This opinion piece by Henry Cisneros, former secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, contends that housing options in America are not prepared for older adults’ growing desire to “age in place.” As the population of older adults continues to rise, this issue is becoming increasingly relevant. Without adequate changes in housing […]
The Foreign Policy of Vladimir Putin and its Impact on Global Security 1. Introduction The Russian Federation became an independent country after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The early years of post-Soviet Russia were dominated by Boris Yeltsin, who served as the first President of Russia from 1991 to 1999. After Yeltsin’s […]
Human Rights Concerns in China: Balancing Development with Individual Freedoms 1. Introduction More than half a century ago, the Communist Party of China came to power. After several years of political instability, the new government, led by Chairman Mao Zedong, started a campaign for rapid industrialization. But ordinary people suffered under policies which emphasized collective […]
PLCY702 W1. What do political scientists mean when they speak of constitutionalism? What does it mean to speak of constitutionalism as distinct from particular constitutions? What are some of the features of modern constitutionalism that may account for it having become, in effect, the only form of government recognized as legitimate? Constitutionalism: Unveiling its Significance […]
Assignment 1: Two Short Essays Due: Upon completion of Unit 2 Weighting: 15% of final grade Length: Approximately 200 words (1 page) each; total of 400 to 450 words Instructions: Select two (2) of the following questions and prepare a short-essay response to each question. 1. Is Hunt and Lautzenheiser’s discussion of the impossibility of […]
How did the dissolution of the Soviet Union impact the dynamics of international relations between Eastern Europe and the Western countries? Has the expansion of the European Union towards Eastern European nations been beneficial or detrimental to the ideal of a unified Europe? The global response to COVID-19: Evaluating the effectiveness of international cooperation and […]
The Israeli-Arab Conflict Discussion Essay Introduction The Israeli-Arab conflict is a longstanding issue that has been at the forefront of international politics for decades. The conflict has its roots in the early 20th century, when Jewish immigrants began settling in Palestine, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire. Over the years, tensions between Jews […]
Review, study, and report on a domestic or international terrorist event. Pick one of the following events or an event of your choice. Mumbai, World Trade Center, Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing., The Aurora, Colorado active shooter incident., Then, address the following:, Look for indicators that might have been missed in preventing the event. Suggest […]
Using the primary texts supplied, you will choose two corresponding (paired) Progressive Era documents and two Civil Rights Era documents and write a 750-word essay that examines how reformers/activists, organizations and institutions of different periods best used the thematic concepts that framed this course when making their arguments (Self-Determination, Liberty, Dignity, and Equality). For each […]
The Rise of Populism in Contemporary Politics: Causes, Consequences, and Challenges The rise of populism has become a defining feature of contemporary politics, with populist movements and leaders emerging in various countries around the world. This essay will examine the causes, consequences, and challenges of the rise of populism in contemporary politics. Causes of Populism […]