Systems Development and User Experience (UX) Assignment Solutions

Assignment Detail:-

Number of Words: 3000

You are employed as aSystem Development Engineer in a largesystems development company, which specialises in designing and developing bespoke systems for corporate clients across a range of industries.

You have been assigned a new client that the company has recently secured. The client wishes to proceed, as soon as possible, with the development of a new information management system, and you have been assigned the management of this project.

The project will include the design and development of a working prototype of their system. The prototype of the system will be designed, developed and fully tested by you.

You must complete the following tasks

Client Systems Brief
We are a new small sized business that specialise in delivery and logistics. We deliver parcels across the UK and currently record all information using spreadsheets. We are looking to have an information management system developed for us in order to record and book deliveries, track delivery status, create delivery routes and monitor our service to our customers.

The system should have different views and permissions depending on the role, the job roles. The system will be used by suppliers, management, administrators, customers and drivers.

The system must be user friendly and accessible on a range of platforms, as we would like to issue our drivers with mobile devices in order to communicate with them and to track delivery outputs.

Task 1
The client has asked your company to proceed immediately with development and to have the new system ready without any initial planning.

Your manager has explained to the client that this is not possible due to the planning requirements and models that need to be followed. The client has asked for writteninformation on the process of system development and data systemconstruction, in order to better understand the process and agree realistic time expectations internally.

The written information must include an:

analysis of the systems development lifecycle models
examination of the problems that can occur from not using a lifecycle model
evaluation on the benefits of using a lifecycle model for systems development
analysis of software development methodologies
evaluation of the software programming languages used
explanation on how information flows between a user and a product or service
LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

LO2 AC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

Merit Task
To achieve a Merit, you must create a user and system requirements document based on the client system brief document


Distinction Task
To achieve a Distinction, your written information must evaluate the impact that requests for changes can have on a systems development project

In addition you must construct a business case for the software development projectfor the client

LO1 1D1 LO2 2D1

Task 2
Your manager has reviewed the documentation provided in Task 1 and has now asked you to continue with this project. As part of the package which will be formally handed over to the client for review is a ‘Systems Development Information Pack’ providing details on the system design, implementation and testing.

You have been asked to create the documentation for this pack. Your documentation must:

Analyse the importance of system implementation and testing
Explain the importance of evaluating a system
Assess the use of version control for software releases
Evaluate the importance of software support and maintenance
Analyse relevant laws and regulations that affect the design of a system
LO3 AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5

Task 3
1. A new member of staff has joined the User Experience (UX) team. As part of the induction you have been asked to create a Presentation to better explain the role of user experience and how to create a positive user experience within systems development.

Your presentation should:

Explore the principles of positive user experience
Identify positive and negative aspects of interface layouts
Explore how user interfaces have an impact on processes
Explain how to address the differing needs of target audiences
2. You have now been asked to create a user interface wireframe (UX) based on the systems development brief from the You must all examine the documentation and processes for training end users

You must submit:

A wireframe user interface design (UX)
Information on the documentation and processes for training end users
LO4 AC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6

Task 4
The client has asked your company to provide a prototype design of the information management system based on their requirements.

You have now been asked to design, test and evaluate a prototype of the system for the client. You must develop the user interface prototype using appropriate software tools and ensure that testing with examples of end users has been completed.

You must:

Develop a user interface prototype
Carry out testing with end users
Evaluate the success of the products usability You must submit:
screencast recording with audio commentary navigating through the completed prototype
evidence of a peer / user using the prototype and their associated feedback
an evaluation on the success of the products usability based on the feedback from the users
LO5 AC 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Distinction Task
To achieve a Merit, you must create a formal test plan for testing and submit this with the other requirements of Task 4.


Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines for assessors
The assignments submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. To achieve a merit or distinction grade, the learners must demonstrate that they have achieved all the criteria set for these grades. Where work for the pass standard is marginal, assessors can take account of any extension work completed by the learners. The suggested evidence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards.

Task number LOs and AC Suggested evidence PASS Suggested additional evidence MERIT Suggested additional evidence DISTINCTION


As a System Development Engineer, I have been assigned a new client who is looking for an information management system to be developed for their business. The project includes designing and developing a working prototype of their system that can record and book deliveries, track delivery status, create delivery routes and monitor their service to their customers. This assignment includes various tasks that need to be completed, including a client systems brief, information on the process of system development and data system construction, creating a user and system requirements document, and designing, testing and evaluating a prototype of the system for the client. In this assignment, I will be addressing all the tasks mentioned and providing the necessary solutions.

Task 1:

The client has requested the development of the new system without any initial planning, but this is not possible due to the planning requirements and models that need to be followed. Therefore, I will provide a written document that includes an analysis of the systems development lifecycle models, examination of the problems that can occur from not using a lifecycle model, evaluation on the benefits of using a lifecycle model for systems development, analysis of software development methodologies, evaluation of the software programming languages used, and explanation on how information flows between a user and a product or service.

Systems Development Lifecycle Models:

The system development lifecycle model is a process that is used to plan, design, develop, test, and maintain information systems. There are various systems development lifecycle models that are used in the industry, including the Waterfall Model, the V-Model, the Spiral Model, and the Agile Model.

The Waterfall Model is a linear sequential approach, where the project is divided into several phases, including requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Each phase is completed before moving on to the next, and there is no going back to previous phases once completed. The V-Model is a variation of the Waterfall Model, where the phases are linked in a V shape, with testing done at each phase. The Spiral Model is a risk-driven approach, where the project is divided into smaller cycles, and the risk is identified and mitigated at each stage. The Agile Model is an iterative approach, where the project is divided into sprints, and the requirements are prioritized based on their importance.

Problems of not using a Lifecycle Model:

Not using a lifecycle model can result in several problems, including incomplete or incorrect requirements, lack of proper design, poor testing, and maintenance, and increased project risk. It can also lead to increased development time and costs, as well as low-quality output.

Benefits of using a Lifecycle Model:

Using a lifecycle model can help ensure that the requirements are complete and correct, and the design is proper, leading to better quality output. It can also help in better planning and risk management, improved testing, and maintenance. It can also lead to reduced development time and costs.

Software Development Methodologies:

Software development methodologies are the approaches used to develop software. There are various software development methodologies used in the industry, including the Waterfall Model, the V-Model, the Spiral Model, the Agile Model, and the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model.

Software Programming Languages:

Software programming languages are used to develop software. There are various software programming languages used in the industry, including Java, Python, C++, and JavaScript.

Information Flow between a User and a Product or Service:

The information flow between a user and a product or service is the communication that happens between the user and the product or service. The product or service provides the user with the necessary information, and the user provides feedback to the product or service.

User and System Requirements Document:

To achieve a merit, a user and system requirements document needs to be created based on the client system brief document. The user and system requirements document should include the requirements of the system from

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