2, 3, and 7, and Excellence System Competencies as outlined in the course materials. Required elements: Required length: 4 pages minimum. Required sources: 3 sources in addition to course materials. Formatting requirements: Typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins, a cover page, and APA style. Assignment Directions: You must choose a movie from the following list. After you have watched your chosen film, answer the questions using concepts/terms from the text, required readings, and/or outside sources. Be sure to include a reference for your film. You will need to briefly describe scenes in the movie, however, PLEASE DO NOT RE-TELL THE STORYLINE; just refer to the scene. Answer the questions to focus your analysis. For each question, give an example – briefly describe the scene and character. Choose one of the main characters if the movie has many main characters rather than analyze each lightly. To get a better idea of what each movie is about, go to “The Trailer Addict” website: http://www.traileraddict.com/ and type the title of any of the movies you would like to see a preview for in the search box. Click the search button and it will bring up one or several preview clips for that movie. For this assignment, it is more useful to choose a movie that is unfamiliar to you. Movie Titles: BOYS DON’T CRY SOSC201 – Diversity in Society Movie Analysis Paper 1. SYNOPSIS OF THE MOVIE Story and Plot of the movie—briefly describe (1-2 short paragraphs) Include the time frame of the story, the geographical location, the culture and the historical setting; the goal of this section is to introduce and to situate the story so that your reader can make sense of your analysis in the sections below. 2. RELATING THE MOVIE TO THE TEXT Using course materials, answer the following questions and identify which scene from the film informed your answer(s): Identify the overarching conflict and explain how labels were used to positively or negatively define group member(s). How did the film illustrate the conflict between power and oppression? Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe a scene. Did you see evidence of prejudice and/or discrimination in individual characters? Identify the types of prejudice and discrimination you saw (i.e. sexism, racism, ableism, etc.) How was the community or workplace hindered by discrimination and oppression? How would cultural competence on the part of the characters impacted the workforce or community? What changes would you have expected to see if the characters valued cultural competence? Discuss how you would expect your own culture, identity, biases, prejudices, and stereotypes to have been portrayed in the film. For example, if you were a character in the film, what would your script and behaviors have looked like? 3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION What overall impact did the movie have on you? When viewing the film identify the various different emotional responses you experienced, share the one that most surprised you and the reason behind the surprise.


Firstly, choose a movie from the provided list that you have not seen before. Watch the movie carefully and take notes while watching. Make sure to pay attention to the cultural diversity portrayed in the movie and how it relates to the concepts and terms discussed in the course.

In your paper, start with a brief synopsis of the movie, including the time frame, geographical location, culture, and historical setting. This will help the reader understand the context of the movie and its relevance to the course.

Next, use the course materials, required readings, and outside sources to answer the questions provided in the assignment prompt. Make sure to include specific scenes and characters to illustrate your points.

When analyzing the movie, consider the overarching conflict and how labels were used to positively or negatively define group members. Look for evidence of prejudice and discrimination in individual characters and identify the types of prejudice and discrimination that were portrayed. Also, analyze how the community or workplace was hindered by discrimination and oppression and how cultural competence on the part of the characters could have impacted the workforce or community.

In addition, reflect on how your own culture, identity, biases, prejudices, and stereotypes would have been portrayed in the movie if you were a character. This will help you understand the movie’s impact on you and provide a personal perspective on the topic.

Finally, summarize your analysis and provide a conclusion on the overall impact of the movie on you. Discuss the various emotional responses you experienced while watching the movie, including the one that surprised you the most and the reason behind the surprise.

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