Geopolitical Considerations of China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative and Port Developments Introduction The Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSRI), a cornerstone of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched in 2013, is a comprehensive strategy aimed at revitalizing ancient maritime trade routes and forging stronger economic and political connections across Asia, Europe, and Africa (Wang, 2020). […]
A Comparative Analysis of Legal Costs and Procedures for Maritime Disputes Across Different Jurisdictions. Maritime disputes, involving issues such as cargo claims, charter party disagreements, and collisions, are a significant aspect of international trade law. The resolution of these disputes often involves complex legal procedures and varying costs depending on the jurisdiction. This paper examines […]
Addressing Challenges Faced by Seafarers: Wages, Working Conditions, and Safety at Sea Seafarers play a crucial role in global trade and commerce, yet they often face numerous challenges in their work environment. This paper examines the key issues confronting maritime workers, focusing on wages, working conditions, and safety at sea. By analyzing these concerns, we […]
The Role of Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) in Reducing Crew Fatigue and Improving Safety Culture on Board Ships Fatigue is a pervasive issue in the maritime industry, with crew members often working long hours in a high-stress environment. This can lead to decreased performance, increased risk of accidents, and compromised safety on board ships. […]
Maritime Incident Reporting in Nigeria: An Analysis of Trends, Gaps, and Recommendations Maritime incidents are events that occur on or involve vessels, platforms, or other structures in the marine environment, and that result in loss of life, injury, damage, pollution, or disruption of normal operations. Maritime incident reporting is the process of collecting, analyzing, and […]
Research on the safety assessment of navigation situation in the bridge waters. Safety Assessment of Navigation Situation in Bridge Waters Bridges are essential infrastructure that connect landmasses and facilitate transportation. However, the construction of bridges can also have a negative impact on navigation safety. This is because bridges can obstruct the view of the water, […]
Enhancing Ship-Port Interface Safety Management: The ship-port interface represents a critical point of convergence between maritime vessels and ports, where various safety concerns must be addressed. Effective safety management at this interface is paramount to safeguarding human lives, protecting the environment, and ensuring the smooth operation of maritime activities. This research essay aims to delve […]
Evaluating the Impact of the EVREST Maritime Regulatory Framework on Rest and Work Hours: Cultivating a Culture of Adjustment The maritime industry plays a crucial role in global trade and transportation, with millions of seafarers working tirelessly to ensure the smooth operation of vessels. However, the demanding nature of their work exposes them to various […]
Methods of Ship’s Autonomous Collision Avoidance in Complex Environments Collisions at sea are a serious safety hazard, and they can result in significant property damage, loss of life, and environmental pollution. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the development of autonomous ships that can navigate and avoid collisions without human intervention. Autonomous […]
Maritime Safety and Risk Management: Mitigating Hazards for Safe Seafaring Introduction The maritime industry is the backbone of international trade, contributing to over 90% of global trade. Despite its importance, maritime transportation is one of the most hazardous industries, with a high likelihood of accidents resulting in fatalities, injuries, and property damage. Maritime safety and […]