Traditional two-parent family

This class will be an exercise in exploring diversity in American families. Below is a list of various types of families within our culture. Students are asked to select one of the following family types: (I recommend choosing one that is different from your own.) o Traditional two-parent family o Single-parent family o Couple without children o Gay or lesbian couple with a child o Culturally-unique family (newly immigrated)
o Mixed race family o Family with a disabled child o Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One parent with a disability such as serious illness or other handicap, i.e., alcoholism, diabetes, cancer, paralysis o Extended family living with nuclear family Each student researches all of the following as it relates to their “family” as indicated above: o Gender issues of work/roles in family o Influence of social class on the family o Role of race/ethnicity on the family o Religious influence Be sure to include at least three of the following problems that families often face: o Emotional problems/mental illness/learning disabilities o Physical illness (chronic disease, such as heart disease, cancer) o Violence o Other stressors (divorce, money, time, kids) o Discrimination issue (sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.) o Death or other tragedy o Drug abuse
o Aging parent issues (i.e., the sandwich generation) Example: You selected the “family” that consists of a gay or lesbian couple with a child. In the context of that particular family group, research the following: 1) gender roles; 2) social class; 3) role of race/ethnicity and; 4) religious influence. In addition, choose at least three issues that your “family” might face such as a death in the family, domestic violence, and mental illness. You are also free to include other stressors that are not noted in this handout. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One example is relocation to a part of the country (or world) where you are far from support systems (family friends, etc.). Be creative! Some students have conducted personal interviews with individuals whose family constellation is similar to the one they are researching for this class – another great idea!
The paper: • Five pages; double spaced; 12 pt. font; cover and reference pages not included in the 5 pages • References: In-text citations and separate “Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited” page • College level writing – no “cutting and pasting” (paraphrase references and cite in-text); proper use of grammar; formal English (no slang)


If you selected the traditional two-parent family, you could research the following aspects:

Gender issues and work roles in the family: In the traditional two-parent family, the father often assumes the role of the breadwinner, while the mother takes care of the household and the children. However, this division of labor is not absolute, and some families may have a more equitable distribution of work and responsibilities.

Influence of social class on the family: Social class can affect the type of employment opportunities, education, and lifestyle of families. For example, a middle-class family may have greater access to educational and employment opportunities and may live in a more affluent neighborhood than a lower-class family.

Role of race/ethnicity on the family: Race and ethnicity can impact a family’s culture, values, and traditions. For example, a family with Latino roots may have a strong emphasis on family unity and respect for elders.

Religious influence: Religion can play a significant role in shaping family beliefs and values, as well as in decision-making processes and daily routines.

As for the issues that families often face, here are three examples that a traditional two-parent family may encounter:

Emotional problems/mental illness/learning disabilities: Family members may face emotional or mental health issues that can impact their relationships and daily functioning.

Other stressors (divorce, money, time, kids): Families may experience stress related to finances, managing their time, or raising children, which can put a strain on their relationships.

Aging parent issues (i.e., the sandwich generation): In some cases, families may have to provide care and support for aging parents while also raising their own children, leading to increased stress and pressure on family members.

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