The assessment has two parts: Part 1) Oral Language Analysis
a) Collect two oral language samples of a focus child, aged between two and five years.*
Sample 1: Focus child playing with another child.
Sample 2: An interaction between you and the focus child.
? Ensure you seek the permission of parents/carers and children.
? Record the conversation. If you are unable to record the sample then take detailed written notes.
? Five to ten minutes of conversation is appropriate.
* If you are not currently working with children, an alternative approach to collecting a language sample will be suggested on the site.
b) Transcribe a small section from each of the recorded samples into written form.
Each transcript should be no more than a page in length.
? Include the two transcripts in your assessment as an Appendix.
? The transcript should be true to what the child said, i.e., exact expression of words and sentences.
? Do not make grammatical or language corrections when transcribing .
? Use line numbers to denote a change in speaker. This will assist when referring to examples in your analysis.
? Use pseudonyms for the children to maintain confidentiality.
Each transcript should be set out as shown in the following example.
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note the details of the context for each sample using Halliday’s three key features that influence a language register – the field, tenor and mode (as described by Fellowes & Oakley, 2020 in the prescribed textbook).

c) Write a report
This report will include background information on the focus child and the context, an analysis of the focus child’s oral language development, a critique of adult participation in the language exchange and a conclusion.
i. Background information on the focus child and the context (Approx. 200 words)
Begin the report with some background information regarding your focus child (age, language spoken at home etc.). The information will be relevant to this child’s oral language development. Include a brief context for each of the language samples included in this assessment
ii. Analysis of the focus child’s oral language development and critique of adult participation (Approx. 1200 words)
Analyse the child’s language development using the transcripts. Your analysis will include:
? Developmental milestones and the components of spoken language with reference to the focus child.
? Functions for which the child is using language (as proposed by either Halliday or Tough) and the concept of a language register by comparing the language used within each conversational context.
? Identify specific techniques used by the adult that may have enabled or constrained the child’s use of language.
In your analysis you must refer to elements of your transcript to provide examples and make clear links to readings.
iii. Conclusion (Approx. 200 words)
Conclude your report with a discussion on the importance of early childhood educator- family partnerships in relation to children’s oral language development. iv) Appendix (Maximum 2 pages not included in the word count) Two language transcripts. Part 2) Family Newsletter
d) Prepare a Family Newsletter (150-200 words maximum)
? Design an A4 sized single page newsletter for families about promoting children’s language development within the home environment.
? Include practical tips and ideas and some simple reading for families to follow up.
? The newsletter will be aesthetically pleasing with graphics and pictures included.
Remember to include a Reference List (using APA 7th Edition ( assets/pdf_file/0011/3371843/Charles-Sturt-University-APA-7th-ed.-ReferencingSummary.pdf))
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to identify environments that enhance children’s language and literacy development.
• be able to analyse and describe children’s oral language development.
• understand the key role adults can play in enhancing or impeding children’s language and literacy development.
• understand and be able to explain teaching strategies which assist the development of children’s talk, thinking and emergent literacy.
• demonstrate awareness of promoting children’s language and literacy through using a range of play-based learning experiences (e.g. dramatic play, music and movement).
In completing this assignment you will apply knowledge gained from the set readings in a practical situation. It provides you with opportunities to further develop an understanding about several aspects of young children’s early language development.

Criterion High Distinction
Well structured Report begins with an and coherent extremely well report with a structured, engaging tertiary standard and succinct of writing and introduction. High referencing. level of accuracy and control in articulation
5 marks of ideas. Logical and
coherent text structure. Sustained evidence of correct citation and referencing [APA 7th edition style].
Effectively Report demonstrates a articulates well formulated and knowledge of extremely thorough oral language analysis that: development
and reflects a deep
demonstrates understanding of all ability to make key concepts and critical explicit metalanguage connections of the subject, and between the includes explicit,
Charles Sturt University Subject College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline
EML302 202330 B D
Version 1 – Published 13 February 2023
Distinction Credit Pass
Report begins with a Report begins with a The report begins with well structured and coherent and sound a generally clear clear introduction. introduction. Ideas are introduction. Lack of High level of accuracy clearly articulated clarity in places. Text and control in using accurate structure may lack articulation of ideas. sentence structure. Text clear organisation. Logical and coherent structure is clearly Minor spelling, text structure. organised. Consistent punctuation or Consistent approach approach to citation grammatical errors. to citation and and referencing [APA Mostly consistent referencing [APA 7th 7th style] with few approach to citation style]. errors. and referencing [APA
7th style] with few errors.
Report demonstrates a Report demonstrates a Report demonstrates well formulated and generally well an adequately comprehensive formulated and sound formulated and basic analysis that: analysis that: analysis that:
reflects a thorough
understanding of all reflects a sound reflects a developing key concepts and understanding of most understanding of explicit metalanguage key concepts and most key concepts of the subject, and explicit metalanguage and explicit includes explicit, of the subject, and metalanguage of the perceptive, integrated includes some explicit, subject, and
The report is not introduced adequately or introduction is not clear. Significant number of spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors per page. Text structure lacks appropriate organisation. Inadequate [APA 7th style] citation and referencing.
Report does not demonstrate an adequately formulated or basic analysis or,
does not reflect a developing understanding of key concepts and/ or explicit
Page 13 of 24

Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F
transcriptions insightful, well and generally well perceptive and well includes some well metalanguage of and subject integrated, perceptive substantiated substantiated integrated and the subject or, content. and well substantiated connections between connections between substantiated includes tenuous connections between examples from examples from connections between connections
30 marks examples from language samples and language samples and examples from between examples language samples and relevant literature relevant literature. language samples and from language
relevant literature. relevant literature. samples and
relevant literature.

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of environments that support children’s language acquisition through a discussion regarding partnerships with families and throughout the newsletter.
15 marks
Charles Sturt University Subject College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline
EML302 202330 B D
Version 1 – Published 13 February 2023
A well synthesised and A thorough and A generally well A generally well articulated discussion, generally well articulated discussion, articulated demonstrating articulated discussion, demonstrating a sound discussion, exceptional knowledge demonstrating knowledge and demonstrating a basic and understanding of comprehensive understanding of knowledge and supporting children’s knowledge and supporting children’s understanding of language acquisition understanding of language acquisition supporting children’s through partnerships supporting children’s through partnerships language acquisition with parents. language acquisition with parents. through partnerships A well designed, highly through partnerships A generally well with parents. engaging, creative and with parents. designed and An informative informative newsletter A well designed, informative newsletter newsletter demonstrating creative and demonstrating a sound demonstrating basic
exceptional knowledge informative newsletter knowledge of how the knowledge of how the of how the home demonstrating a home environment can home environment environment can thorough knowledge encourage children’s can encourage encourage children’s of how the home oral language children’s oral oral language environment can development. language development. encourage children’s development.
oral language development.
An unsatisfactory discussion showing limited knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s language acquisition through partnerships with parents. An inadequate newsletter demonstrating limited knowledge of how the home environment can encourage
children’s oral language development.

Part 1: Oral Language Analysis
Background Information
The focus child is a 4-year-old girl named Mia. She is the only child in her family. Her parents are both professionals and work long hours. Mia attends preschool three days a week.

Transcript 1
Mia is playing with her friend, Olivia, in the preschool playground.

Olivia: Let’s play house!

Mia: Okay, I’ll be the mommy and you can be the daddy.

Olivia: Okay, I’ll go get the baby.

Olivia runs off and comes back a few minutes later with a doll.

Olivia: Here’s the baby!

Mia: Oh, she’s so cute! Let’s put her to bed.

Mia and Olivia put the baby doll to bed in a dollhouse.

Mia: Now let’s go make dinner.

Mia and Olivia go to the kitchen and pretend to make dinner.

Olivia: I’m making spaghetti!

Mia: I’m making pizza!

Mia and Olivia play in the kitchen for a while longer.

Olivia: I’m tired. Let’s go take a nap.

Mia: Okay, I’m tired too.

Mia and Olivia lay down on the floor and take a nap.

Transcript 2
Mia is sitting at the kitchen table with her mother.

Mother: How was your day at preschool?

Mia: It was good! We played house and made dinner.

Mother: That sounds fun! What did you learn today?

Mia: We learned about the solar system.

Mother: Oh, that’s interesting! Can you tell me about it?

Mia: Sure! The solar system is made up of the sun and eight planets. The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Mother: That’s great, Mia! You’re learning so much at preschool.

Mia: I know! I love going to preschool!

In Transcript 1, Mia is using language to play pretend. She is taking on the role of a mommy and is using language to direct Olivia’s actions. She is also using language to describe the actions that she and Olivia are taking. For example, she says, “Let’s put her to bed” and “Now let’s go make dinner.”

In Transcript 2, Mia is using language to communicate with her mother. She is telling her mother about her day at preschool and what she learned. She is also using language to ask questions. For example, she asks, “What did you learn today?” and “Can you tell me about it?”

Mia’s language development is progressing well. She is using language in a variety of ways, including to play pretend, to communicate with others, and to learn new things.

Critique of Adult Participation
In Transcript 1, the adult (Olivia’s mother) is playing a supportive role. She is not taking over the play, but is instead allowing Mia to take the lead. She is also providing positive feedback and encouragement. For example, she says, “That sounds fun!” and “Great, Mia! You’re learning so much at preschool!”

In Transcript 2, the adult (Mia’s mother) is also playing a supportive role. She is asking Mia questions and providing opportunities for Mia to share what she has learned. She is also providing positive feedback and encouragement. For example, she says, “That’s great, Mia! You’re learning so much at preschool!”

The adult participation in both transcripts is helping to promote Mia’s language development. The adults are providing opportunities for Mia to use language in a variety of ways, and they are providing positive feedback and encouragement.

Mia’s language development is progressing well. She is using language in a variety of ways, including to play pretend, to communicate with others, and to learn new things. The adult participation in both transcripts is helping to promote Mia’s language development. The adults are providing opportunities for Mia to use language in a variety of ways, and they are providing positive feedback and encouragement.

Part 2: Family Newsletter
Title: How to Promote Your Child’s Oral Language Development


Oral language is the foundation for all learning. Children who develop strong oral language skills are better able to succeed in school and in life. There are many things that parents can do to promote their child’s oral language development.

Tips for Parents

Talk to your child often

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